pay a visit manFck it man im doin it now before i cant and she dont mind so fck it ... just me and 1 mate for now but sure see how that goes
gis an oxy to smoke lol trying to remember the feeling, smoked any good opium recently Rambo?
Fck it man im doin it now before i cant and she dont mind so fck it ... just me and 1 mate for now but sure see how that goes
pay a visit man
go for it irish before ya get too old mate or some bird traps ya with sprogs.
Thats it man hav to do it this yr fuk knows wen ireland be bak at the euros ha
best not to get past the spew stage ime lolno mate i tried the indian stuff and also the spanish stuff and to me its just a weak smack buzz, which really is what it is opium-morphine-smack im not too into that kinda buzz apart from the oxys strong smack just makes me spew bad yeah its a nice buzz but i carnt get passed the spewing Z lol thank fuck lol
oxy is the cleanest that sorta high you can get, hence why its alot more expensive than heroin.
Just got me some chiesel never tried before looks like it's done decent tho the 1st j will tell all lol
Very diesel smelling no cheese smell at all lighting 1 st one now if my face sweats I know it's good lolquite a nice smoke chiesel, lot stronger than straight cheese etc