EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Totally unrelated.

You always try to make it about how much you dislike christians.

Tell us again how you are forced to be a Christian or worship god.

Or maybe you would prefer christians keep their religion to themselves because it is so offensive to you.

If you are correct and all religion is false, then it shouldn't bother you at all if some people choose to worship or talk about it.

All you have to do is not be around those people. Take your business, company, feelings elsewhere.

It's that easy. No repercussions to you.

She's like many here, and there, and over there, shit there's a ton there too...

They think the world owes them something, in this case simply because they made bad decisions that put their own life in a spiral. People like this will even steal from others and justify it for whatever reason.

It was so I could fucking eat..how's that?


She was hungry so apparently that makes it okay.

But oh those Christians, they must cause her so much trouble, lol. BS, I bet she could of walked into any Christian church in her town that day and found plenty of people willing to feed her without her having to rip them off.


Well-Known Member
She's like many here, and there, and over there, shit there's a ton there too...

They think the world owes them something, in this case simply because they made bad decisions that put their own life in a spiral. People like this will even steal from others and justify it for whatever reason.


She was hungry so apparently that makes it okay.

But oh those Christians, they must cause her so much trouble, lol. BS, I bet she could of walked into any Christian church in her town that day and found plenty of people willing to feed her without her having to rip them off.
Wrong..the first question they ask is are you a member.


Well-Known Member
Wrong..the first question they ask is are you a member.

Wrong, you never even fucking tried. You just stole and justified it by assuming thats what they would say.

You will never get out of your hole if you dont stop assuming shit you couldn't possibly know, and stop blaming everyone else for your fuck ups. You did this to yourself, deal with it or wallow in your own fucking misery.


Well-Known Member
Wrong, you never even fucking tried. You just stole and justified it by assuming thats what they would say.

You will never get out of your hole if you dont stop assuming shit you couldn't possibly know, and stop blaming everyone else for your fuck ups. You did this to yourself, deal with it or wallow in your own fucking misery.
Now back to Bernie..

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
This is not it either but basic outline


He did promise it before Iowa obvi
Hey sky,

I hate wall street and hedge funds, period. After watching the wolf of wall street or what ever it was called, I could care less if they all went to jail. Some fund manager will hire 50 well educated young people and teach them how to scam and manipulate stocks and then turn around and say they are hard workers. Its out of control, like the wild west and the internet is partly to blame. imo

And penny stocks are nothing short of a scam breeding ground for outlaws wearing suits. We should out law penny stocks forever and go back to hard work and find your own private investors without ripping off the public in a scam. So looking at wall street for paying their fair share I understand completely.

I seen some stuff I didn't like, but I will read more of it soon. I found some fresh AHI and I am cleaning fish for the party later today, so thanks for the link and I will read it and discuss it with you soon. nitro.


Well-Known Member
Hey sky,

I hate wall street and hedge funds, period. After watching the wolf of wall street or what ever it was called, I could care less if they all went to jail. Some fund manager will hire 50 well educated young people and teach them how to scam and manipulate stocks and then turn around and say they are hard workers. Its out of control, like the wild west and the internet is partly to blame. imo

And penny stocks are nothing short of a scam breeding ground for outlaws wearing suits. We should out law penny stocks forever and go back to hard work and find your own private investors without ripping off the public in a scam. So looking at wall street for paying their fair share I understand completely.

I seen some stuff I didn't like, but I will read more of it soon. I found some fresh AHI and I am cleaning fish for the party later today, so thanks for the link and I will read it and discuss it with you soon. nitro.
I'll look to hear from you my friend:hug:

What didn't you like?
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