LED Companies w/ LINKS

there is no plasma that can do 50,000 hours
the decay begins after the first 1000 hours (and see the cost of plasma spare parts....)
we compared a "famous" plasma, misure with instruments, and compared with LEDs at same wattage...
a dispassionate advice:
been with COB....
Can you elaborate more please. I was under the impression the biggest problem with Plasma was the cost. I will study up now though as that fixture looks like a great idea & actually isn't bad for cost. Plasma doesn't last long before a significant amount of depreciation sets in? If that's the case then these guys won't stay in business with a 3 year warranty if over a certain % of light loss we should be able to return the light right? If within the said warranty. Questions I'd ask them after I learn more about the tech before I say to much. But it looks like a great light.
I haven't digested it all yet but I figure there's gotta be something in here to give some people some shit to shout about :). Wonder why they didn't tell who the "commercial grower" is???????? Click on the link for the full info.

Commercial LED Grow Lights:
A Case Study:

This site is dedicated to providing insight into and analysis of one of the most comprehensive and complete commercial LED grow light tests done to date. The test was conducted by a large, independent commercial grower in the Denver metropolitan area using PhytoMAX 800 LED grow lights to replace existing ducted single-ended 1000W HPS lights and non-ducted DE HPS fixtures. Black Dog LED has no current financial ties to the commercial grower.

Examining Trichome Production
This case study on commercial LED grow lights is offered with complete transparency; all calculations are provided so all numbers can be double-checked. The commercial Cannabis grower which performed this test requests to stay anonymous for competitive reasons, which Black Dog LED has respected this by keeping their name and any recognizable details out of the case study. We made every attempt to show all of the calculations since some of these numbers seem amazing to say the least. Numbers such as payback periods of less than one and a half flower cycles or calculations showing increased revenue of over $350K for this small test room are all calculated using official numbers submitted to the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division.

There are numerous claims of LED grow lights being used effectively on a commercial scale in the medical and recreational Cannabis industry. This is the first real proof of the commercial viability of LED grow lights from an economic return on investment standpoint. After reviewing the data and evidence on this site you will see that not only do LED grow lights work on a commercial scale, but that not using them is costing you over $14,000 in lost revenue with every single harvest for even this relatively small room. This lost revenue negatively effects your standing in the competitive landscape of your market. Increased yields of over 58% (7 pounds for the small test room!) are demonstrated through simple calculations based on real-world commercial Cannabis production results.

To avoid any question regarding the validity of the data presented in this case study, a time-lapse video was taken throughout the flowering period to show the entire development of these yields. Note that of the tens of thousands of still images taken, all images with people in them or during the dark period have been removed. For example, in late flower when the support netting breaks, photos showing growers doing repairs were removed. We consider this time-lapse one of the best examples available of a commercial LED grow light flowering, period.

The greatest take-away from this commercial grow light case study was the identification of substantial increases for your operation's profitability. While LED grow lights can save energy, their biggest advantage is how much more money you can get out of your existing facilities using your existing power footprint. Retrofitting your commercial HPS grow to LED grow lights does require a capital investment, but this entire investment can be recouped in less than 6 months. The majority of the capital cost can be deferred through equipment leasing available to licensed facilities with payments being completely covered by the additional cash flow generated by the LED grow lights.
Very interesting!
I can't wait to look back in 5 yrs to see the progress, I just home our greedy gov dsnt fuk everything up!!
I haven't digested it all yet but I figure there's gotta be something in here to give some people some shit to shout about :). Wonder why they didn't tell who the "commercial grower" is???????? Click on the link for the full info.

Commercial LED Grow Lights:
A Case Study:

This site is dedicated to providing insight into and analysis of one of the most comprehensive and complete commercial LED grow light tests done to date. The test was conducted by a large, independent commercial grower in the Denver metropolitan area using PhytoMAX 800 LED grow lights to replace existing ducted single-ended 1000W HPS lights and non-ducted DE HPS fixtures. Black Dog LED has no current financial ties to the commercial grower.

