This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.

It would make them martyrs and likely start a civil war imo. I believe that this is the major reason why they (the government) have been pretty laissez-faire in their approach.
Well Obama wouldn't be seen as weak against terrorists then...
It would make them martyrs and likely start a civil war imo. I believe that this is the major reason why they (the government) have been pretty laissez-faire in their approach.
I doubt that it would start a civil war. Sane people out number crazies by a large margin.
Its possible. I think the us is really getting tired of armed people doing what ever the hell the want. Between all the mass shooting and dumb shit like this, if you took a poll id bet that 40% would be ok with the Feds going in and smoking them all.
Its possible. I think the us is really getting tired of armed people doing what ever the hell the want. Between all the mass shooting and dumb shit like this, if you took a poll id bet that 40% would be ok with the Feds going in and smoking them all.

Armed people doing anything they want. You mean like the government /Leo does?
Agreed. But do you not also understand what I'm saying?

yep, you are trying to call an apple an orange to suit your twisted worldview, same as you do when you claim that getting rid of civil rights is something you want to do because of how totally not racist you are.

same as all you deluded right wing fucktards try to do constantly. make reality something other than reality becaus eyou cannot accept reality.

just kill yourselves already.
Fire chief catching FBI agents posing as militia members and trying to stage a false flag at an armory to push a attack on the real militia.
Watch "BREAKING: Harney County Fire Chief Resigns. FBI Caught Posing As Militia At Local Armory" on YouTube

cool conspiracy theory. i hear global warming is one of those as well.
Armed people doing anything they want. You mean like the government /Leo does?

the government is constrained by the law and the constitution. these right wing extremists are breaking it.

of course you support the same racists that were at the bundy ranch though. you are a racist after all.