soaking seeds in water to help germinate right or wrong ??

Soak in a shot glass with water for 2x days it soften seed shell...tap root will appear, stick in soil 2-3 days later...wala!
Keep temps warm 80-85.
Soak in a shot glass with water for 2x days it soften seed shell...tap root will appear, stick in soil 2-3 days later...wala!
Keep temps warm 80-85.
Tried them all but the last few months have been using a cup with water, sits on my router/dark for 2 days max, tails pop, into soil and nearly 100% germination other than a couple that didn't do anything. I've probably run 50 and lost 2-3, not a bad rate. I've found better success regardless of the germ method by planting them as soon as they pop any sort of tail 1/4" - 1/2" and in they go.
If you start with the right soil...i use roots, but you have others, you wont need to feed em nutes its already in the soil. You'll have enough for 2-3 weeks of feed, dont go past 3 weeks.

You'll be fine just do some more research, and ask your questions.

Some do it and some say don't because the seeds can actually drown!

Greenthumb seeds says no and quotes the "drown".

I do the PT method with a heating mat - I don't believe in drowning my seeds either.
Some do it and some say don't because the seeds can actually drown!

Greenthumb seeds says no and quotes the "drown".

I do the PT method with a heating mat - I don't believe in drowning my seeds either.
I've heard that too but have yet to see one "drown". imo if they can't handle 48 hours in water they're the first cull, I'm a big believer in natural selection, be strong or die m'fuckers! lol
24hr soak in water, like a shot glass then move to medium of choice.. I like a wet rockwool cube. If the seeds are old I might add a surfactant to help things along.

I dont think a long soak is ideal, one would think that too much water would disrupt the enzymatic activity within the seeds. Especially when you see them crack open, thats plenty of water to get things started. My opinion on it anyways.
I ph water soak em for 12 hrs then transfer to wet toilet paper couple days in a sealed tub.usually get around 99% Germ rate.
For the last 4 years I've been germinating by letting my beans sit in a small shot glass halfway filled with distilled water for 24 hours. I always monitor my water temps and my best results always come from water kept at roughly between 72-77 degrees. If the tap root shows after a 24 hour soak, they go right into my medium. If not, they go in a damp paper towel in a ziploc bag kept at the same temps until I see the tap root. I always get at least 99 percent germination rates. I've even germinated 16 seeds at once and had them all pop in 24 hours.
Im not sure what just happened to post but here it is again.

1000 ways to skin a cat when it comes to germing :

You can place a seed into a soaked peat pod and warm it in a seedling dome with mat . ( this is one way then you plant into container )

Or soak 24 hours then place into paper towel ( non scented ) damp not wet / cover and put in dark ( i place closed trays ) on warming pad.

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I prefer styrofoam because it holds the dampness better than paper plates but you can use dinner plates or whatever. I move the seed to soil when ready.

But my EASIEST WAY is direct to pot . I prepare the pot ( with a light water or mist ) then plant directly. I cover with clear wrap ( for humidity ) or use a small container to simulate a humidity dome. Works like a charm.


i have always started seeds in a zip lock bag with a damp paper towel. I keep the bag in a dark place. 2-5 days latter they germ and i transfer to soil. I have in the past germ seeds after soaking them in water for 24 hrs. I Didnt really a notice a difference in germination ratio

I have seeds germinate in 12-24 hrs in paper towel method. That is what makes me wary of doing any kind of seed soak.
Organic altruisum.i fully agree but only difference i soak for 12 hrs at same temp.thy slightly crack then i put in paper immediatly to get a bit of air and drkness is essential.
It's neither right or wrong it's more growers preference like I like the paper towel method but others dont

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Soak in water. After 1 day swirl water. Seeds should sink. That's how you know they're good. Then keep soaking til they sprout. Then plant in any medium you are using. I use directly in soil and sometimes rapid rioters in soil. Either way I have them in a party cup with a ziploc bag over the cup a humidity dome. That's just to keep the moisture in the soil so it doesn't dry out. After it sprouts. I wait til the seedling drops it's seed helmet to remove the ziploc bag / dome.

Never soak in a paper towel. The tap root will grow into the paper towel. Then when you remove the seedling the root will tear.