Help a Swedish grower :)


New Member

I'm a newbie grower and I have a problem (I think)
I'm growing Indoor
Temp is at 28 Celsius
The plant is about 2,5 weeks
Just ask if you have a question!
Sorry if my English is bad! :)
looks like she could use more light. very stretchy.

i used to do a lot of business in Ahus years ago.
to me it looks a bit wilted from over watering. Make sure it is not standing in stagnant water at the base. Your pot should feel light before watering again. It may also be root bound and may need to be put in a bigger pot.

A picture of the whole plant and a little bit more information is needed.
to me it looks a bit wilted from over watering. Make sure it is not standing in stagnant water at the base. Your pot should feel light before watering again. It may also be root bound and may need to be put in a bigger pot.

A picture of the whole plant and a little bit more information is needed.

I always feel at the pot so it feel light.
Hear it a pic of the plant!
It's a sour diesel
The pot is 19cm

Is their some thing more you want to know? :)
that picture looks pretty good. maybe a small fan blowing on it will help strengthen the stem.

now that the whole thing is visible, does not appear to have anything 'wrong' with it.

i think maybe the only thing it suffers from is an over anxious excited new grower. ;-)
just a light breeze. too much and you will "wind burn" your plant... everything in stride brother.

slappna av och glad växer!