Donald Trump

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We want legal Mexican immigration. Ignored from here on out.

Tired of your retarded misrepresentation of me. Now I won't have to see your slanderous hateful spew. Have fun in the sand box.

My husband and mother in law are mexican. Bye.
You might want to put me on ignore too. UB had it right. Your meandering list was a bat shit crazy regurgitation of conservative hate speak. You don't even recognize the racism or bigotry that goes on behind it.. As Churchill once said to a woman that scolded him for being drunk, "in the morning I will be sober but you will still be fat and ugly". You can put people on ignore but you will still be a dumbass.

Your idea of rounding up and deporting ALL people who are here illegally is completely whacked if one considers how large that effort would take and how intrusive it would be to everybody living here, legally or not. Also that wall is an economic and ecologic nightmare.

Just for once, check facts. Illegal immigrants do pay taxes, for example. Just google "myths about illegal immigration" and in less than a minute you will be refuted on this.

So, go ahead, if you don't like rough treatment for dumb statements, start cutting off people that might call you out. After a while, you will only find people that agree with you. You will be happy then.
Oh and here's the even better part. Donald Trump says we're not going to pay for it. He's going to make Mexico pay for it. Tell me, how do you think we're going to force Mexico to pay it? Are we going to...

A) Put an economic embargo on Mexico until they buckle and pay for the wall?
B) Are we going to invade Mexico and force them to pay for the wall?

If we go with plan A we cripple one of our largest trading partners and one of our energy suppliers. The net effect of this would be crippling the US economy at the same time. Then again, this is par for the course for the Republicans.

If we go with plan B we open up a shit can of worms, but then again this is par for the course with the Republicans - getting us into a war that we can't really win in a fucking desert.

Having a husband and a mother-in-law from Mexico I would've thought you'd be smarter than this.
I was not talking about trumps plans. I don't know how he intends to do it. He has to become president first to try.

I was talking about how I thought the issue needs to be resolved.

My mother in law came here legally on a work visa and then applied for citizenship.
We want legal Mexican immigration.

so only mexicans immigrate here?

another dead giveaway that righties make.

i understand you cannot rebut anything i said about the inneffectiveness of deportation, or the fact that half of all illegals (of any nationality) come here legally, or the fact that immigrants, even illegal ones, only add to the economy

You might want to put me on ignore too. UB had it right. Your meandering list was a bat shit crazy regurgitation of conservative hate speak. You don't even recognize the racism or bigotry that goes on behind it.. As Churchill once said to a woman that scolded him for being drunk, "in the morning I will be sober but you will still be fat and ugly". You can put people on ignore but you will still be a dumbass.

Your idea of rounding up and deporting ALL people who are here illegally is completely whacked if one considers how large that effort would take and how intrusive it would be to everybody living here, legally or not. Also that wall is an economic and ecologic nightmare.

Just for once, check facts. Illegal immigrants do pay taxes, for example. Just google "myths about illegal immigration" and in less than a minute you will be refuted on this.

So, go ahead, if you don't like rough treatment for dumb statements, start cutting off people that might call you out. After a while, you will only find people that agree with you. You will be happy then.
There is no racism in my heart. I don't have to hang around someone who goes looking for a fight instead of a debate.

So ignored.

I never said all the people deported. Most families would not be deported. Actually much would be given amnesty so long as they applied for citizenship.

Without a work visa or committing the crime of identity fraud, they are not paying taxes.
There is no racism in my heart. I don't have to hang around someone who goes looking for a fight instead of a debate.

So ignored.

I never said all the people deported. Most families would not be deported. Actually much would be given amnesty so long as they applied for citizenship.

Without a work visa or committing the crime of identity fraud, they are not paying taxes.
Bye, have fun in your echo chamber.
Mexico will fold because they don't want companies moving BACK to the U.S. where doing business will be cheaper.
Mexico is not even the hardest one. China is a much tougher nut to crack, but with the right nogotiators, we won't have to see hundreds of billions in trades deficits with various countries. Free trade is a good thing, but if they don't buy our stuff, and we buy all their shit. It's kind of lopsided don't you think? How are we supposed to make America great again when we have stupid people running our country?

