What am i doing wrong?

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Wow last time I go with words instead of emoji.

I didn't say "don't you remember" I asked "did he pay attention" and a follow up question "do/does he remember.."
Two honest to god questions. I wouldn't fucking blame a middle schooler for not paying attention, and if he never learned or doesn't remember the graph, what good does a bunch of letters do as an answer.
The only attitude/smartassedness/condescension in that comment is whatever your misfiring brains are perceiving and projecting.
So many of you people on here are failing horribly at reading. I mean half of you are jumping in just to jump in apparently and you are just making the situation worse.

Please point out to me in any LOGICAL way after rereading all this, how I am supposedly being a hypocrite.
And give me a real defensible reason as to why you don't answer a question with a question? That's what you were told to avoid backtalk in my school. You must've been one mouthy brat.

@mr sunshine is there a block thread/alerts button on Android phone?
You can block anyone from anything I think.. I Don't know how to do it ask sunni. Don't trip though if your not enjoying the conversation just disengage.
Wow last time I go with words instead of emoji.

I didn't say "don't you remember" I asked "did he pay attention" and a follow up question "do/does he remember.."
Two honest to god questions. I wouldn't fucking blame a middle schooler for not paying attention, and if he never learned or doesn't remember the graph, what good does a bunch of letters do as an answer.
The only attitude/smartassedness/condescension in that comment is whatever your misfiring brains are perceiving and projecting.
So many of you people on here are failing horribly at reading. I mean half of you are jumping in just to jump in apparently and you are just making the situation worse.

Please point out to me in any LOGICAL way after rereading all this, how I am supposedly being a hypocrite.
And give me a real defensible reason as to why you don't answer a question with a question? That's what you were told to avoid backtalk in my school. You must've been one mouthy brat.

@mr sunshine is there a block thread/alerts button on Android phone?
Read the first sentence of my first reply, easiest way to avoid this stuff
I agree. That was the point in my first post. A lot of threads spiral into this nonsense. Normally I don't get involved, but this one got the better of me.

i joined this site to help others and fallow my passion which is growing the Ganja but all i see is people arguing in all threads, mostly people who are only closet growers and who have little knowledge about growing, starting to think it wasn't such a good idea to join this site.....
thanks. Although your retrospective advice really doesn't help me on this occasion. Do you find it odd that Ricky Fitz would come straight out and ask Lester if he "partied" or "got high" in the documentary "American Beauty"?
You do know you don't have to reply correct.

The "ignore" button might be worth mentioning too.

Should you find a user so intolerable you want to argue and name call just don't stop posting use the ignore button or the report button

Don't try to "solve" the issue yourself it only gets your account in trouble you can't break rules because he said and she said

What I really enjoyed is how you guys ruined ops thread that was very nice of you
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