Obama is coming for your guns

If you were POTUS which car would you drive to take away peoples guns

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the supreme court already did, you literalist.

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56.

So if the government is the "people" then you favor keeping those kinds of weapons out of the hands of the government too?

If the government isn't "the people" and they are a ruling class with greater rights than the people....you are then a subject / slave.
If it's so unsafe, and terrible in this country, why the hell don't you just leave?
I'm sure nobody will miss your sorry ass.

Because we should't be forced from our country because we don't like how politicians are running it
The President of the United States has had enough of people shooting other people they don't know. He has decided to take direct Executive action to curb this insane kill fest that has taken over.

He has not publicly released his plans but I have insider info regarding what he is going to do.

1. He had Vice President Joe Biden fix up his '69 Camero and put in a new stereo.

2. He is going to use this car to visit every gun owner in the country to see if they are qualified to own their guns. There will be a written test, a gun cleaning test, an ammo knowledge test, and a target shooting test. If the citizen fails any of these tests then the President will take your gun and ammo away and sell it on Ebay.

3 Any citizens who still have guns after the Presidents visit will be required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and sign a loyalty oath or two.

Fair warning has been given.

Anyone in possession of a firearm while possessing cannabis is already a fucking criminal so why post this shit here? In essence they have already taken our guns away.
Because we should't be forced from our country because we don't like how politicians are running it

Ah --- so you do acknowledge it's people that make decisions. So by extension of that argument, at the heart of violent acts are humans, not inanimate material objects. Good point. So what's up with that "whacky messiah" of the loon crowd, why doesn't he get it? Sane, thoughtful people get it.

This country has a people problem; why doesn't the "great one" advocate something useful to actually address the problem, like purging that human element from society? What's with all his avoidance to deal with the crux of the issue?

I believe you're right, he's just a goofy politician.
Not sure I can remember having such a volume of words put in my mouth.

Jesus christ
Ok so now we have background checks online and at gun shows.

How can this be a bad thing? It's sure being twisted big time, obviously.
Ok so now we have background checks online and at gun shows....

Well there you go, an indirect admission by the head "loon" that people are the problem and not the implement. He's certainly not proposing a history check on the implement.

Don't kid yourself, this goofball is all about control. Did you catch his comment re suicide? What right does he, you or I have to interfere with anothers choice to end their life?

No doubt about it, this guy is a maniacal manipulator who preys on the weak minded. Be careful for what you pray for.

I'll believe he's serious about "fixing" something when he proposes legislation to purge the "fucked" up people that walk among us who actually use guns to do bad to others. Until then this is all a distraction.
Hope it's ok that I characterize your comments as hyperbolic fear mongering, not at all as reality-based assessments
Hope it's ok that I characterize your comments as hyperbolic fear mongering, not at all as reality-based assessments

What's not reality?

You believe inanimate objects produce thought? That suicide is not a personal choice? That bad people shouldn't be purged from our society?

Or is it that the goofy "prof" is not all about control, because he knows what's best for you?
What kinda bullshit are you babbling about for shitsakes.

Anyway, background checks seems useful to attempt to slow legal guns to criminals
Ok so now we have background checks online

How can this be a bad thing? It's sure being twisted big time, obviously.
Anyone buying ANY firearms online today and in the past have to go through a FFL in their state.
Ok so now we have background checks online and at gun shows.

How can this be a bad thing? It's sure being twisted big time, obviously.

The California terrorists bought their handguns legally and would have passed a background check. This law would not have stopped them from obtaining weapons.

How much time did Obama spend on the speech talking about reinforcing background checks on marriage visa's?