Mexico 45-50 billion trade imbalance annual
Japan 70 billion
China over 500 billion
Oh bother.

Again personal attacks on opinions of who is right and wrong.

Silly business this politics section.

I totally like talking. Discussions.

Flaming another member because of a difference of opinion is...for lack of a better term - fucking retarded.

They're just opinions kids. Like assholes, everyone's got one.

I enjoyed reading all your opinions. The ones I can see anyway.

Oh bother.

Again personal attacks on opinions of who is right and wrong.

Silly business this politics section.

I totally like talking. Discussions.

Flaming another member because of a difference of opinion is...for lack of a better term - fucking retarded.

They're just opinions kids. Like assholes, everyone's got one.

I enjoyed reading all your opinions. The ones I can see anyway.



I was not talking about trumps plans. I don't know how he intends to do it. He has to become president first to try.

I was talking about how I thought the issue needs to be resolved.

My mother in law came here legally on a work visa and then applied for citizenship.

In human history, we've only built a wall that size once. 2,000 some miles along China in a campaign that went on for centuries. Most any engineer will tell you that this little plan is implausible and even Trump has dialed back to "1,000 miles."

A professional engineer wrote, " Trump’s border wall, if built as he has described it, would be one of the largest civil works projects in the history of the country and would face an array of challenges not found when constructing 95-story skyscrapers."

Let's look at some realities here.

"Twelve million, six hundred thousand cubic yards. In other words, this wall would contain over three times the amount of concrete used to build the Hoover Dam — a project that, unlike Trump’s wall, has qualitative, verifiable economic benefits.

Such a wall would be greater in volume than all six pyramids of the Giza Necropolis — and it is unlikely that a concrete slab in the town of Dead Dog Valley, Texas would inspire the same timeless sense of wonder.

That quantity of concrete could pave a one-lane road from New York to Los Angeles, going the long way around the Earth, which would probably be just as useful.

Concrete, of course, requires reinforcing steel (or rebar). A reasonable estimate for the amount of rebar would be about 3 percent of the total wall size, resulting in a steel volume of 10,190,000 cubic feet, or about 5 billion pounds. We could melt down 4 of our Nimitz-class aircraft carriers and would probably be a few cruisers short of having enough steel."
Oh bother.

Again personal attacks on opinions of who is right and wrong.

Silly business this politics section.

I totally like talking. Discussions.

Flaming another member because of a difference of opinion is...for lack of a better term - fucking retarded.

They're just opinions kids. Like assholes, everyone's got one.

I enjoyed reading all your opinions. The ones I can see anyway.

I am wondering or can i ask your opinion ??? lol how many glasses of wine till i get you into the sack haha just think we can be sitting laughing at all the members on here
In human history, we've only built a wall that size once. 2,000 some miles along China in a campaign that went on for centuries. Most any engineer will tell you that this little plan is implausible and even Trump has dialed back to "1,000 miles."

A professional engineer wrote, " Trump’s border wall, if built as he has described it, would be one of the largest civil works projects in the history of the country and would face an array of challenges not found when constructing 95-story skyscrapers."

Let's look at some realities here.

"Twelve million, six hundred thousand cubic yards. In other words, this wall would contain over three times the amount of concrete used to build the Hoover Dam — a project that, unlike Trump’s wall, has qualitative, verifiable economic benefits.

Such a wall would be greater in volume than all six pyramids of the Giza Necropolis — and it is unlikely that a concrete slab in the town of Dead Dog Valley, Texas would inspire the same timeless sense of wonder.

That quantity of concrete could pave a one-lane road from New York to Los Angeles, going the long way around the Earth, which would probably be just as useful.

Concrete, of course, requires reinforcing steel (or rebar). A reasonable estimate for the amount of rebar would be about 3 percent of the total wall size, resulting in a steel volume of 10,190,000 cubic feet, or about 5 billion pounds. We could melt down 4 of our Nimitz-class aircraft carriers and would probably be a few cruisers short of having enough steel."
I'm not talking about trumps wall.

