Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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That's funny! The Christians always seem to use its passages as justification to force their views on others, or to wage a war on others - gays, for instance.
I know! The point I was trying to make is don't lump all Christians together because of the fundamentalists. If you want to debunk fundamentalist Christianity, go right ahead. However you can't debunk the spiritual validity of the main message of the Bible. So, while certain segments of Christianity are debunkable- the most important part can't be debunked. Nor can it be proven. To each their own.
All ENERGY can be quantified* by MASS. (Although) All mass is quintessentially ENERGY!

{*quantified-to give quantity to (something regarded as having only quality)}

Just think of how much energy one person has, when E=MC^2..... E= Energy, M= Mass, and C= The Constant speed of light (from the Sun, 299,792,458 metres per second). So if you take approximate value of the speed of light- ~300,000,000 and square it (^2) you get this number- 90,000,000,000,000,000.. Multiply this number by your "M" (Mass) and your E (Energy) will be a HUGE number! (Without doing the math) You are made up of a lot of ENERGY! (The Suns Energy)

Mass = ENERGY = God

Its the Sun that gives us the ENERGY to be part of God!

Edit- E=MC^2

Mass is equal to ENERGY and I believe ENERGY is God.

The only thing that separates mass(us) from PURE ENERGY(God) is C^2 or ~90,000,000,000,000,000 Meters/second. Maybe something great will come out of this. We shall see. (I believe WE ARE a part of Him! Just not to the fullest!)

The reciprocal of 90,000,000,000,000,000 is 1.11111111111111111111111... e^ -17 seconds/meter (If your using exact figures, you will get an answer closer to ~1.112650056053618....e^ -17 seconds/meter).. Now its time to find out what this figure means! It seems that if we can somehow multiply ourselves by this figure, WE will become ONE!

The REVOLUTION has begun!


I know! The point I was trying to make is don't lump all Christians together because of the fundamentalists.

Just because all Christians might not be as militant as the fundamentalists doesn't mean that we shouldn't take on the fundamentalists. And frankly, I believe that all Christians think like the fundamentalists, whether they care to admit it or not.

However you can't debunk the spiritual validity of the main message of the Bible.

Spiritual validity? How about crutch?

while certain segments of Christianity are debunkable- the most important part can't be debunked. Nor can it be proven. To each their own.

There's no single stitch or thread of evidence to support the validity of Christianity other than hearsay and some so-called voices that certain individuals supposedly heard thousands of years ago.
do you have a religion Trish? why is it that you hate on Christianity when there are other religions in the world as well? and most of them all have the same belief, with some difference in famous people.

i just find it odd that atheists bring so much hate to one religion when there are many others.
I used to try and debate with my Christian friends/family although each time we would talk about religion the result is would always be the same. The last two times was between a girlfriend and a separate time with my mother. My mother did not really discuss anything. All she did was ask me to go to church I just said it was not my thing and tried to leave it at that. Then she kind of turned on me. Anyways I discussed this incident, which was a much longer story, with my girlfriend. She told me to think of it from the perspective of my mother and that she thinks her son is now going to burn in hell for not believing in Heyzues. I can see her perspective and respect it. Not that I do not wish for her to put herself in my shoes and see how pathetic I think it is to believe in myths but I respect her view point nonetheless.

My girlfriend is a Christian that goes to church, was raised in with a VERY Christian background, went to a very prestigious private Christian University and some how wants to be with a very staunch atheist. (Who is a big fan of Richard Dawkins!) She however does not think that I am going to be tortured by the Lord of Terror though because I am a good person. I personally do more things to help people than most of the Christians I know, not that I think I am a better person but it seems like from their perspective it should be the opposite. I am currently in college as a biochem major though I do like to dabble in physics, psychology and mathematics (which is a big reason why I am going to be a couple years late graduating ;p. I will be going into Radiology and I currently work with mentally challenged individuals which is very satisfying and I wouldn’t mind doing it forever if I could make enough money to have the lifestyle I want to have and the support I want to have for my children.

I do think debate is one of the most amazing things we have in society I tend to stray from debates over religion especially with family of lately because the other party just seems to get upset or very defensive. I tend to just let people be as they will as long as religion is not being used as a detriment to them or any one around them. Religion has helped many people that I care about get through problems and keep them focused in life therefore I just say “Let it be.”

