SinCity Seeds Info Thread

Good stuff mate, I'm in a similar spot right now too, done the large scale before, the smaller cab is where I'm at. I had 13 plants to start with and was expecting 4-5 males...ended up with only 2, which is awesome, but now my cab is chockers lol.

Yeah honestly I prefer a small cab grow to a larger scale. Much easier to keep a perfect environment for the beauties and far easier to handle the work load of keeping em happy.

Awesome female ratio, hope my luck is as good as yours.
early riser or late to bed mo?..i been up since 3am...insomnia....:shock:...hey NGR is threatening a sincity drop soon...hoping @ last they bring in some sinmint cookies, i keep missing the wagon when its released
Lol early riser mate, was 5am over here ;) sorry to hear about your insomnia mate, I get it pretty bad myself sometimes! Mmmm I wouldnt mind another pack of sinmints too....damn, I'm pretty broke though...

Yeah honestly I prefer a small cab grow to a larger scale. Much easier to keep a perfect environment for the beauties and far easier to handle the work load of keeping em happy.

Awesome female ratio, hope my luck is as good as yours.

Totally agree mate, a lot more control over the environment. Man, the female ratio was out of control this time, love it!!

Good to hear. Will prepare my bank account for the rape.

Ha ha ha I'll be caressing mine thoughtfully, in the hope it will open its legs and $50 bills will come out....otherwise it's wallet rape!
I just started some aliens nightmare and frozen tangerines from scs. looking pretty good so far, anyone had any experience with either of these? any advice is appreciated!!! but with all the talk of sin mints i'll be sure to get some IF they become available!!
Lol early riser mate, was 5am over here ;) sorry to hear about your insomnia mate, I get it pretty bad myself sometimes! Mmmm I wouldnt mind another pack of sinmints too....damn, I'm pretty broke though...

Totally agree mate, a lot more control over the environment. Man, the female ratio was out of control this time, love it!!

Ha ha ha I'll be caressing mine thoughtfully, in the hope it will open its legs and $50 bills will come out....otherwise it's wallet rape!
lol im in wombatland too....:bigjoint:
lol...everything here either bites stings or in general makes life a bit of a misery...creatures may look cute & cuddly...but try grabbing a possum then they are not so cute or cuddly, and koala's are just STD riddled queer fuckers, the noises they make are not cute at all, but are a good template for stuffed kids toys i guess
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lol...everything here either bites stings or in general makes life a bit of a misery...creatures may look cute & cuddly...but try grabbing a possum then they are not so cute or cuddly, and koala's are just STD riddled queer fuckers, the noises they make are not cute at all, but are a good template for stuffed kids toys i guess
Ha ha ha spot on dude, couldn't have said it any better :)
Ahh good ol' wombatland, where at any time, you could come into contact with one of the ten deadliest snakes, the deadliest spider, be kicked by a kangaroo on steroids or get nailed by a drop bear lol :-D

Never heard of a drop bear, had to look it up. Learn something new every day. Gotta give props to you Aussie buds. I scream like a little girl when I see a little house spider..
Never heard of a drop bear, had to look it up. Learn something new every day. Gotta give props to you Aussie buds. I scream like a little girl when I see a little house spider..
Ha ha good on ya for looking it up mate, us Aussies tell all tourists too look out for them, even if they don't exist lol.
We do have some nasties here, but most of the time they are well hidden, so nothing to really worry about :)