Workaholics: Posts from the Office...

Where you at? I could used some 'lightly tenderized' venison.

Northwoods of WI.
View attachment 3583601

my favorite little tree at the end of myfavorite little stream.its actually wider than i am long. it holds ne perfectly
there are about a dozen of what i guess finches dancing about along the water
i think itll be a perfect spot to read a book and burn some

That looks peaceful, love the little creek.
Speaking of road kill.
A couple of years ago a lady hit a brown bear here with a full sized suburban @ 55.
The bear made it into the woods & Fish and Game tracked it for quite a ways before they lost it - no blood trail it just flat got away from them.

The truck was totaled.

And people ask why I won't go out & about unarmed. o_O

I pick up a black bear every now and then, bear are no fucking joke. Had to put a winch on the trailer for some of the beasts I have to pick up.
Work day done!

Cheers everyone, you deserve a nice, cold, Kokanee*

Photo on 2016-01-11 at 4.46 PM.jpg

*Not actually a representative of Kokanee. No slanderous material from this point on should in any way effect your life or the taste of your beer.
Car office all day today - driving!

It's fuckin freeeeeze out. -21 according to me car. Sheeeeeet.

But, dressed like a grown up. Damn.

Have a terrific day everyone!

Photo on 2016-01-12 at 9.31 AM.jpg
my work for today was calculating min/max morph/codeine content per gram of poppy seed.

hoping to end up with just 20-30mg morph equivalent. ive estimated 100-150ug per gram. i have 175grams

my work for today is done...
lets see how off i am... proceeding to ingest

Your job sounds interesting.

I did a bit of that jazz in school. Chemistry and psychopharmacology.

Super cool stuff.