Human Settlement on Mars

I saw this article today and found it worthy of posting here...
wow, very interesting and possibly workable technology...

Firm behind Apple’s Spaceship HQ reveals plans for Nasa-backed 3D printed Mars habitat built by robots
  • Will be built by three different kinds of robots parachuted to the surface of Mars
  • Will house four astronauts and be built using regolith – the loose soil and rocks on the surface of the red planet

Fuck, why wait until we get to Mars? I want me a hobbit hole right here! I bet that it could dramatically reduce construction costs, as well.
I will eventually see the movie, but I cannot recommend the book strenuously enough.
IMO, books are almost always better than the movies upon which they are based.
wouldnt the moon be just as good ?? i mean closer can be built quicker or is it the aliens living on the other side that we do not see will not have it ???
Is NASA working with 20th Century Fox to promote a new film?????
Did NASA time its Mars announcement to coincide with 'The Martian'?
Ridley Scott: 'I knew there was water on Mars months ago'

Director of The Martian was shown photographs of water flows by Nasa ‘about two months ago’, but by then it was too late to include the information in the plot of the Matt Damon film
Yikes, a real life Andromeda Strain....oh no!!!

Martian microbes are a more urgent danger than little green men
There is an urgent need to develop the technology required to make sure future landers are not the bringers of bacterial doom. As humanity embarks on a search for Martian life in the brine, we must ensure that our methods are ethically watertight.

I will be interesting to see how they deal with electricity. Like how much wind is on Mars and solar energy.will there be new methods of renewable energy by then?
Wow, just simply wow!

'What do you mean no-one has been to Mars?' Scores of people believe blockbuster movie The Martian is based on a true story

  • New movie The Martian tells the story of an astronaut abandoned on Mars
  • As most people know, humankind has never set foot on the Red Planet
  • But dozens who watched the film thought it was based on a true story
  • One tweeted: 'Sometimes I'm smart, and sometimes I Google "is The Martian based on a true story"
  • Sci-fi flick has been praised for being almost entirely scientifically accurate

Read more:
Wow, just simply wow!

'What do you mean no-one has been to Mars?' Scores of people believe blockbuster movie The Martian is based on a true story
  • New movie The Martian tells the story of an astronaut abandoned on Mars
  • As most people know, humankind has never set foot on the Red Planet
  • But dozens who watched the film thought it was based on a true story
  • One tweeted: 'Sometimes I'm smart, and sometimes I Google "is The Martian based on a true story"
  • Sci-fi flick has been praised for being almost entirely scientifically accurate

Read more:

With luck, this movie will inspire a generation of people who will make it their life's work to colonize Mars- so they can abandon Matt Damon!
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Hopefully these people will be more inclined to read the book before or after seeing the movie.

Although before is decidedly better.

Three Reasons To Read 'The Martian' Before You See The Movie

If you know a movie is based on a book, you pretty much know ya gotta read it first. Can you imagine seeing Dune without reading it first? How about the Lord of the Rings movies? Yeah you'd be able to follow along, but you'd miss do much nuance!

Exception; the hatchet job Hollywood occasionally performs on perfectly good books, like 'Exit to Eden'. Like kink? Read the book. Don't like the book? See the movie. Like the book? DON'T SEE THE MOVIE, LOL
I remember hearing in a universe documentary that people who went into space experienced severe bone issues when they returned home.

This is correct; a microgravity environment absolutely strips the calcium right out of your bones unless you can stress them sufficiently.

That's why there's all those videos of astronauts running against bungee cords and such, to try to maintain not just muscle tone but to strain the bones enough to encourage them to retain calcium.

This only applies to microgravity; once you land on the Moon, Mars or anyplace with substantial gravity, these effects lessen dramatically... according to current space medicine, anyway. The fact is that no one has spent years on the Moon to find out... Yet.
I read the Martian back in 8/15

and endured the movie

all it did was changed my mind on how useless the current Nasa system is

we gotta raise the stakes and forget national ego and the need to pollute shit ...always

I say lets go to the earth twin(forget its name) further away but its go air/water/and a sun also gravity

looks like nuke war is going to happen with the arabs so Dover to Darwin is screwed

do you want that type of shit in space in say 50 years?
Once the mining of precious metals start on Mars we will have our first trillionaires.

Me, personally could give a shit about Mars or what's up couldn't pay me enough to go up there.
Don't know if you have seen this, but it's a great explanation of why we should go to mars.

Goddamned right, and rise to the challenge!

I feel strongly like I'm working right now to build a better tomorrow for just those people he spoke of; our great grandchildren. I don't even care if they remember my name, it's enough that they thrive with the help of my small contribution.
Once the mining of precious metals start on Mars we will have our first trillionaires.

Me, personally could give a shit about Mars or what's up couldn't pay me enough to go up there.

I'll go. NOW. And damned right I'll grow and smoke the first Martian chronic!