The UK Growers Thread!

It's still worth watching. My mind ain't made up. One of the jurors has to leave but before he goes he says it was 7-5 for not guilty or something. Can't remember it exadtly but things don't add up. Apparently since it came out he's got new lawyers and is appealing. He'd ran out of money but the publicity has bagged him some.
He does fit the look of a nonce or murderer tho haha I know ya shouldn't judge on that but...

I've been looking Into hash, is it right you can only use trim and sugar leaves? What about yellowed leaves or yellow tipped leaves? Obviously they won't be as potent if they're damaged but will they effect it?

Is there any use for the rest of the plant without needing alcohol or butane?
its quality in and quality out, worth the effort, and I only keep the 70 and 90 rest gets turned into meds, but its an effort to run it and most cant be arsed incl me most of the year
its quality in and quality out, worth the effort, and I only keep the 70 and 90 rest gets turned into meds, but its an effort to run it and most cant be arsed incl me most of the year

I want to use as much as the plant as possible as its only a small grow so getting other little bits out of it would sweeten it that bit more but need to figure out if it's worth it, suppose I can judge off this first grow if it will be.
Not bad, fella. You? Working my way through Sons of Anarchy. Only started it on the weekend and near the end of season 3 haha. You still got them pics of that AK you ran? I'm nearing the end now, few more weeks.
Nah man fucked them off I never wanna see that pice I shit again
If you's haven't seen it yet then give From dusk till dawn the tv series. I've just finished the 1st 2 seasons and it's excellent. The 1st follows the film story pretty closely with some changes to make it possible to go beyond the 1st series.

yeah i watched both seasons real quick, well worth a watch i thought aswel.
I've just been informed one of my best mates has been found dead in his house on Tuesday this week. He had a heart attack and was only 31 years old just a year older than myself, I'm shocked as fuck poor guy left a little girl who will grow up with no dad now.
Fuck man, I'm only 19 and one of my best mates died when she was 16. We hadn't even finished school. She had an internal illness, I didn't know much about it. But she was hardly ever in school for the last year, in year 11. She was absolutely stunning too

I grew up without a father, I turned out... well. Alright I guess. Power to the little girl.
I've just been informed one of my best mates has been found dead in his house on Tuesday this week. He had a heart attack and was only 31 years old just a year older than myself, I'm shocked as fuck poor guy left a little girl who will grow up with no dad now.
Thats brutal lad. Condolences to the family. Can't imagine it but it sure does happen. My mate from school (quite a big lad) dropped dead of a heart attack walking into his babies room. Poor guy was lying on the floor bairn screaming till the wife came home and found him.
Theres a genetic condition called familial hyperlipidemia, if u got both defective genes then it will get u as a teen, most have the one gene and die b4 40, really sad news man but it happens a lot and nothing to do with lifestyle usually
I read a skit from Keanu Reeves recently and it basically said your evils will get you in the end regardless of live it while you can eh.

And I am not a Keanu Reeves fan before you lot start lol....
Your here for a short time so i say enjoy it I say lads. I'm in the Lahore kebab house down commercial rd. Fackin gorgeous it is. Best bit of daaarn saaarf so far.