I do not know if what I have said will make any sense because I have rambled on for a long time and but take from it what you will. This is the first time I have posted in a non grow forum anywhere as I usually stray from them because of all of the ignorant people who merely call each other fags or stupid idiots because they can not come up with a logical argument of their own. Anyways nothing can beat interacting face to face with another person. Be kind! lol :-?

Also wow "we tarded" I do believe your name says it all. Let me quote Dave Chappelle "you have smoked your self retarded." Just joking but seriously!!!!

one too many hits of acid*philosophy 101= well you can see where I am going here
The Bible

(its supposed to be divided by the bible just trying to be clever ha)
also I hate E=MC^
Thanks mang! I broke up with her recently though. We are still good friends though. She’s a cool chick. Even let me grow in her apt. She even encouraged it! Even though she isn’t really a smoker, f*ck what did I do lol!

In regards to Micro’s comment to Trish: I believe the reason most atheists refer to Christianity is because Christians happen to be the vast majority of people that we are not only addressing but also surrounded by in the Western part of the world. If we are addressing Buddhists, then in turn, we would be saying “Buddhists.” Unless you are located in the India right now…… that case my bad.

Rules for talking to atheists: 1. Replace the word “Christianity” with religion.
Soon to be expanded ;p

I think it is funny that everyone thinks their God seems to be the correct one. When the only variable, for what religion you happen to be, is the location of the vagina you come out of happens to be.

I love this quote from Richard Dawkins: Everyone is an atheist I just go one god further.

Props to your Jefferson quote Micro, he was a brilliant man.

EarthlyPassions, don’t insult me by saying an “American Perspective.” ;p I was born and raised in Middle America a.k.a. the Bible Belt. I’m lucky I came out how I am. I recently went to West Palm Beach, Florida where a friend lives. It really is amazing to not see 3-4 churches per block…..I am not joking. And culture my god! Europeans in G strings. Bless you people! Love it! I will be down there most likely when I graduate.
Oh sorry for the extra post as if I don't talk enough but.....

I wanted to add that I didn't watch the video at the begging of this thread, although I may later, but look up Penn and Teller's "the Bible is Bullsh!t." You all may find it entertaining. They have a show called Bullsh!t that is entertaining. Also check out the banning of "dihydrogen monoxide" (H2O for people who would have signed it) on their show as well. It is hilarious and is only a testament of how uneducated the "sheep" of the world are and that most people don't think and just want to be part of an in-group, atheist and religious alike. (in-group/out-groups) <-- If you don't know what they are research a little. Youtube their video’s some can be quite humorous but defiantly check dihydrogen monoxide first!!!!!!

Also “The Lord is my shepherd”…….why would anyone want to be a sheep and mindlessly follow anything at all. Question everything my friends please.

Dawkin's book "The God Delusion" is a very good read also. Don't be offended by the title please! It is defiantly worth picking up trust me. It was referred to me by a Christian.

I also found it useful to looks at all ideas, especially early ideas, with the view point of an evolutionist. Such as “why would this idea have been useful to people or a group in general for their survival.” If you look at early religious tribes than you can see how a tribes religion could be very good for the tribe’s cohesion as a whole. Much like a pack of wolves or lions competing with another for food and resources (or even “uncivilized tribes” of people in today’s world). I can’t remember verbatim but there were quotes in the bible about keeping the good meat/food for yourselves and selling the lesser quality food/meat to rival tribe. Now that’s not quite what we think of as being Christian today but good for the tribe’s (in-group’s) survival. Now that was Old Testament (Pre Expansion Pack lol that is my term copywrite MMM 2k6) so……take that for what it is worth I think morals were corrected with the New Testament (Expansion Pack 2.0 although there have been even more revisions).

I’ll try to dig up the link to an essay I found very interesting on this subject.
Oh sorry for the extra post as if I don't talk enough but.....

I wanted to add that I didn't watch the video at the begging of this thread, although I may later, but look up Penn and Teller's "the Bible is Bullsh!t." You all may find it entertaining. They have a show called Bullsh!t that is entertaining. Also check out the banning of "dihydrogen monoxide" (H2O for people who would have signed it) on their show as well. It is hilarious and is only a testament of how uneducated the "sheep" of the world are and that most people don't think and just want to be part of an in-group, atheist and religious alike. (in-group/out-groups) <-- If you don't know what they are research a little. Youtube their video’s some can be quite humorous but defiantly check dihydrogen monoxide first!!!!!!

Also “The Lord is my shepherd”…….why would anyone want to be a sheep and mindlessly follow anything at all. Question everything my friends please.

Dawkin's book "The God Delusion" is a very good read also. Don't be offended by the title please! It is defiantly worth picking up trust me. It was referred to me by a Christian.

I also found it useful to looks at all ideas, especially early ideas, with the view point of an evolutionist. Such as “why would this idea have been useful to people or a group in general for their survival.” If you look at early religious tribes than you can see how a tribes religion could be very good for the tribe’s cohesion as a whole. Much like a pack of wolves or lions competing with another for food and resources (or even “uncivilized tribes” of people in today’s world). I can’t remember verbatim but there were quotes in the bible about keeping the good meat/food for yourselves and selling the lesser quality food/meat to rival tribe. Now that’s not quite what we think of as being Christian today but good for the tribe’s (in-group’s) survival. Now that was Old Testament (Pre Expansion Pack lol that is my term copywrite MMM 2k6) so……take that for what it is worth I think morals were corrected with the New Testament (Expansion Pack 2.0 although there have been even more revisions).

I’ll try to dig up the link to an essay I found very interesting on this subject.

Hi MMM, I just wanted to say I respect your informed viewpoint and ability to debate without name-calling. I do read things that are contrary to my viewpoint. I think it is important for believers and non-believers alike to examine all sides of an issue and inspect the foundations of their beliefs.

I was trying to make the point earlier to the OP that science can't disprove religion (or God, or Christianity), just the same way that it can't prove it. I don't think religion is provable- it is a matter of faith. As an atheist, do you believe science can disprove the existence of God? Personally, I just think it's beyond the realm of science to prove it one way or the other.
Just because all Christians might not be as militant as the fundamentalists doesn't mean that we shouldn't take on the fundamentalists. And frankly, I believe that all Christians think like the fundamentalists, whether they care to admit it or not.

Spiritual validity? How about crutch?

There's no single stitch or thread of evidence to support the validity of Christianity other than hearsay and some so-called voices that certain individuals supposedly heard thousands of years ago.

Hi, I have decided you are probably a lot younger than me. I say that because you won't move to the next level of debate. You're having a hard time understanding that not everyone fits your prejudices. It is actually quite ironic how you project Christians to be judgmental, closed-minded people, but in so doing you are showing yourself to have a closed mind.

When a Christian comes along and tries to explain how much variation there is in the term 'Christian' you simply won't have it. You just say, you're all the same. We say, believe what you want. You say, you're so narrow-minded.
Hi MMM, I just wanted to say I respect your informed viewpoint and ability to debate without name-calling. I do read things that are contrary to my viewpoint. I think it is important for believers and non-believers alike to examine all sides of an issue and inspect the foundations of their beliefs.

I was trying to make the point earlier to the OP that science can't disprove religion (or God, or Christianity), just the same way that it can't prove it. I don't think religion is provable- it is a matter of faith. As an atheist, do you believe science can disprove the existence of God? Personally, I just think it's beyond the realm of science to prove it one way or the other.
sorry, i havent read the other posts...just the last page but i wanted to respond to this. science cant disprove the existence of god...but it has disproved things that god apparently did. like creating the world in 6 days. many christians believe that the world is only 6000 years old, and science has shown us that is wrong, because we have fossils dated back millions of years...just one example...
By no means can you disprove and abstract idea. I could say that the universe was made by a nuclear physicist and some of his buddies who got bored one weekend and starting Monday they wanted to start building. Oh ya all these scientists are actually divine canines. That's right a group of educated dogs wearing roller skates and also former members of an 80's hairband, but in the 1780's. Yes the world is 200+ years old. They didn't make the world until 1795. They made up history and orchestrated the world into what it is today..............

Well do you see what I am trying to say? Religion, or possibly more correct faith, is all how you rationalize it. Your world is what you make it. Now science on the other hand is us trying to understand the world based on statistics. So far 2+2 has always added up to 4. I never have floated on earth....why? Lets understand it! So we say these things happen to have a 100% chance in it happening. That's something I can believe in! We could go off philosophically and say what is even the number 2? You can't prove the number 2. It merely happens to be an abstract idea also. It's a concept. But whats the sense in that?

