Heatsinks for DIY LED lamps

You're going for the 4x4(16 cob) bar set up...4 bars with 4 cobs on each. A great build and will do just what you are lookign for.

-Each bar will have four 48w 3590's running in the 55% range. So your looking at 21.6w of heat out of each cob...times four cobs...give 86.4w of heat for each sink to dissipate off.

-We were talking about the 5.88 profiles...great for either active or passive and favor passive. each inch of that profile has ~260cm2 of surface to cool. Recommended is around 110-120cm2 per watt of heat for passive cooling.

86.4heat watts x 115cm= 9936cm2 needed

9936cm needed divided by 260cm2 per inch heatsink = 38 inches of 5.886 profile heatsink is needed per four 3590's at 1400ma for passive cooling.

I would go with 40" to 45" bars to give you extra spread and extra cooling.
You could connect 4 bars together with some aluminum frame or L's and have only 4 big panels to deal with in a 10x10 room.

No questions asked that will replace a 1000w's of hps, gavita included.

do you fell the LSB9980 passively cool will work for the build?
as it looks like sager can get them with a store front in the OC can get drivers their too.

Sager Electronics Inc
Electronics Manufacturer
3611 S Harbor Blvd #205
(714) 754-7011
LA ? area right ?
I think there might be one here in the Sf bay area < ill look
here it is ;
2390 Owen Street
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Tel: (866) 588-1750 • 1.800.SAGER.800
Fax: (408) 588-1751
that's way cool shipping will be Cheeep & Fast 4 me
do you fell the LSB9980 passively cool will work for the build?

There will be many Mechatronix heat-sinks that should passively cool a 3590.

1x CXB3590 @1400ma (56% efficiency) has 22 heat/w.
Assuming 120cm²/heat W, 2640cm²/ or 264000mm² (Total cooling surface/Surface area) should be all that is needed.

Like the look of these two:

LPF8668-ZHC- 68849mm²


Hopefully they can do a clear version (no mounting holes) or even better CXB3590 mounting holes.
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There will be many Mechatronix heat-sinks that should passively cool a 3590.

1x CXB3590 @1400ma (56% efficiency) has 22 heat/w.
Assuming 120cm²/heat W, 2640cm²/ or 26400mm² (Total cooling surface/Surface area) should be all that is needed.

Like the look of these two:

LPF8668-ZHC- 68849mm²


Hopefully they can do a clear version (no mounting holes) or even better CXB3590 mounting holes.

yes like the look of them! going to ask what might be a stupid question but dose it matter that they are coated in black? and not bare..
yes like the look of them! going to ask what might be a stupid question but dose it matter that they are coated in black? and not bare..

its not "coated" its anodized, which provides better heat dissipation, cause of aluminum oxide structure . while some think black is better for black body heat radiation, its really insignificant.
what's better thick rods vs thin fins @ heat conductance ?
don't know if that's the right term to use
the heavy duty look/feel to the rodded ones I do like
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View attachment 3581790
LED Cooling ‑ Passive LSB9980‑B from MechaTronix
Shop now

$11.37 that's like 50% saved
Anyone tested them?

The lsb9980 specs say, 139261.22mm2...which is 1390.6122cm2

(1390.6122sqcm avaiable on that sink) ÷ (115sqcm per heat watt for passive) = ~12 heat watts that sink can handle.

At best you are looking at 3590's@700ma for those coolers. Half of what your plan was for, and will not work with the original build we talked about.
CDIWeb also carries the Mechtronix. If you call Whit Allen, he can give you recommendation on cooling. He was the one that hooked me up with the Coolbays (470 watts max) and checked cooling capacity for me. He has also gave me great pricing on drivers.
Anyone tested them?

The lsb9980 specs say, 139261.22mm2...which is 1390.6122cm2

(1390.6122sqcm avaiable on that sink) ÷ (115sqcm per heat watt for passive) = ~12 heat watts that sink can handle.

At best you are looking at 3590's@700ma for those coolers. Half of what your plan was for, and will not work with the original build we talked about.

OK thank you diy talk went well that's why you are the go to man as i start to order parts list.. what would be a good alternet round sink
I still think a wall of the 4' redbird led strips would be awesome for vertical or side lighting. I just can't afford to play with these and the monster COB's I have now. So simplicity and power win.