Marijuana Withdrawals


Well-Known Member
I have been smoking for about 5 years and I smoke a lot throughout the day everyday. I have a drug test coming up for a job so I decided to take a break from marijuana. This will be my first break. To be honest part of the reason I am taking a break is to find out if I am dependent on weed. I used to deny marijuana addiction and withdrawal symptoms and I would like to know if I am in denial. Today is my first day not smoking. I didn't wake and bake like I normally do and I felt fine. I didn't have a craving or feel the need to run and go smoke. At around lunch time is when I first felt I want to smoke to stimulate my appetite, which is one of the reasons I smoke. Even before I started smoking I've always had a problem with appetite. I would feel hungry, but food didn't look appetizing and I couldn't stomach it. I took a couple of bites of rice and ground beef and had to force myself to eat more. Just the smell of the food made me nauseous. I didn't have the sweats, my temperature didn't change, I wasn't irritable (maybe mildly so, but nothing crazy), but my appetite was 0. It's now midnight and I tried eating again, bust just couldn't. I am going to make myself a protein shake because like before I started smoking no matter how bad my appetite was I could always drink just about anything or eat fruit, but hot meals, among other things, I couldn't stomach. I am now feeling a little irritable, but I THINK it's because I'm hungry and can't eat since I was fine all day.

This brings me to my question, am I dependent on marijuana? How would I go about finding out if I am having withdrawals or if marijuana was helping me eat or if I have a loss of appetite because I am not smoking anymore and that was helping me eat? Would I experience other symptoms or is this alone a possibility?
It's all in your head. Your body does not become physically dependent on cannabis. I would say I'm a hardcore user, have been for the last 10 years or so. I smoke all day every day.

I went on a 3 week vacation to Indonesia in September, that was my first time clean in those 10 years and I was fine. I had an urge to smoke something, because of the hand to mouth habit that is formed similarly to smoking cigarettes. So I bought a pack of cigars to puff on occasionally at night and I was fine.

My family didn't think I could do it, and was generally surprised to hear I wasn't going through crazy withdrawals when I was away.

I think the food thing is just in your head, give it time and you'll be right as rain
Sometimes I don't know why I post in forums when people ignore the majority of the post and start talking about themselves...
This brings me to my question, am I dependent on marijuana?


How would I go about finding out if I am having withdrawals or if marijuana was helping me eat or if I have a loss of appetite because I am not smoking anymore and that was helping me eat?

It's all in your head

Would I experience other symptoms or is this alone a possibility?

Your fucked
That was one question of a bundle of questions in order to understand a larger point. There were also a million other things wrong with his post that was retarded. You are a fucking dumbass

Your questions answer themselves.

You used marijuana to eat. You stopped using marijuana, now you don't want to eat. Was the marijuana helping you to eat. It obviously was, ya jackass.

I can see your are irritable. Irritibility is one of the withdrawal symptoms of cannabis. You should get that checked out, brah.

Will you experience any more symptoms? Keep posting and we'll find out.
Your questions answer themselves.

You used marijuana to eat. You stopped using marijuana, now you don't want to eat. Was the marijuana helping you to eat. It obviously was, ya jackass.

I can see your are irritable. Irritibility is one of the withdrawal symptoms of cannabis. You should get that checked out, brah.

Will you experience any more symptoms? Keep posting and we'll find out.

So I am dependent on marijuana?
If you ate a cheese burger every day or drank a grape soda with your lunch for years you would crave those things because they're comfortable. If you want to change a routine its easier than if you have to do it. Changing the way you live your life in whatever way is a test of your perseverance, but youll get through it....and succeed, or fail. Good luck.
If you ate a cheese burger every day or drank a grape soda with your lunch for years you would crave those things because they're comfortable. If you want to change a routine its easier than if you have to do it. Changing the way you live your life in whatever way is a test of your perseverance, but youll get through it....and succeed, or fail. Good luck.
Someone else giving information and not answering my questions. Cool
I'm not here to chill with a bunch of morons, I am looking for specific answers. If you read my entire post you will understand why your post is really dumb. Your previous post was very obvious and not what I was asking. Maybe you should read the post more carefully. I'm really tired of posting in forums and spending pages trying to explain to people why their posts aren't helpful, so instead I will call you all fucking idiots so that people think twice before posting nonsense
Its not my fault you cant read and comprehend dude. I already answered your question, twice now. If you want me to break it down into point form notes so you can understand it then you should have asked for it like that. Ok here we go genius, just cause you cant read between the lines.

You are not addicted to marijuana. Your pre food consumption routine includes marijuana. Youve changed it. Marijuana is what you have made the choice to use to trigger your hunger. So you need a new routine. Find a new trigger to stimulate appitite.

Ya got that yet genius or do you want another more simple version you can understand?
Its not my fault you cant read and comprehend dude. I already answered your question, twice now. If you want me to break it down into point form notes so you can understand it then you should have asked for it like that. Ok here we go genius, just cause you cant read between the lines.

You are not addicted to marijuana. Your pre food consumption routine includes marijuana. Youve changed it. Marijuana is what you have made the choice to use to trigger your hunger. So you need a new routine. Find a new trigger to stimulate appitite.

Ya got that yet genius or do you want another more simple version you can understand?

*Sigh* Your claim is that my body got itself used to a routine; smoked weed, eat. Now that I am not smoking weed prior to my meals my body must get used to a new routine. I fully understand this is a possibility, but I specifically posted I had these same troubles prior to smoking weed. You either did not read this or intentionally ignored it, this is my issue with your post.
*Sigh* Your claim is that my body got itself used to a routine; smoked weed, eat. Now that I am not smoking weed prior to my meals my body must get used to a new routine. I fully understand this is a possibility, but I specifically posted I had these same troubles prior to smoking weed. You either did not read this or intentionally ignored it, this is my issue with your post.
Sigh* i dont know why im waisting my time with you. Youre failing at this horribly because youre not paying attention. Do you think making major life changes are easy? Its not, and your acting like a child because it isnt easy. There was a time you didnt smoke weed, and you didnt die from starvation right? So find a new pre meal routine that makes you hungry and work on it instead of giving up. Youll find the answer in yourself, i cant spoon feed you.
I didn't die from starvation because I ate fruit and drank liquids. I was alive, but I was skinny, weak and unhealthy. For over 20 years I could not figure out a "pre meal routine." If I misunderstood you and you are implying that the marijuana itself was not making me hungry, rather the fact that that's what I did before I ate I would have to disagree. I also do not think that a routine that does not make me hungry could. For example, I do not think juggling would cause me to eat if I juggled and then tried to eat and continued this for a really long time. It wasn't just the fact that it was a routine, the marijuana actually made me hungry. I then COULD get used to that routine and become dependent on it in that sense, but the first time I smoked I ate.

If I am still being a baby and need to just try really hard maybe some suggestions would be nice. Simply saying you're used to marijuana make yourself used to something else is not really helpful.
Sounds like you are dependent on marijuana for eating. Mj withdrawal is real but not really a big deal compared to other drugs, IMO. Good luck!
this is a weed forum, likely people will just tak shit if you mention these sort of things. its pretty saddening imo. as they really dont understand what they are even speaking on

have you considered why, before you started smoking you couldnt stand most hot meals?
this is directly related to your endocannabinoid system including the temp aspect.
with that in mind most of the people posting wouldnt have any direct experience with your "withdrawal"

are you "dependant"?
it depends in what way, your using cannabis to regulate this system. with your baseline being so low, you probably will have more severe side effects from abstinence than the avg person.

my little penny
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