EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Totally newsworthy when a liberal magazine endorses a lefty candidate...

Newsflash: Clinton and Obama are centre right, not "liberal" at all.
Newsflash: Liberals think Clinton and Obama are center right too. Conservatives have gone so far to the right that they have abandoned the center right, and did so a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
Newsflash: Liberals think Clinton and Obama are center right too. Conservatives have gone so far to the right that they have abandoned the center right, and did so a long time ago.
The point was of course the liberal magazine supports the only liberal candidate...


Well-Known Member
When you get right down to it, it must be shocking to be told your belief system is false..that's why they have such a hard time believing and to further the bible says if anyone questions your belief system the are evil..satan.

That's about as close as I can get to figuring them out.
Whenever somebody starts quoting conservative speak and other religious principles, I can't understand them. Sounds like: Jesus teaches xlmfpbalterbmeblersighlsighlsigyxxheneythvoer. So I smile, nod and move away.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Any body watch the incredible debate last night? After listening to the quick and witty remarks and replies, all about substance versus libtard bullshit, I had to shake my head. These Republican candidates are so far over the heads of the bozos like Hillary and Sanders it isn't even funny. Even Carson looked fantastic.


Well-Known Member
Any body watch the incredible debate last night? After listening to the quick and witty remarks and replies, all about substance versus libtard bullshit, I had to shake my head. These Republican candidates are so far over the heads of the bozos like Hillary and Sanders it isn't even funny. Even Carson looked fantastic.

I caught like 15 minutes of it, I couldn't stomach the " we need to stop gutting our military" clap,clap, clap from mouth breathers in the audience.


Well-Known Member
Any body watch the incredible debate last night? After listening to the quick and witty remarks and replies, all about substance versus libtard bullshit, I had to shake my head. These Republican candidates are so far over the heads of the bozos like Hillary and Sanders it isn't even funny. Even Carson looked fantastic.
Carson?..who's campaign finance manager quit yesterday because he's dead in the water?


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I caught like 15 minutes of it, I couldn't stomach the " we need to stop gutting our military" clap,clap, clap from mouth breathers in the audience.
Sounds like a personal problem to me. Gotta be smart to understand.
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