EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
And the back peddling has begun. Now its Bernie or Bust, lol.

Their wishes to ban Trump were a short session of 3rd grade name calling and thats about as far as that will ever go.
and I want nothing to do with this Bernie or Bust crowd.


Well-Known Member
Feel the Bern! I'm sure these tax increases will flow like water through the repub congress when king Bernie takes over. I understand he has a track record of working across the aisle, which will clearly be important in getting the repubs to abandon their constituents.

Name one president's platform where it was guaranteed..that's where his 40 years Washington experience comes in..he's the one that is most likely to succeed.

You mean abandon their lobbyist?

What's the alternative? Status quo?
Lies?..I think..I will try..probably..maybe? That's Clinton and trump..apparently you are hearing what you wish to hear.


Well-Known Member
Name one president's platform where it was guaranteed..that's where his 40 years Washington experience comes in..he's the one that is most likely to succeed.

You mean abandon their lobbyist?

What's the alternative? Status quo?
Lies?..I think..I will try..probably..maybe? That's Clinton and trump..apparently you are hearing what you wish to hear.
He has zero chance of doing any of his platform without a dem congress backing him. Zero. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
He has zero chance of doing any of his platform without a dem congress backing him. Zero. Just my opinion.
Just like any other presidential candidate..the game has changed though and you're missing few points..his record flawless..40 years of Washington bipartisanship.

I know..what WILL we do without scandal after scandal from elected officials which GOP loves to bring committee against to make excuses and waste taxpayer dollars for..why they can't work with dems.

This is a whole new game here no one knows what will happen but it's time to try something different..time to ride the wave..

The definition of insanity..doing the SAME things over and over expecting a different outcome..it's NOT going to happen.


Well-Known Member
Just like any other presidential candidate..the game has changed and you're missing few points..his record flawless..40 years of Washington bipartisanship.

I know..what WILL we do without scandal after scandal from elected officials which GOP loves to bring committee against to make excuses and waste taxpayer dollars for..why they can't work with dems.

This is a whole new game here no one knows what will happen but it's time to try something different..time to ride the wave..

The definition of insanity..doing the SAME things over and over expecting a different outcome..
You may be right, but my personal experiences say Bernie will need a dem congress to actually do anything noteworthy given the ideological divide we now have.


Well-Known Member
About londons concern of employer tax of 6.2% for Medicare expansion (single payer)..employers already pay 1.45%..let that sink in..he's kind of being a Henny Penny and evading my questions about his 50EE payroll..I'm thinking he 1099's everyone they're really subcontractors for which he's not an really an employer..therefore he pays no taxes which is why he wouldn't give me the answers I sought.


Well-Known Member
Credibility is an opinion.

She steals to support herself, and is backing a politician that would do the same for others like her.

The truth doesn't give two flying fucks about someone's creds.
You nothing about me..only what I tell you.,how do you know I'm telling the truth?

Answer: you don't.

Now back to Bernie Sanders..


Well-Known Member
You may be right, but my personal experiences say Bernie will need a dem congress to actually do anything noteworthy given the ideological divide we now have.
It's been historically a certain way..but ONLY for the past 40 years..income inequality commenced in the Reagan years..you want to return to a certain way of life?.we must go back in time and look how it was done previously and trust me..it WAS done!


Well-Known Member
What brought us out of the 1929 depression was a jobs bill focusing on infrastructure..this can be done again..we need to stop allowing lobby..big pharma..big oil etc run the show..that's why repeal of CU is important.

Your states reps should be representing YOU not getting their pockets filled and voting for interests OTHER than YOU.


Well-Known Member
You nothing about me..only what I tell you.,how do you know I'm telling the truth?

Answer: you don't.

Now back to Bernie Sanders..

So are you a liar or a thief then? Probably both...

Why is Bernie Sanders compared to Colonel Sanders? One built a business and put money into worker's pockets. The other takes money from workers and puts it into the pockets of those not working.



Well-Known Member
Then leave..Jesus..no ones keeping you here.
Woman you have a back account with less than 10 dollars in it. I suggest you go find a job and stop spending so much damn time online. My high school child has more than you saved. Fuckin pathetic.
Only thing I ever see from you is how much you take from others. You seem to be real lousy at life.