Lol @ Blackdogled, the same people who wrote the "efficiency myth"

"If 5W LEDs are great for growing plants, it seems as though 10W LEDs would be even better, but this is not (yet) the case. 10W LEDs are not available yet in all the colors we need to create our Phyto-Genesis Spectrum™. The 10W LEDs that are available are primarily "white" LEDs, which are great for creating lights for humans, but aren't very efficient for growing plants, as we explain here. They actually put out less light that is usable to the plants than our existing 5W LEDs, while taking twice the power!

Chip-On-Board (COB) or "Integrated" LEDs are created by placing many low-wattage (typically 0.5W or 1W) LED dies side-by-side on a circuit board. This allows companies to claim very high wattage LEDs, but for example the "50W LEDs" are just 50 1W LEDs side-by-side (or 100 0.5W LEDs). It isn't possible (yet) to make long-life COB LEDs with higher-wattage dies, as it isn't possible to remove the heat from the COB assembly quickly enough to prevent damage to the LEDs. For example, there are now some COB LEDs made with 3W dies on the market, but these are still only run at 1 watt per die and still have a tendency to burn themselves out within a couple months. COB LEDs also often lack primary lenses on the LEDs, which actually diminishes the light output from the LED.

Efficiency is incredibly important, but it doesn't matter if your LED grow light is the most efficient if it won't grow plants well. Black Dog LED's Universal Series lights use only 5W high-power LED chips in our proprietary Phyto-Genesis Spectrum™ to provide the best combination of efficiency, spectrum and plant-growing power available on the market."

" It isn't possible (yet) to make long-life COB LEDs with higher-wattage dies, as it isn't possible to remove the heat from the COB assembly quickly enough to prevent damage to the LEDs"
Some of the biggest bullshit ever written and it's on the Blackdog site.
LOL just like spectrum king everyone knows phosphor based cob leds are the next big thing in led lighting in horticulture. They have to try and stave off the eventual reality that what they have been preaching is about to be brought to light lol.
Black Dog was big 3 or 4 years ago. Growers House tested a previous model and found it to emit rather anemic levels of blurple light, all it did was give LEDs a bad name. Seems it also way to closely resembled another Chinese light(Mars II) that gives the same blurple light.

Remember Pero Negro? Maybe 3 years ago. Much better products available for less. RIU sponsors all seem to have better stuff for less. Black Dog is for dummies.

Blurple sucks
I'm having a real hard time believing the performance specs they put out after studying Plasmas recently. Completely lying?

No clue, man. Just posted it being something I hadn't seen before. I'd be interested to know what kind of COBs they're using. Doubtful they're anything worth noting. I think the only plasma with potential might be legit sulphur plasma.
Does anyone know more details about the Fluence 2.15 umol / J efficiency claim? I find that hard to believe unless they are getting absolute TOP bin from Osram every time, AND using the most efficient Intematix phosphors, etc. Personally I'm not sure I would believe without third party verification.

Spectra appears to show a 660nm peak (Osram Oslon?) as well as broad spectrum (white packaged LEDs or COB?)
Does anyone know more details about the Fluence 2.15 umol / J efficiency claim? I find that hard to believe unless they are getting absolute TOP bin from Osram every time, AND using the most efficient Intematix phosphors, etc. Personally I'm not sure I would believe without third party verification.

Spectra appears to show a 660nm peak (Osram Oslon?) as well as broad spectrum (white packaged LEDs or COB?)

sanlight (from austria) also use top bin osram leds, they archieve 2.3µmol/J in their lights:

Does anyone know more details about the Fluence 2.15 umol / J efficiency claim? I find that hard to believe unless they are getting absolute TOP bin from Osram every time, AND using the most efficient Intematix phosphors, etc. Personally I'm not sure I would believe without third party verification.

Spectra appears to show a 660nm peak (Osram Oslon?) as well as broad spectrum (white packaged LEDs or COB?)

with osram oslon ssl 80 660nm, don't see an issue claiming over 2umol/j(vividgrow v2, zelion, new helios/etc), probably going with the lowest registered conversion(approximate)====== NO it won't be exact between fixtures, don't think that osram's binning range is that tight?...........idk, maybe guod can chime in

edit: Anyone else notice that Nextlight aka "the birdhouse" is an advertiser here now? wonder if it's still using top group WW xml2 in 2016!?
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