Election 2016- Vote here

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Perot's platform was kinda like Nike's: Just do it.

That was Perot's response to every "how" question he was asked. "Just do it".

Actually not unlike Trump..I just finished watching their last debate..he REALLY says absolutely nothing..just repeating the same thing 3 times in different ways..it's very Corp speak..that's how leadership talks..I had a manager like that.

Trump: I have a lot of Muslim friends they called me and were very happy about my saying (keep Muslims out of US) not all of my Muslim friends called but some and they said I was doing a great job..they all called me the other day..and you know me..I have a LOT of Muslims friends..100s of Muslim friends and you know that.......:lol:

It's like that on every subject..it's how you talk when you have nothing to say.
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I think Trump's appeal isn't Trump as much as it is anti-Obama.

I think a lot of people, whether right or wrong, have been so turned off by what they perceive as immigration overload, bending over backwards to accomodate LGBT, a lack of recognizing "Radical Islam terrorism" where it obviously applies (i.e. undisputed acts of terrorism perpetuated by radical members of Islam). And NRA bashing.

And it should not be forgotten that the GOP front runners for most of this race have been non-politicians.

Trump represents "Fuck you Washington". And that's his appeal to most of the people who support him.

I find this whole election more intriguing than any I've ever seen.
You mean the red herring bitches who initiated aggression and tried all their might to get him to retaliate?..as you can see he refused..that takes a lot of spine IMO. The crowd was there for Samders.

Yup, they were there for him, yet he voluntarily relinquished the podium to those "red herring bitches" and showed the crowd that he can't even control the space he's standing in.

Imagine how fast he'll fold when a world leader slaps him in the face with their meat stick.
Yup, they were there for him, yet he voluntarily relinquished the podium to those "red herring bitches" and showed the crowd that he can't even control the space he's standing in.

Imagine how fast he'll fold when a world leader slaps him in the face with their meat stick.
You think Putin laughs at Obama?

Can you imagine what he said when he saw the Colonel?

You know it's very interesting you brought up Perot..I was thinking of him just the other day..welcome to Politics new loser!

What was his platform..anyone remember?
"New loser" was unnecessary my dear, in my opinion for a virgin into this den of misanthropes He simply made a point, that actually was an interesting one.(luv ya)
Yup, they were there for him, yet he voluntarily relinquished the podium to those "red herring bitches" and showed the crowd that he can't even control the space he's standing in.

Imagine how fast he'll fold when a world leader slaps him in the face with their meat stick.

You mean after the pushed him out of the way?

He was very smart to keep his hands off to the side and in full view of the camera. Note in the pic below his right arm is completely behind his back in order to have no doubt in anyone's mind..here he is leaving with aggression still upon him..BLM was also condemned by other blacks for this..it was disgraceful.

Personally I would have ripped her throat out.

Image from http://static.seattletimes.com/wp-c...8040-3e27-11e5-a580-5d86ec2e3b6f-1020x784.jpg.

The crowd was there for Sanders and those betches knew as soon as he got done no one would stay for BLM.
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It seems that most viewers of this OP, by the stats simply view and leave without voting.
I made a mistake in saying leave a comment. Please simply vote, because I'm sure that there are more people that have an opinion than the standard idiots that hang around in Politics (not Buckie of course, he's a fucking genius). Please vote, as it is important to show what possibly could happen in the upcoming election. One thing about this site though, as you all will find out or already know, is that this place, called Politics by some, or Land of the Asshole by others, is infectected by neanderthals that vote Republican. (except nitro, he is delusional, but cool)
So, please VOTE!
Votes for Clinton show your high intellect, humanity, spirituality, and will help you to grow better herb.
VOTE HILLARY 2016 and save the world! .
I think Trump's appeal isn't Trump as much as it is anti-Obama.

I think a lot of people, whether right or wrong, have been so turned off by what they perceive as immigration overload, bending over backwards to accomodate LGBT, a lack of recognizing "Radical Islam terrorism" where it obviously applies (i.e. undisputed acts of terrorism perpetuated by radical members of Islam). And NRA bashing.

And it should not be forgotten that the GOP front runners for most of this race have been non-politicians.

Trump represents "Fuck you Washington". And that's his appeal to most of the people who support him.

I find this whole election more intriguing than any I've ever seen.
Good point
It seems that most viewers of this OP, by the stats simply view and leave without voting.
I made a mistake in saying leave a comment. Please simply vote, because I'm sure that there are more people that have an opinion than the standard idiots that hang around in Politics (not Buckie of course, he's a fucking genius). Please vote, as it is important to show what possibly could happen in the upcoming election. One thing about this site though, as you all will find out or already know, is that this place, called Politics by some, or Land of the Asshole by others, is infectected by neanderthals that vote Republican. (except nitro, he is delusional, but cool)
So, please VOTE!
Votes for Clinton show your high intellect, humanity, spirituality, and will help you to grow better herb.
VOTE HILLARY 2016 and save the world! .

No, no.. They're voting..Sanders is truly the favorite.
It seems that most viewers of this OP, by the stats simply view and leave without voting.
I made a mistake in saying leave a comment. Please simply vote, because I'm sure that there are more people that have an opinion than the standard idiots that hang around in Politics (not Buckie of course, he's a fucking genius). Please vote, as it is important to show what possibly could happen in the upcoming election. One thing about this site though, as you all will find out or already know, is that this place, called Politics by some, or Land of the Asshole by others, is infectected by neanderthals that vote Republican. (except nitro, he is delusional, but cool)
So, please VOTE!
Votes for Clinton show your high intellect, humanity, spirituality, and will help you to grow better herb.
VOTE HILLARY 2016 and save the world! .
low intellect showing in my poll vote, along with the others that voted for Bernie. Looks like we only have 3 intelligent people voting your way. I'm dumb enough to follow what I think ought to be in the primaries. I've never had my choice make it to the general election. Oh well. In the general election, I'll vote anybody the Dems put up. Won't vote Repub because I'm not a narcissist. Won't throw my vote away in some sort of dumb protest, like what happened when Nader provided Bush Jr the necessary wiggle room in 2000.
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