

Active Member
Get some backbone you idiot and grow it outside miles away from your parents who put a roof over your sorry ass! Can't believe anyone on here would advocate such fucked up behavior. You should thank your lucky ass they didn't turn you in. You are putting them and there home and lively hood at risk. Not to mention chance of incredible fines and lawyer fees. Quit thinking of only yourself and be a man and get rid of it,till you get your own place or find someone to store it for you!

Lol? My parents turn me in?! They are main stoners... bongsmilie

Ermmmm, but yea. I dont know, everyone seems sooo paranoid. (Understandable) But in the village i live in I know of 6 houses that grow... ALOT... Maybe its different in other countries... (England here).

Im thinking im gonna have to give my plants away :( and then take up growing at Uni. Thanks for all ya help.


Active Member
ive seen cops at so many near outdoor spots on my ways through towns or from work along the road they sit near trees. i bet you guys think its easy but they stink outside. plus how much do you think people wont walk within smelling range of your stinky plant for how many months yet since you'll b changing it to an outdoor light cycle

6 places to grow, sounds like you know plenty of people
6 places to grow, sounds like a big chance of FLIR pickup if they get warranted
6 places to grow, could make it 7 if u were able to convince your parents to research ways to hide everything even the heat signatures as they escape the building

spend a year or two doing nothing but learning what you want to do before you get picked up for something stupid


Well-Known Member
ok i am waiting for the high and mighty adults to lecture us on how people are asses for growing in there parents houses and how they brought us into the world and shit come on old and wise guys


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Ok... So I've got a small grow, in a cupboard. I am currently flowering (for about 2 days flowering) two plants under a 250w Red CFl and have a few clones under a 125w CFL (in different sections).

:S Kinda just got busted by a parents... They are cool enough with it, but it means that I have to get the plants out my room before next thursday.

I still want to be able to use my stuff.....

WHAT SHOULD I DO?! What would you do? :S I still have a week? Is that long enough? bongsmilie Or could I maybe plant my plants in a near by wood? etc?

:S Any help please! :joint:
How Old are You?

ok i am waiting for the high and mighty adults to lecture us on how people are asses for growing in there parents houses and how they brought us into the world and shit come on old and wise guys
How old are you?


Well-Known Member
what does age have to do with any of this were on a message board talking about pot

how old are you?

dont judge a situation that which you dont understand

this is a board where we help each other cultivate a psychoactive substance not give child raising advice


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
what does age have to do with any of this were on a message board talking about pot

how old are you?

dont judge a situation that which you dont understand

this is a board where we help each other cultivate a psychoactive substance not give child raising advice

I do understand that but you have to be 18 or older to be on here, so please just tell me your age.


Well-Known Member
Chiceh, obviously both of these clowns are underage! people reveal that they are underage here all the time, yet nothing gets done about it, I would like to see more proactive mods.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Chiceh, obviously both of these clowns are underage! people reveal that they are underage here all the time, yet nothing gets done about it, I would like to see more proactive mods.

This is where we need the help of our whole Rollitup community and report these posts. It is done unanimously so no ones who reported it. We have to put an end to the peeps under 18 here. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
considering the discussion topic of these message boards i will not reveal any personal information but can assure you that i am indeed of age.

i find it ironic that pot smokers such as our selves are arguing about such a silly matter. cant we all just get along?


Well-Known Member
what does age have to do with any of this were on a message board talking about pot

how old are you?

dont judge a situation that which you dont understand

this is a board where we help each other cultivate a psychoactive substance not give child raising advice

u funny.
truly funny.
Look we know u underage bra.


Well-Known Member
considering the discussion topic of these message boards i will not reveal any personal information but can assure you that i am indeed of age.

i find it ironic that pot smokers such as our selves are arguing about such a silly matter. cant we all just get along?
u trying to teach him to deceive his parents wat u mean?


Well-Known Member
well there really is no way to convince you that i am older that 18 so you can think what you want.

i mean if you cant tell that i am older then 18 maybe you should out the pipe down for a while


Well-Known Member
i dont need it.
if u 18+ good fo u.
u wouldnt be telling him how to deceive his parents.
If he wants to that he needs to figure it out on his own.
but a adult would at least say i dont condone u growin in ya pples crib.


Well-Known Member
ok i am waiting for the high and mighty adults to lecture us on how people are asses for growing in there parents houses and how they brought us into the world and shit come on old and wise guys

sorry u weren't doin wat i said u were.
but it's wrong to grow in ya parents crib tho.
Us? so you admit u growin in ya pples crib? Do u cause aint nobody on here gonna change ya mind.
Big risk tho kno that. I just hope fo ya parents sake u dont get them fucked ova fo a couple onion if bud
naw no lecture here just know that u wouldn't even get in trouble ya pples would.
Aint gonna go into it cause u wont listen neway.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
considering the discussion topic of these message boards i will not reveal any personal information but can assure you that i am indeed of age.

i find it ironic that pot smokers such as our selves are arguing about such a silly matter. cant we all just get along?

Who's arguing? I just asked a question that you have yet to answer.


Well-Known Member
this is going no where while i dont condone youngsters growing in there parents house i dont like people commenting on a situation which they dont understand


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
this is going no where while i dont condone youngsters growing in there parents house i dont like people commenting on a situation which they dont understand
I understand you are not answering my question. I completely understand the situation here. It may be you that does not understand how this works. Remember those rules you had to accept to post, go back and read them again please. :peace: