Going commercial

You would use a 33-35K ohm pot to dim 3 drivers. The 240-2100 will power 3 3590s and the 185-1400 will power 4, a 240-1750 can power 3 or 4.
LoL @ your attitude.

Did I miss something? Is this a paid subscription technical advice service now?

The answers to all 500 questions you have asked in the last 24 hours are contained in this very subforum if you would just learn how to read more and type less.


Dude... I'm talking about running 2 FANS. With 1 driver on the same wall plug as the other 2 heats inks will be on. So do I just need the apv 12-24 instead of running 2 12-12's, one for each fan? Do is just wire both fans to the account leads along with the cob driver? Then once that's done on all 3, wire all 3 together?
One more thing, how do I dim all 3 B drivers simultaneously with one potentiometer?
Also, if I wanna run 3cxb3590 (36v) @ 2100mas, do I need the 240-2100b? Because it's total output is 119V and 36x3=108V. So it's close. Because the 185 doesn't have a 1750 option, I can't even efficiently run 3 cobs on it at 1400 right? That has to be done on a 120-1400 but only gives me 52w each cob. 240-2100 is 76-78wattz. Is there any way I can run 3 at 1750 to get 64ish watts??
LoL @ your attitude.

Did I miss something? Is this a paid subscription technical advice service now?

The answers to all 500 questions you have asked in the last 24 hours are contained in this very subforum if you would just learn how to read more and type less.


You're a kind soul. Perhaps a list of links to the relevant pages would be a good thing to have saved in memory somewhere, just paste when the question comes up again and again and again... lol
You would use a 33-35K ohm pot to dim 3 drivers. The 240-2100 will power 3 3590s and the 185-1400 will power 4, a 240-1750 can power 3 or 4.
And a 185-1400 can't run 3 at all right because the forward voltage is below the minimum?
I'm not demanding help. I'm just letting them know I had a second question, because it did get lost obviously. I may have asked a lot, but I've learned even more. And I have Rahz to thank mostly for it.
I also added a pic to my other POST explaining how I THINK you wire in a fan driver. I just can't get a straight yes or no answer... is an apv 12-24 what I need to run 2 12V fans on a heatsink or do I HAVE TO use 2 separate 12-12?
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You would use a 33-35K ohm pot to dim 3 drivers. The 240-2100 will power 3 3590s and the 185-1400 will power 4, a 240-1750 can power 3 or 4.
How do you wire the drivers to the 33-35 pot? Just as you would 1 to a 100k pot, but connect all 3 drivers wires to each of the 2 (3on it) terminals of the pot just the same as if doing 1? Like using a crimp? Stick the 3 driver blue wires in one end and add an 18g wire out the other side to solder to the pot? And the same with the whites?
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The minimum voltage is listed in the datasheet, 3 cobs will run fine on an HLG-1400. Regrading your question on wiring multiple drivers, your suggestion is correct.
is an apv 12-24 what I need to run 2 12V fans on a heatsink or do I HAVE TO use 2 separate 12-12?

I answered that question in your thread. You can power 2 fans on a 12 volt driver in a parallel circuit. Just make sure the added current between the fans is less than the drivers rating. You could also wire 2 fans in series using a 24 volt driver but it's not a good idea.
Ok. So in parallel means like what I drew up, combining both fans neg and pos wires, seperately, and wiring the 2 combined wires to the neg and pos of ac wires, but using just a 12-12? In series would be, one fans negative to the ac neg lead, then the remaining positive of first fan to negative on second fan, then second fans positive to the other remaining
ac positive lead? Always connecting just 1 wire to 1 wire, rather than each pos and neg of both fans, connected to the ac wires being 2 wires to 1, which is parralel & correct on a 12-12? And is a no-no because why?
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Hey this thread gives me a great idea rahz!...you should make a new thread called "interactive led light building" in which you walk some clueless dude who hasnt even bothered to learn basic circuitry through a complete build step by agonizing step in complete detail!

Oh wait...wasnt this thread about your new line of lights?
Hey this thread gives me a great idea rahz!...you should make a new thread called "interactive led light building" in which you walk some clueless dude who hasnt even bothered to learn basic circuitry through a complete build step by agonizing step in complete detail!
hey thanks for being such an asshole. I'll just fuck off I guess. I guess here, there are such things as stupid questions. Arrogant individuals... Rahz you've been a lot lot of help. I'm just trying to get answers from someone who I feel I can trust who builds lights on the side and does it well. Thanks.
hey thanks for being such an asshole. I'll just fuck off I guess. I guess here, there are such things as stupid questions. Arrogant individuals... Rahz you've been a lot lot of help. I'm just trying to get answers from someone who I feel I can trust who builds lights on the side and does it well. Thanks.

Go make a DIY thread if you dont like it...this thread is to discuss rahz new lights.
hey thanks for being such an asshole. I'll just fuck off I guess. I guess here, there are such things as stupid questions. Arrogant individuals... Rahz you've been a lot lot of help. I'm just trying to get answers from someone who I feel I can trust who builds lights on the side and does it well. Thanks.
Hey I'm new to this to so I feel your pain with not understand that much but my best advice it watch the growmau5 video on YouTube it explains a lot .. And just pick one of his setups and do it exactly thy way he did .. Then you won't have any problems and can learn and ask more questions as you do more .. I'm doing the 12 cob with 3 heat sinks on hkg185-h1400a.. I picked a so I wouldn't have to worry about more wiring .. Just a thought hope it helped