Club 600


Well-Known Member
What a stalky bitch.. Do you cut the bottoms out of those smaller smart pots.. Or just let the roots grow through?

If so what kinda ball do you get out of the second pot I would think that would inhibit
I think...from what i understand about smart pots, and from what I have seen. As long as they hit moisture on the other side, they dont air prune as intended, they just grow right thru. All my 65s and 100s outdoors had roots thru the bottoms, and smart pots left on saucers of water especially will grow hella roots thru the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i have near you can plant them and the roits grow through the pots. I use them but have never done it like that myself. Could start in small 1g pots and go right into 5g with no stress to the plants.....


Well-Known Member
I run them on flood tables too, never thought of just putting them in a bigger pot whole. I was always worries about transplant shock, one of those too obvious solution haha


Well-Known Member
Just tell me if you are getting bore of my hotdog pics :)

Well if you are bored then how about a pic of a scone with jam and cream?

What? Still bored. Ffs. We'll heres a Deep Blue clone that survived the equivalent of a human free fall from Space
Has even got some new growth on it....yipeee clappy clap clap.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone smoked the HDxSC yet? mine are growing like weeds (pardon the pun)
I think they're the fastest of the group.

@numberfour I think may have smoked some...I think he just harvested anyway.
Not smoked any yet, harvested last Sunday, off the stems this morning and into jars for curing. One of the lower buds. The smell is divine.
P1130428 - Copy.JPG

@oldman60 there are some pictures of this plant just before the chop on the Breeders Boutique thread in the seedbank reviews page 186.


Well-Known Member
Getting the last of my first BB harvested up. For my two big plants of DOG and Deep Psychosis finishing weeks early, and 1 of my 4 Jakes Dreams and my CQ48 in small pots finishing weeks early. So no 2 weeks of fattening up at the end. I am still going to get over 8oz with my new light, which I am quite surprised.

The quality of the smoke is amazing. The CQ 48, and the 4 different phenos of Jakes Dreams I got are all good, but don't think potency is there for me.

The DOG and Deep Psychosis I am very impressed with. Strength is awesome, both taste very good, sweet and pleasant. Defiantly like nothing I have ever grown in my life. Really great stuff.

For this next run I'll be going back to my soil, which is ROLS, so expecting a nice and level run, no whacky stuff I got with the FFOF. Getting rid of the scrog net and going to use tomato cages for support and training. I will have one DOG clone and one Deep Psychosis clone from this last run, and they will be in 10g smart pots.

Can't wait to see these plants full potential, and my lights full potential, on this run coming up.

Stay Green everyone! :weed: