The Dank Team site down??

after reading a thread on the thcfarm, im so glad i never sent this dude 1 dime!

heres one ost that i read and theres mad shit about yankee grower scamming...

Ya he ratted green man out and had his cash acounts all froze all cause yankee owed him cash he ratted to get him to shush up if thats what ya call a stand up guy then you are def part of his click of the group that kisses his and Ggg ass since he only rips off others and keeps them happy with the stolen seed so keep ordering i know i test for bodhi and been good friends with b for years and he seen enough to not sell his seeds there so whats it take ? Getting ripped yourself... If he ripped everyone he be done already but its hit or miss
now hes saying ggg snitched. i could see ggg ripping him for the cash cause thats how u do rippers when they rip you. i remember my uncle when i was like 13 telling me how when he 1st moved to town someone got him. shorted his bag, instead of smashing in their head he just put in another order and took it. then started serving them lol someone in that thread said yankeegrower doesnt even smoke, got in the game due to greed!

please stopwith the rumors...
that greenman situation already been hashed out yrs ago....greenman even said it...
thats when yankee first started and everybody was asking abo ut his biz.... again.. this happen yrs ago...
ggg situation... umm i chat with him... he NEVER said ggg snitched on him.... guess its from one of those peeps that got mad about a late order....
why are you so into about why ggg split with tdt??? you dont like ggg anyways... remember J is a tool???

you mean thc farmer snitched on stax last yr and had his site shutdown for awhile.... and thats not a rumor.....
please stopwith the rumors...
that greenman situation already been hashed out yrs ago....greenman even said it...
thats when yankee first started and everybody was asking abo ut his biz.... again.. this happen yrs ago...
ggg situation... umm i chat with him... he NEVER said ggg snitched on him.... guess its from one of those peeps that got mad about a late order....
why are you so into about why ggg split with tdt??? you dont like ggg anyways... remember J is a tool???

you mean thc farmer snitched on stax last yr and had his site shutdown for awhile.... and thats not a rumor.....
i bring up the greenman shit because i see a habit starting where yankee will rip you then rat on you. J is a fucking tool, ill let him know when i see him too,bet that! you yankee growers boy? you gonna say yankees solid and never ripped anyone too? gage USED yankee to see how much they could raise prices before ditching his ass. now yankees mad and using the snitch card lol AGAIN!
gage USED yankee to see how much they could raise prices before ditching his ass. now yankees mad and using the snitch card lol AGAIN!

LMAO.... wow... just say you dont know what happened between them... did you here that from ggg?? or tdt??
no just RUMORS.....

i bring up the greenman shit because i see a habit starting where yankee will rip you then rat on you.

AGAIN already hashed out between them.... i guess you just read the bad stufff.....

you yankee growers boy?

nah just a good customer....

is this all you do all day??? looking for dirt on breeders/banks???
reminds me of TMZ
actually i spend equals amounts EVERYWHERE....
ALL SEALED from him.... what does that make you mad??? LOL
go hate somewhere else
im so mad! im in my sandbox, pounding sand! keep defending shady biznizz cats, makes you look shady.

you think greenman was a liar? you wanna talk bout how the farm fucked stax ,but thats exactly what yankee did to greenman. got his cc froze and seized. cause yankee didnt want to pay! now shits going down again lol and u defend his shit LOL ok....
not sure why he would wanna defend scamming practices! he can argue price all he wants, bt when it comes to integrity, hard to argue when someones lacking integrity....

i dont defend none of that shit.... im going by my experiences... nothing but hate from you....
again... with the rumors... your starting a trend. the boy who cried a wolf...
you dont know shit about me... tmz....
[QUOTE="greenghost420, post: 12258263, member: 435561"
you think greenman was a liar? you wanna talk bout how the farm fucked stax ,but thats exactly what yankee did to greenman. got his cc froze and seized. cause yankee didnt want to pay! now shits going down again lol and u defend his shit LOL ok....[/QUOTE]

ok... do you understand english????
that has been hashed out YEARS ago..... greenman came out and squashed that rumor.....
keep spreading OLD NEWS
when mike jackson paid off that lil boy, you think what he did before paying was just forgotten? lol shit doesnt just get swept under the rug! not my fault youre homies a scammer, im just warning my friends ;)
[QUOTE="greenghost420, post: 12258263, member: 435561"
you think greenman was a liar? you wanna talk bout how the farm fucked stax ,but thats exactly what yankee did to greenman. got his cc froze and seized. cause yankee didnt want to pay! now shits going down again lol and u defend his shit LOL ok....

ok... do you understand english????
that has been hashed out YEARS ago..... greenman came out and squashed that rumor.....
keep spreading OLD NEWS[/QUOTE]
if shit was squashed, you would be able to buy greenman on thedank team.... but you keep holding down tdt!
ok... do you understand english????
that has been hashed out YEARS ago..... greenman came out and squashed that rumor.....
keep spreading OLD NEWS
if shit was squashed, you would be able to buy greenman on thedank team.... but you keep holding down tdt![/QUOTE]

man your sharp.... nothing gets thru you....
beating a dead horse with you.... im done...
if shit was squashed, you would be able to buy greenman on thedank team.... but you keep holding down tdt!

man your sharp.... nothing gets thru you....
beating a dead horse with you.... im done...[/QUOTE]
so you agree yankee rips breeders?
if any of you guys were at the colorado cup last year... you would know...
when tdt was at the BOG tent....
BOG showed him nothing but love in front of everybody, saying this guy is his BEST CUSTOMER....
couldnt stop hugging tdt....

but what do you know????