Is the Water O.K. ?

High Tide

Well-Known Member
Ok well let's start from the top one by one of anything that has not yet been corrected and pics would be great as well

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Rollitup mobile app i got a 4x8 grow tent to flower.........i live in high humidity that is off the chart for flowering.....8.1..............i got a dehumidifier to bring humidity to acceptable level......45, which it did, but the heat was high.....i almost toasted mature sample plants that were ready to switch to 12/12................i vented out exhaust heat from brought temp down to 81-84 ........better but still trying to tinker to get temp down to high 70's....then i'll be happy.........meantime was wondering ig the recycled water was ok to use.......i've heard different opinions...........i have a 6" hyper fan w 24" phresh carbon filter for exhaust...............tent is in an enclosed garage.....i am in process of ducting all air outside of garage in hopes that will help a little more.........i do not want to get an AC............that's the story of my life.........

Connoisseurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Your runoff ph of your soil is your soil ph. Soil ph should be between 6.0-7.0.

6.3-6.5 is optimal. When you go outside of those parameters, your plant can't access nutrients and you get salt buildup or locked out. All the nutrients in the world will just make it worse.

High Tide

Well-Known Member
If your dehumidifier is clean the water should be too. I have been giving it to my plants for years without issues. It comes out 3 ppms so you should be giving cal mag as well but a single watering should not make your plant unhappy. You could have overwatered or have bad drainage or some other issue but I doubt adding distilled water hurt your plant unless you've got a dirty sump which btw can easily be cleaned with bleach & vinegar.
thanks cal-mag should be added to EVERY BATCH of water from dehuey?

Connoisseurus Rex

Well-Known Member
So your soil ph was more than likely even lower prior to this mornings watering.

I would put them back into veg and flush with a light nute solution adjusted to 6.0. You don't want to adjust ph dramatically. Little bit by little bit. How's your drainage?

Connoisseurus Rex

Well-Known Member
I've got one more question.

Do you adjust ph before or after adding nutes? Watering with 6.8 and having a 5.6 soil ph level suggests you adjust before you add nutes.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
thanks cal-mag should be added to EVERY BATCH of water from dehuey?
You can give small doses every watering but I prefer to give it every other watering. I amend & recycle my soil so I know there's some already in there. If you are using 50/50 FFOF/pro-mix I'd add it every watering at half strength during veg phase; full strength in mid to late flowering & stop about 3 weeks before harvest.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
I've got one more question.

Do you adjust ph before or after adding nutes? Watering with 6.8 and having a 5.6 soil ph level suggests you adjust before you add nutes.
Mix your nutes, then check ph- they contain buffers that should bring it to around 6.0 when properly mixed. I suggest getting a TDS if you don't have one already - ppms are way more accurate than a tsp. Go light on them nutes they don't need much

Connoisseurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Mix your nutes, then check ph- they contain buffers that should bring it to around 6.0 when properly mixed. I suggest getting a TDS if you don't have one already - ppms are way more accurate than a tsp. Go light on them nutes they don't need much
I'm guessing that's what his problem is and how it occurred. I don't see how watering with a 6.8ph could yield a 5.6 soil ph in any other way.


Well-Known Member
don't use dehumidifier water. they are known for growing mold and other things related to sitting water - the newer ones have special lights specifically to kill these. Not worth the risk!

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Don't let it sit; keep your sump clean with bleach and/or vinegar & the water it collects will be mold free; which btw isn't such a bad thing. Growers add fungus on purpose which promotes a healthy soil food web. If you are doing hydro then yeah don't use it but it's good for soil grows especially if you maintain a living organic soil.


Well-Known Member
The ph of your runoff is low because its supposed to be. It'll rise as the soil dries. Not all elements are available to a plant at one time ph has to swing for this reason. Kool bloom to my knowledge isn't a stand alone fert, but a bloom booster make sure its npk is what you need at this stage of growth. Venting the exhaust out of the garage should help a couple degrees right now you're just circulating hot air. How much of a difference depends on the size of the garage it may not make a difference at all. good luck