24/0 is great but...

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
You prove my point that gay people have mental problems. I will pray for you.
If you ever pray for me I will come to CS, slash your tires, rape your cat, and set you on fire, figuratively. That sort of praying is self-righteous condescension at best. That comment literally makes me sick to my stomach. I'm as straight as an arrow, but I play a bisexual character on the internet.


Well-Known Member
WAIT! Look here mongo~See what Riddle is doing with T5's and DROOL!

Although i know riddle from way back he has some off the wall theories about things like flushing with ice water,, Haha i guess if you want to kill your plants ??

Its like banging your women then grabbing her by the throat and chocking her out what gains is that going to give her hahaha .

I like the theory of what mother nature throws at plants from the areas of which the strain comes from. That your growing if its windy then hammer the plants with fans if there is high humid then give them the same
We also agree that its important for plants to have its Nights ( Cool down period ) people think that plants only grow under the Sun So untrue many things happen like root growth plant growth etc just because one end of the plant is not recieving its energy source does not mean other end is not using its banked energy in growth
If people started getting back to the basics other then trying to jump into experiments we would see 90 percent less issues with plants
Its only us stoners that have to make it difficult, for the next generation or new grower's today with flushing , de leafing a plant in flower, or light hrs for a plant

Truth is there is no other way in speeding up plants growth rates by messing with lights
simple veg or re vegging a plant 18 hrs an up will do the trick
flowering pending on age of plant 14 - 10 hrs will do the trick

Industry standard is 18 /6 and 12 /12 KISS keep it simple stupids lol

I really get a kick when you here light hrs like 8 on 2 off then 6 on then 8 off lol WTF people WHY


Well-Known Member
I like the theory of what mother nature throws at plants from the areas of which the strain comes from. That your growing if its windy then hammer the plants with fans if there is high humid then give them the same

Indoor growing is about providing a better environment, for example keeping them protected against the weather, mimicking nature is and should not be the goal.

Industry standard is 18 /6 and 12 /12 KISS keep it simple stupids lol
http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/appeal-to-common-practice.html besides that leaving the light on is KISS, stupid.

"The basic idea behind the fallacy is that the fact that most people do X is used as "evidence" to support the action or practice. It is a fallacy because the mere fact that most people do something does not make it correct, moral, justified, or reasonable."

...especially in the cannabis industry. Using different photoperiods than outdoor is industry standard practice in standardized agriculture and horticulture industries where results are based on verifiable facts, not fallacies.


Well-Known Member
Where is the check mark when I donate blood that has me identify myself as a homosexual?

I think I missed that one... Maybe I'll have the red Cross RN explain it to me?
That is actually a law about them donating blood. Have they changed the checklist?
If you ever pray for me I will come to CS, slash your tires, rape your cat, and set you on fire, figuratively. That sort of praying is self-righteous condescension at best. That comment literally makes me sick to my stomach. I'm as straight as an arrow, but I play a bisexual character on the internet.
You sound like a sodomite.


Well-Known Member
Truth is when it comes down to indoor growing we give them a poor spectrum for plant growth nothing beats the sun in most cases air in can be more harmful then out door air being its contaminated with more pathogens dust mites etc etc .
most grow rooms have not the wind power to make a plant strong and sturdy as its well documented most either stake up there plants or run netting

Its not because the weight its because the plant does not have the build it needs also wind travels in all directions where as grow rooms usually one or 2 ways
most people are to cheap to spend 1 - 10,000 dollars on a real environment room
And most importantly is insects the good the bad and the ugly ,, are actually a blessing in disguise not only do outdoor plants build up a immune system, compared to indoor plants they tend to be so much stronger then there pampered indoor grows ..
its no wonder when comparing a out door plant with 8 week veg is 10- 12 feet tall tree capable of producing 3 - 9 pounds of product and a indoor plant 4 - 5 feet max height and 2 pounders if your lucky

Its true we pamper our plants to much indoor , compared to out door where droughts are in place wet spells etc hot days , cold days strong winds and know winds shit i wish i would of took a pic of stalk from out door even with indoor plants i grow are pretty big but again nothing like out door in some cases size of your neck

And yes good growers need to try to mimic the area where the strain comes from

Here African strain RH al year round 60 and where i left it veg n flower gallery_11738_4816_10761.jpg gallery_11738_4816_21380.jpg gallery_11738_4880_9792.jpg


Well-Known Member
PS :
According to the EPA, our indoor environment is two to five times more toxic than our outdoor environment, and in some cases, the air measurements indoors have been found to be 100 times more polluted.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer and the World Health Organization have concluded that 80% of all cancers are attributed to environmental rather than genetic factors, including exposure to carcinogenic chemicals, many of which are found in household cleaning products.

The World Health Organization (WHO) agrees, reporting that almost 3% of the global burden of disease is due to indoor air pollution. We spend as much as 90% of our lives indoors nowadays and researchers are investigating our exposure to indoor pollutants as contributing causes to rising incidence of autism, allergies and toxin load.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
People all over Colorado springs get clones and seeds from me. My last name is Bender. Put your money where your mouth is. How much do you wanna bet?
Are you powered by alcohol? Do you fart fire? We already know about the BS part........


Well-Known Member
if the lights are off, the plant isn't photosynthesizing aka growing.

also, closer node spacing, shorter veg times, easier to keep constant temps and RH% too with lights always on.

a chiller is almost required for dwc for consistently good results
Agree with all. The chiller is a MUST!

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
There is no longer a ban on donations from previously excluded groups of men. Just updated this year.

Still can't donate if you've had male to male sexual contact within 12months, or if you've completed treatment for syphilis or the clap within 12months, or if you use nonRx IV drugs.... there's more but that's from the top of the head...

I always thought it was interesting that a promiscuous heterosexual woman could donate without discrimination, but a celibate gay man was banned from donation. But at least now, the guidelines are more realistic...


Well-Known Member
Strong fans and wind make the plants stronger. Outdoor yields much more than indoors. Stress at the right time makes them stronger and healthier.


Well-Known Member
1 if grow room is at proper temps, plants are already at proper temps
2 don't have insects, disease or high winds in my grow room
3 plants don't get sick and have no immune system. nutrients are used at the root zone first anyway

i'm not gonna bother with 4 and 5.

do what you want. you'll never smoke what i grow so i don't give a flying f***
Plants don't get sick or have an immune system? Earthworm castings make a plant more resistant to powdery mildew and healthier plants don't have the problems that sick weak plants have. I also refer to this as an immune system for lack of a better word.


Well-Known Member
Stop giving bad advice. Give your plants and lights a rest. 18 on 6 off is perfect. When you go from on 24 to on 18 it will trigger flower. Go to 16 on for a few days, then 17 on for a few days. Then you get to 18/6 by gradual increase,replicating spring not fall. Also if you get preflowers in veg, nitrogen without p k will help. I provide clones to people and so most of my clones go from my 18/6 room into someone else's 20/4 room and love it, they think the days are getting longer and hit a growth spurt. They need a dark period the way GOD intended. My plants sleep, and when the lights come on the leaves pray or point toward the light. Dj short has made great observations about environment and light cycle so read what he says. And for dwc and temperature , keeping the water aerated with air stones as much as possible helps.
Take your own suggestion and stop giving bad advice yourself. Going from 24/0 to 18/6 does not trigger flowering.