I was talking about what I thought would be a good idea. Fencing... cameras, road. You point the camera out to catch people approaching fence. Send out a car to intercept.

Technology has advanced enough were we just need better detection (distance camera can monitor) and a mild deterrent to slow them so vehicles can interecept.

I am sharing an idea of mine. What I think. NOT TRUMP. ME.

Now what do you think would be a good option to detecting illegal immigration?
You might want to put me on ignore too. UB had it right. Your meandering list was a bat shit crazy regurgitation of conservative hate speak. You don't even recognize the racism or bigotry that goes on behind it.. As Churchill once said to a woman that scolded him for being drunk, "in the morning I will be sober but you will still be fat and ugly". You can put people on ignore but you will still be a dumbass.

Your idea of rounding up and deporting ALL people who are here illegally is completely whacked if one considers how large that effort would take and how intrusive it would be to everybody living here, legally or not. Also that wall is an economic and ecologic nightmare.

Just for once, check facts. Illegal immigrants do pay taxes, for example. Just google "myths about illegal immigration" and in less than a minute you will be refuted on this.

So, go ahead, if you don't like rough treatment for dumb statements, start cutting off people that might call you out. After a while, you will only find people that agree with you. You will be happy then.

So you are worried about a large effort. You can relax because some people don't mind a little hard work. It will get done. TRUMP!
For many years, Mexico’s leaders have been taking advantage of the United States by using illegal immigration to export the crime and poverty in their own country (as well as in other Latin American countries). They have even published pamphletson how to illegally immigrate to the United States. The costs for the United States have been extraordinary: U.S. taxpayers have been asked to pick up hundreds of billions in healthcare costs, housing costs, education costs, welfare costs, etc. Indeed, the annual cost of free tax credits alone paid to illegal immigrants quadrupled to $4.2 billion in 2011. The effects on jobseekers have also been disastrous, and black Americans have been particularly harmed.

The cost of building a permanent border wall pales mightily in comparison to what American taxpayers spend every single year on dealing with the fallout of illegal immigration on their communities, schools and unemployment offices.

Mexico must pay for the wall and, until they do, the United States will, among other things: impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards – of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico [Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options]. We will not be taken advantage of anymore.

I am wondering or can i ask your opinion ??? lol how many glasses of wine till i get you into the sack haha just think we can be sitting laughing at all the members on here
I don't drink much anymore. I would have 2 glasses of wine and pass the fuck out. I assure you, I'm WAY more fun in the sack awake. hahaha

(oh wait, wrong thread)

It's all totally dependant on your massage skills.

Oh, and cock size. All about the cak.

but mainly massages. I'm a massage prostitute. Love me a good masseuse.
Are you avoiding the question of how many Jews died in the holocaust ???? I mean many claim that these gas chambers were in fact sterilization places lets face it , when people are around a war , Dead people famine etc,, disease out breaks do occur rather Quickly ...
I was asking my Father when he immigrated and landed in Halifax harbor ??? he to had to get undressed and into a room to be sterilized
Dam surprised Jews have not extorted Canada as also a gas chamber country lol and claim Canada killed millions of Jews also ??

But hey lets not beat around the Bush
The claim that 6 million Jews died during World War II is wrong.

During the war period, before and shortly afterward, 5 million Jews went to Israel, and the Jewish population of North America increased from 4 million to 6 million.

Jews also went to Brazil, Argentina, Australia and other nations. This accounts for the decrease of 6 million Jews in Europe.

The world Jewish population was 15 million circa 1929 but it reached an estimated high of 18 million in 1989, an increase of 16%, which would have been impossible if 6 million Jews died in World War II.

I know uncle poopy pants Truth Hurts
I don't drink much anymore. I would have 2 glasses of wine and pass the fuck out. I assure you, I'm WAY more fun in the sack awake. hahaha

(oh wait, wrong thread)

It's all totally dependant on your massage skills.

Oh, and cock size. All about the cak.

but mainly massages. I'm a massage prostitute. Love me a good masseuse.
ok I'll start at your feet and work my way up I'll give you a good cak massage lmao
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