

New Member
Ok so me and my brother went out to go smoke a bowl. Btw I'm 26. Then I had about 6-7 hits of it. Then when we went back inside I grabbed a bottle of water and started to slam it down . Then he's like you try a get some food and I was like ok. Then I played csgo and had lots of colors coming at me while I was spinning around on the game. Then all of the sudden I started to feel weird and was shaking for around 5 seconds . By the way I am. Expericend smoker and smoke around trillions times before this . It's hard to stop and I still want to do it. What should I do. This is the first sezuire i have ever had while doing this
I've had two seizures in my life one was after hitting a bong n holding my breath 2 long n second was years later smoking a joint n holding my breath again n when I stood up down I went lol classic lax. People can have like one off seizures n it's alright if ur paranoid I'd go to the docs but I'd personally wait to see if you've anymore in the next few days.its not the pot,pot actually helps with seizures so may be something else
Ok so me and my brother went out to go smoke a bowl. Btw I'm 26. Then I had about 6-7 hits of it. Then when we went back inside I grabbed a bottle of water and started to slam it down . Then he's like you try a get some food and I was like ok. Then I played csgo and had lots of colors coming at me while I was spinning around on the game. Then all of the sudden I started to feel weird and was shaking for around 5 seconds . By the way I am. Expericend smoker and smoke around trillions times before this . It's hard to stop and I still want to do it. What should I do. This is the first sezuire i have ever had while doing this
Dont eat and play that spinning game while your Fried., is not nice to blame cannabis for adverse effects for doing retarded stuff while baked., not cool., its like saying i got seizures for eating right before going in a pool., or blaming food for getting a seizure for having sex right after eating. Not cool..
Dont eat and play that spinning game while your Fried., is not nice to blame cannabis for adverse effects for doing retarded stuff while baked., not cool., its like saying i got seizures for eating right before going in a pool., or blaming food for getting a seizure for having sex right after eating. Not cool..
Very true !
I've had two seizures in my life one was after hitting a bong n holding my breath 2 long n second was years later smoking a joint n holding my breath again n when I stood up down I went lol classic lax. People can have like one off seizures n it's alright if ur paranoid I'd go to the docs but I'd personally wait to see if you've anymore in the next few days.its not the pot,pot actually helps with seizures so may be something else
I've had two seizures in my life one was after hitting a bong n holding my breath 2 long n second was years later smoking a joint n holding my breath again n when I stood up down I went lol classic lax. People can have like one off seizures n it's alright if ur paranoid I'd go to the docs but I'd personally wait to see if you've anymore in the next few days.its not the pot,pot actually helps with seizures so may be something else
i haven't done it in 3 weeks and I'm fine now do you think I should still toke and I'll be fine because when I did t I help it in for like 3 seconds
Yeah man it wasnt related to the pot. If anything I'd say the flashing images may of triggered something...did you sleep much the night before? The second time it happened to me I'd not slept the night before
do you work out, eat healthy, ect?

If not try to get cardio every day 30 min at least...
seizures are no joke... happens again go to the doc.
as for smoking, well, if you live a healthy life otherwise you should be ok...
If you're having an actual legitimate seizure you need to go get a referral to see a neurologist ASAP

Sounds like everyone who's posting here is someone who experience an anxiety attack which is completely different than a seizure

If you feel I'm wrong on the anxiety and that it was definitely a seizure go to the emergency room and get help

Seizures are serious medical conditions

Jeesh people seriously
Eating healthy working out not playing videos
Some serious bad advice to give to someone who could have a serious neurological disorder happening to them

Go to a doctor please
Did you go tense and started convulsing uncontrollably?
Did you feel a tingling tension in your back?

I'm just curious about the severity of this seizure.
If you're having an actual legitimate seizure you need to go get a referral to see a neurologist ASAP

Sounds like everyone who's posting here is someone who experience an anxiety attack which is completely different than a seizure

If you feel I'm wrong on the anxiety and that it was definitely a seizure go to the emergency room and get help

Seizures are serious medical conditions

Jeesh people seriously
Eating healthy working out not playing videos
Some serious bad advice to give to someone who could have a serious neurological disorder happening to them

Go to a doctor please
Doctors are a joke these days
Nah I've had anxiety/panic attacks n it was definitely a seizure but the last one was maybe 5-7yrs ago so I'm not 2 concerned if it were to happen again I would go.
Ok so me and my brother went out to go smoke a bowl. Btw I'm 26. Then I had about 6-7 hits of it. Then when we went back inside I grabbed a bottle of water and started to slam it down . Then he's like you try a get some food and I was like ok. Then I played csgo and had lots of colors coming at me while I was spinning around on the game. Then all of the sudden I started to feel weird and was shaking for around 5 seconds . By the way I am. Expericend smoker and smoke around trillions times before this . It's hard to stop and I still want to do it. What should I do. This is the first sezuire i have ever had while doing this