my cat is way too high


Well-Known Member
so here's the situation as I write ,my cat is crying like a pussy cause the dumbass is stuck at the top of a power pole that I would say is about 60' now as amusing as this is I still got to get him down which is why I am posting this to you all, because I believe,there is nobody more ingenious than someone who grows.So here's what I did,I first taped a rope to an arrow then shot it over the pole then tied a milk crate to it and pulled it up to the cat with a can of tuna in it but he wont get in any advice would be appreciated,power company said its against their safety policy and the fire dept. said if they come out there they will shoot him off with the fire hose and maybe he gets lucky
thanks in advance and no I can't climb up there,pics in the morning
It is a cat. No way he is getting in the crate till he thinks it was HIS idea. Leave the crate in position and go away for a bit if at all possible. Take the food out last thing you want when scared is a burger right? Same with your fella. You aint sleeping bro...
Call the power company, pretend your your own neighbor and tell them that your powers out and theres sparks shooting out of the pole. Then tell them that your asshole neighbor and his wife have been outside for hours shooting arrows at the pole and throwing crates up there which is probably why the powers out. :lol:
update 3 am cat still on pole probably not for long its starting to rain.Poor guy is having a helluva morning
Call the power company, pretend your your own neighbor and tell them that your powers out and theres sparks shooting out of the pole. Then tell them that your asshole neighbor and his wife have been outside for hours shooting arrows at the pole and throwing crates up there which is probably why the powers out. :lol:
thats the one Im gonna use if he still wont come down
ask yourself, have you ever seen a cat skeleton in a tree?
You do know what happens to animals that die in trees right? You know about the post mortem phases a body goes through, and scavenging right?
Unless they died digging their claws in, or above a y in the tree, they will most certainly fall and be scavenged, or be scavenged then fall.
Your reasoning is lacking and less than reassuring, lol. And now this post is out here making some cat lady cry lmao.