I don't know if you guys have heard of the flying spaghetti monster but case in point. It is a group popular around most universities. It is a start up religion that whose beliefs are about a plate of spaghetti, their creator, who created the universe. Disprove it I dare ya! ;p
sorry, i havent read the other posts...just the last page but i wanted to respond to this. science cant disprove the existence of god...but it has disproved things that god apparently did. like creating the world in 6 days. many christians believe that the world is only 6000 years old, and science has shown us that is wrong, because we have fossils dated back millions of years...just one example...
Hiya, I already addressed this. I and millions of other Christians do believe in evolution and all it entails. It is a sizable and vocal minority who believe the world was created in 6 "literal" 24-hour periods. What I've been trying to get across is that not all Christians accept the conservative, fundamentalist brand of Christianity that is so prevalent in the USA.

What I'm saying is that science can't disprove the idea that "Jesus is God" which is actually the only belief required in order to call oneself a Christian. Equally I have said that it can't be proven either; it's just a matter of belief.
By no means can you disprove and abstract idea. I could say that the universe was made by a nuclear physicist and some of his buddies who got bored one weekend and starting Monday they wanted to start building. Oh ya all these scientists are actually divine canines. That's right a group of educated dogs wearing roller skates and also former members of an 80's hairband, but in the 1780's. Yes the world is 200+ years old. They didn't make the world until 1795. They made up history and orchestrated the world into what it is today..............

Well do you see what I am trying to say? Religion, or possibly more correct faith, is all how you rationalize it. Your world is what you make it. Now science on the other hand is us trying to understand the world based on statistics. So far 2+2 has always added up to 4. I never have floated on earth....why? Lets understand it! So we say these things happen to have a 100% chance in it happening. That's something I can believe in! We could go off philosophically and say what is even the number 2? You can't prove the number 2. It merely happens to be an abstract idea also. It's a concept. But whats the sense in that?

I don't know if you guys have heard of the flying spaghetti monster but case in point. It is a group popular around most universities. It is a start up religion that whose beliefs are about a plate of spaghetti, their creator, who created the universe. Disprove it I dare ya! ;p

Essentially, I agree with you. By the same token that we can't disprove a divine spaghetti creator, we can't disprove something as elaborate as Hinduism, or Buddhism. We can simply understand that this is what makes sense to some people. Jesus does make sense to me, though the institution of Christianity doesn't.

For some reason, the Gospel story makes sense to me personally, though I know rationally that I might have entirely different beliefs if I had been born at a different place or time.
I dont get involved in all the statitistics and what not........I know what I believe in and thats all that matters......Its didsturbing to listen to people argue over a god or not.........I have never seen so many atheists at one place in my life........perhaps the bud has got you all confused:mrgreen: bwahahahahaahahah
Zekedogg&#8230;..first were trying to have and intelligent debate here, at least I am, so go turn on a football game. I can see so many things on your avatar that spell out intelligence! 100 percent authentic asshole aye? Yee haw!!! I will translate what you just said. I don&#8217;t care about no math, science, reasonably, etc. If you want to live you life as an uneducated fool, then by all means do so, but please do not throw your opinion mindlessly in the way of others. Also do you think with out &#8220;statistics and what not&#8221;, science, and selective breeding, you would have all that delicious kind bud? No you would be buying Mexican brick from some dealer. Let us, the minority, debate and learn from each other so you can reap the benefits.

It may make sense but with no real world logic to it.
I dont get involved in all the statitistics and what not........I know what I believe in and thats all that matters......Its didsturbing to listen to people argue over a god or not.........I have never seen so many atheists at one place in my life........perhaps the bud has got you all confused:mrgreen: bwahahahahaahahah

Zekedogg…..first were trying to have and intelligent debate here, at least I am, so go turn on a football game. I can see so many things on your avatar that spell out intelligence! 100 percent authentic asshole aye? Yee haw!!! I will translate what you just said. I don’t care about no math, science, reasonably, etc. If you want to live you life as an uneducated fool, then by all means do so, but please do not throw your opinion mindlessly in the way of others. Also do you think with out “statistics and what not”, science, and selective breeding, you would have all that delicious kind bud? No you would be buying Mexican brick from some dealer. Let us, the minority, debate and learn from each other so you can reap the benefits.

It may make sense but with no real world logic to it.

Here is another person who has a hard on for me hiding behind another user name.
fools go to church on sunday,ii say christianity uses all things of insanity to acheive vanity.......OVER ME,JAH JAH RULE OVER ME,LOVES ALL II GOT ,LOVES ALL II BRING
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