nice/better pictures, buds? first time got this far


Well-Known Member
hello, once again, i used my video camera to take pictures instead of digital camera and the pictures turned out alot clearer then the digital....first time i ever got this far w/ a plant, the other plant was a male....this one has no little sacks (seed like) coming off it...only the things on it are the things in the pictures....are these the buds? and this is female, correct?(just asking just to be 100% sure.)



Well-Known Member
yeah there female. why are they so wet? if your sprayin water on them stop it will make the hairs turn orange prematurely


Active Member
I would start cloning 2 and start veging them, by the time these are done you can flower your clones.


Well-Known Member
I would start cloning 2 and start veging them, by the time these are done you can flower your clones.

i've never cloned that just cutting a leave off the main plant and just sticking it in a different pot and it'll grow a brand new plant?