Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
obama isn't making any adjustments to the second, he isn't even making any new law. he is enforcing current ones you racist pedo tard.
obama isn't making any adjustments to the second, he isn't even making any new law. he is enforcing current ones you racist pedo tard.
Local country resident just shot an intruder in the belly during a break in with a 44 magnum. A little higher and he'd be dead. As he was breaking in and walking toward her she asked him to identify himself twice, he did not, so she pulled the trigger!She was quoted by local TV news as saying "one of us was going out on a stretcher and I knew it wasn't going to be me or my kids." Dad was away at the time. Don't know where they got this photo as a recent shot profiled him to be a dirty looking punk.
She was quoted on the evening news as saying "One of us was going out on a stretcher and I knew it wasn't gonna be me or my kids".What a brave woman.
If she didn't have the ability to defend herself, no telling what the thug would have done. I bet other thugs that hear of this will steer clear of THAT house.
They had a sign hanging on a tree stating No Trespassing and just below it another sign hung - No kidding with a pair of angry eyes painted below the print. Guess the dumbass missed it.
This isn't Seattle or Chicago. Many Texans are just not going to put up with this shit. My wife who's disabled has access to a pistol which we keep loaded on my side of the bed. As we're sitting there watching the news she affirmed she would not hesitate to shoot to kill an intruder.
Yes, the white girl has a permit and is permitted, the Somali with the stacked clips, doesn`t.
I suggest you learn the open carry laws in Texas. I'm sure the little girl does not have a permit, but a parent is present. Both children are allowed to carry in the place they live in. One just have to have a parent present.Yes, the white girl has a permit and is permitted, the Somali with the stacked clips, doesn`t.
Somethings adults talk about will go over you and @Flaming Pie head.Now that makes about as much sense as pouring Portland cement on your bowl of Wheaties.
....and one's an aggressor while one is trying to save her bacon.
Sky is a perfect example of how the liberal twisted mind works. I can't believe these people think some of us don't see through their spin.
Speaking of spin, any one see Meygyn Kelly put the hurt on Debbie Wasserman-Schultz? Bitch had it coming.
I suggest you learn the open carry laws in Texas. I'm sure the little girl does not have a permit, but a parent is present. Both children are allowed to carry in the place they live in. One just have to have a parent present.
Now that makes about as much sense as pouring Portland cement on your bowl of Wheaties.
Yes, the white girl has a permit and is permitted, the Somali with the stacked clips, doesn`t.
Ms. Lady you are wayyyy to sensitive for politics. Friends ??? I don't even think you are friends with yourself, seeing how you vote against you very own interestI love you too @londonfog
I guess my conversation with you about being fired over religious discrimination hasn't made us friends.
I'm gonna go cry about it now.
So we now are at a point in the USA, that a child must carry an AR-15 around ? Is this Somalia ? Are you seriously signing on to this ?Both are aggressors and both are saving their bacon. The Texas girl has permissions and a semi automatic, the Somali one has a fully automatic AK with stacked clips. Both are breaking Massachusetts law. Not sure about Texas.
I said it only last week, they need to ban all sorts of tape to stop people making "assault magazines".Yes, the white girl has a permit and is permitted, the Somali with the stacked clips, doesn`t.