The British Growers Help Forum. UK Based Grow Advice, Now With Added Witt, Irony, Sarcasm & Humour

Is this new British thread a keeper or shall I have it deleted?

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Well-Known Member
i thought sambo introduced it to the lads originally ?? feck knows

any of you seen or heard of the brightside cut of cheese ??? meant to be alot more like stilton than the exo and stronger .. theres a few people with it but i cant seem to get a cut lol
isn't the fucking exo n psychosis enough pps lol lemme know if u find it ;) lol


Well-Known Member
exos not worth the 10 weeks it takes to finish .... its only the 1st joint that does anything ... instant tolerance build up .. if people buy it at 6 weeks @ £50 a Q who am i to stop them ;)
yeah if u grow it def its pants