This might be why music sucks and millenials are boring

Found this article this morning and though that it put a decent answer to a question I have been pondering.... Why does modern music suck so bad?

Yet another example of how monopolies hurt us.

The upshot of the essay is that the Telecommunications Act of 1996 removed barriers to radio broadcasting that resulted in a very small group of corporations owning most of the radio stations. The result of this has been the commodification of music and "artists" across the broad spectrum of music and art in general.

This has led to being forced to listen to Taylor Swift until her subliminal message of conformity and slavery turns your brain into mush and you end up buying all her perfume, jewelry and clothing line too. It is also why older people find you shallow and tasteless - if you are the quintessential Millennial.

"It seems that with the advent of the internet, and the seeming freedom and ease it could provide to get relevant music out there, corporations have gotten even more aggressive to keep people’s thoughts on consumption, rather than cultural and social change. And millennials are the ones most vulnerable because they have no personal connection to a time when music actually mattered."


John Lennon - Cool


Mumford & Sons (we’re supposed to believe they’re a rock band) - Not Cool
I didnt read this post or the article, but I did look at the pictures and I totally agree.
i thought i smelled
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(2R,3S)-dihydroxy-3-phenylpropionylecgonine methyl esters and (2S,3R)-dihydroxy-3-phenylpropionylecgonine methyl esters

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mafuckin drugs

come on up friends

i got ups and downs, blackouts and dreamers.
nose candy and kitchen drop, yella bellies and footballs
green rolexs,blue dolphins, naked ladies, orange bulls

you cant like good music and not love this shit right her
You didn't read any of the article did you? What difference does it make if you change the radio station and it is just another station owned by the same people? But the article talks a lot about Phish and how cool Phish is.

I am curious, how old are you? I think you might have just proven the central thesis of the article.

Almost 30, but you're right, I didn't really read the article.

[edit] Looked through it and I still don't see the problem. Shitty pop music is shitty pop music? Really? Don't listen to it. I don't own a radio, never have, they also don't have any music based tv channels in Finland. So what if young people are singing at a bar, maybe you're at a wrong bar, better yet, don't go to a bar, have a nice night with friends at your place. Make some food, smoke some blunts, play some local multiplayer games, listen to GOOD MUSIC. I'm too old to be upset about other people's media choices.

If something is too difficult for masses to hear, do you think the masses would appreciate any of the "cool" music that isn't being shoved down anyone's throat? I have 2 terabytes of music and never needed anyone's help finding it, if all you can find is miley cyrus then who's fault is that?
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you should be emo man

but i understand, to make yourself feel better you have to hold on to things you percieve as a downfall overlooking the drastic differences and shortcomings in lifestyle education or finance

tell ya what, if we ever meet ill buy you not together, ill throw a few bucks yiur way