price of raw drugs by u

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Well-Known Member
Lol. Well I'm about Togo to narcotics anonymous classes and suboxone and methadone clinics and hand out some free dimes of dope with my number :)

just drive to Colorado springs near the Springs rescue mission.....tons of homeless meth/crackheads in that area ///i cant even get out of my car at the kum&go without those mofos askin for a dollar


Well-Known Member
just drive to Colorado springs near the Springs rescue mission.....tons of homeless meth/crackheads in that area ///i cant even get out of my car at the kum&go without those mofos askin for a dollar
True story though about opening up shop in Colorado. Everyone I know there says the coke sucks and all they got is shitty black tar heroin like California. I'm pretty sure I can take a gram of raw heron from Da chi and cut it into five grams and sell every point of a gram for 20$ and make a thousand dollars off a 70$ gram of dope


Well-Known Member
That raw powder number four dope us were it's at. Just cuz u can snort it it opens alot of doors to potential customers . Too many people.look down on I'v heroin use but won't hesitate to take a couple.bumps plenty of white middle class kiddos from the suburbs him me for dope to snort.


Well-Known Member
Thats Not true, It can definitely wreck families. My cousins wife left him because all he does is smoke weed all day while she works..Weed literally ruined his life.. When he was supposed to be job hunting he'd be at my house smoking weed. When he was dry he'd be in a bad mood fighting with his wife.. it was all about weed.. sure, he didn't look like a tweeker but he was still useless.



Well-Known Member
lol, are you a loser?

I smoke weed 4-17 times a day and make mad cash.
My house is paid for.

Why am I not a loser like that guy?

Have you ever sucked dick for weed?


Well-Known Member
why am i doing coke etc and not a loser. because some peopl let it take them
my *houses are paid for

pro tip. cocaine is just a coca extraction kin to hash oil. why is your weed plant magical. both are from a plant. coca plant itself gets you high, soak in solvent gives you the freebase ie different than making bho

ya i have seen weed take people. actually just like sunshines post or worse
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Well-Known Member
Thats Not true, It can definitely wreck families. My cousins wife left him because all he does is smoke weed all day while she works..Weed literally ruined his life.. When he was supposed to be job hunting he'd be at my house smoking weed. When he was dry he'd be in a bad mood fighting with his wife.. it was all about weed.. sure, he didn't look like a tweeker but he was still useless.
Sounds like your cous had a serious problem with depression

The weed was just a bandaid.

Mental illness can rear it's ugly head in many ways.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your cous had a serious problem with depression

The weed was just a bandaid.

Mental illness can rear it's ugly head in many ways.

Marijuana can trigger alot of issues as well ..that shit got me depressed as fuck at one point ... i just dont get how people can smoke so much in one day and not feel just groggy and nasty at the end of the day , i know I do
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