Hey Liberals? Guns work!!


Well-Known Member
Why do you support funding something on an involuntary basis ?

Do you think children would be better off if they weren't taught its okay to bully people if its government doing it?

Also, the form of your question, "Why do you support a dumb America" ? was asked as if a person that doesn't support government forcibly funded schools is not in favor of people being educated. Your indoctrination has trapped you...again.
I can see you and I will always disagree on this, but I'm glad you and your family were able to take advantage of American public schools

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I can see you and I will always disagree on this, but I'm glad you and your family were able to take advantage of American public schools

No we may not ALWAYS disagree, you COULD come to your senses.

If a person takes your money without your permission is it stealing?


Well-Known Member
No we may not ALWAYS disagree, you COULD come to your senses.

If a person takes your money without your permission is it stealing?
I agreed to property taxes....so did you.
Love the fact this country offers public education.
You used it and so did your brilliant young sons.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I agreed to property taxes....so did you.
Love the fact this country offers public education.
You used it and so did your brilliant young sons.
No, an agreement to be valid, must include the option of not participating and be free from duress. The term "property tax" is an oxymoron. If you understand the meanings of both words, property, and , tax, it is self evident.

My sons aren't brilliant, bright, but not brilliant.

I love freedom, yours and mine, thus I oppose being governed absent my consent.


Well-Known Member
Its the same old crap. Any suggestion of training classes, standards for safety awareness, safe storage is met with opposition by gun owning Barneys. Making it part of school curricula would certainly stir up the anti-gun chowder heads though. I'd sure like to see the fur fly.
I dont think anyone is against optional training, even in school. It is the mandatory stuff that again is the problem.


King Tut
The irony of the gun grabbers is they will use men with guns to take away a persons guns, so that men with guns won't threaten anyone. It makes a full circle of contradiction.
I love telling people that claim that they hate guns and wish that the government would just confiscate and outlaw all guns that they aren't actually anti-gun. That they are actually very pro-gun lol.


Well-Known Member

"“[The Second Amendment] has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word 'fraud,' on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime. The real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies—the militias—would be maintained for the defense of the state. The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires.” - Chief Justin Warren Burger (R)


Well-Known Member
Yep, "hey liberals: guns work", they sure do, guns kill gun shop owners too.


2 dead, two more hospitalized. Over a $25 service charge. Those guns are vital for protection.

Shootout in gun shop over $25 kills 2, sheriff says
The McCools came to pick up a gun and got angry because there was a $25 service charge even though the gun had not been fixed, Allison told CBS affiliate WJTV.

He said Jason McLemore's wife was at the shop, and called her husband in to clear up the dispute.

"We believe there might have been some pushing and shoving," Tucker told the Sun Herald.

McLemore's wife was not injured.

At least somebody was left alive so they could close up the shop.


red w. blue

Well-Known Member
Yep, "hey liberals: guns work", they sure do, guns kill gun shop owners too.


2 dead, two more hospitalized. Over a $25 service charge. Those guns are vital for protection.

Shootout in gun shop over $25 kills 2, sheriff says
The McCools came to pick up a gun and got angry because there was a $25 service charge even though the gun had not been fixed, Allison told CBS affiliate WJTV.

He said Jason McLemore's wife was at the shop, and called her husband in to clear up the dispute.

"We believe there might have been some pushing and shoving," Tucker told the Sun

McLemore's wife was not injured.

At least somebody was left alive so they could close up the shop.
I'm sure the GUN will be locked up for this.

red w. blue

Well-Known Member
yep, that shop full of guns sure made the owner safer. Same for the idiot that thought more about his $25 than his own life. His gun sure did protect him too.
Why are you going on about this, the evil gun has been safely locked up. Does it seem strange to you that someone does something stupid?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, some of these "dumb f**kers" on this site just never have figured it out ---
One would swear, they're almost as "brain dead" as guns.
"Reality deniers".
Why are you going on about this, the evil gun has been safely locked up. Does it seem strange to you that someone does something stupid?
The premise of this thread is that guns "work" or protect their user and loved ones. The premise is flawed and basically regurgitated propaganda from the gun lobby. Gun nuts repeat this again and again. So, OK, I admit that I'm enjoying pointing out how foolish this is, again and again. For the average gun owner, guns do not make you safer.

It took two stupid actions to have tragedy like this. First, the average Barney, gun owner, imagining he is some sort of ninja warrior and strapping the gun on. The second mistake was drawing that thing. Average gun owners that carry in public or keep the gun in their car have just made that first mistake. Too bad that you don't like it when I say it.

When going about in public, the only safe act for the average gun owner is to leave that thing at home in safe storage. If they don't then they are just a Barney and a hazard to those about them. As you infer, it is not strange that a Barney did something stupid.


Well-Known Member
The premise of this thread is that guns "work" or protect their user and loved ones. The premise is flawed and basically regurgitated propaganda from the gun lobby. Gun nuts repeat this again and again. So, OK, I admit that I'm enjoying pointing out how foolish this is, again and again. For the average gun owner, guns do not make you safer.

It took two stupid actions to have tragedy like this. First, the average Barney, gun owner, imagining he is some sort of ninja warrior and strapping the gun on. The second mistake was drawing that thing. Average gun owners that carry in public or keep the gun in their car have just made that first mistake. Too bad that you don't like it when I say it.

When going about in public, the only safe act for the average gun owner is to leave that thing at home in safe storage. If they don't then they are just a Barney and a hazard to those about them. As you infer, it is not strange that a Barney did something stupid.

Buy a good quality gun and it will more than likely do what it was designed to do.

It's num-nut thoughtless humans that generally are the weak link and choose the wrong tool for the job at hand. In the case being discussed it was a human that chose to use a gun to settle a disagreement. The guns appeared to have worked as designed.

You can "jibber-jabber" all you want, deny reality to your hearts content --- a human made a bad decision and unfortunately a couple paid with their lives.

Bad things can happen when humans make bad choices. The guns didn't make the choice.

Honest and thoughtful people don't blame guns for human failure. But you're right, a person needs to know their limitation ... stay away from guns they might turn on you.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The premise of this thread is that guns "work" or protect their user and loved ones. The premise is flawed and basically regurgitated propaganda from the gun lobby. Gun nuts repeat this again and again. So, OK, I admit that I'm enjoying pointing out how foolish this is, again and again. For the average gun owner, guns do not make you safer.

It took two stupid actions to have tragedy like this. First, the average Barney, gun owner, imagining he is some sort of ninja warrior and strapping the gun on. The second mistake was drawing that thing. Average gun owners that carry in public or keep the gun in their car have just made that first mistake. Too bad that you don't like it when I say it.

When going about in public, the only safe act for the average gun owner is to leave that thing at home in safe storage. If they don't then they are just a Barney and a hazard to those about them. As you infer, it is not strange that a Barney did something stupid.

Okay. Let's test your assertion, that having a gun cannot protect you...

You are sitting at home engaged in an absurd debate about the Bernie Sanders clown with Rob Roy and he just nailed you on an excellent point and you glare at your computer, mutter some naughty things about internet know-it-alls and throw your computer against the wall in a fit of liberal rage and shout, "take that you fucking asshole!!" at the top of your lungs.

The burly psychotic and aggressive guy (maybe he's a cop) in the next apartment hears you and thinks you called HIM an asshole. He kicks in your door, and begins to cross the room to fuck you up good. He is your physical superior and there's no way in hell you can come out of a fist fight with him in good shape. He's enraged and shouts I'm going to kill you and begins to attack you, with lethal intent.....

Would you

a) like to have the means, a gun, to protect yourself against your physical superior ?

b) piss yourself and die, in a vain attempt to finally win an argument with Rob Roy?


Well-Known Member
Okay. Let's test your assertion, that having a gun cannot protect you...

You are sitting at home engaged in an absurd debate about the Bernie Sanders clown with Rob Roy and he just nailed you on an excellent point and you glare at your computer, mutter some naughty things about internet know-it-alls and throw your computer against the wall in a fit of liberal rage and shout, "take that you fucking asshole!!" at the top of your lungs.

The burly psychotic and aggressive guy (maybe he's a cop) in the next apartment hears you and thinks you called HIM an asshole. He kicks in your door, and begins to cross the room to fuck you up good. He is your physical superior and there's no way in hell you can come out of a fist fight with him in good shape. He's enraged and shouts I'm going to kill you and begins to attack you, with lethal intent.....

Would you

a) like to have the means, a gun, to protect yourself against your physical superior ?

b) piss yourself and die, in a vain attempt to finally win an argument with Rob Roy?
I think I would enjoy very much what you are smoking. What an imagination


Well-Known Member

I think I would enjoy very much what you are smoking. What an imagination
What about something real. Take every single woman ever raped since whenever. How many of them do you think wish they had something to protect themselves from their rapist, who in most cases was physically superior to them in every way? Would you like your wife/daughters to have that option should something terrible like that ever cross their paths? Or is calling the cops after the fact good enough for your family?


Well-Known Member

What about something real. Take every single woman ever raped since whenever. How many of them do you think wish they had something to protect themselves from their rapist, who in most cases was physically superior to them in every way? Would you like your wife/daughters to have that option should something terrible like that ever cross their paths? Or is calling the cops after the fact good enough for your family?
you talking to the wrong person. I own guns. I support others owning guns. I just don't think a person needs a guns with a clip that shoots 50 bullets or the town idiot owning a bazooka. You should not be able to go to a gun show and purchase a gun without a background check