Happy New Year!

This country was in the toilet long before Obama took office.

I don't want to see Hilary win either, but I have a hunch that she would be better than anything the Republican Party has to offer.

Bernie 2016!

Didn't put us in the toilet? A homosexual man now has more rights than you & if your a white man it's racist to say nigga. Hands up don't shoot, hmmm, never happened, so with black lives matters you now have the new black KKK. And all this was allowed to happen for his agenda. Still think our country isn't in the toilet. George bush taking the world trade centers down and the other building you don't hear about. Hmmm all because his vp made the biggest profit from invading Iraq "Halliburton". Still haven't found weapons of mass destruction. No wonder they wanna bomb us every chance they get. We pillage and loot their countries for oil, And give all our money to China & get raped by Japan. & to make it worse we sell body parts of fetuses for "research purposes"
If that's not the low of the low then I don't know what is.

Kush is My Cologne
A homosexual man now has more rights than you

They now have the SAME rights as you and I....as they should.

if your a white man it's racist to say nigga.

Uhmmm yeah, it always has been, no? That isn't something new.

Hmmm all because his vp made the biggest profit from invading Iraq "Halliburton". Still haven't found weapons of mass destruction. No wonder they wanna bomb us every chance they get. We pillage and loot their countries for oil...

Yep, I agree with you on that...but that wasn't the Obama administration. He hasn't been much better where this is concerned though. I'd love to see a president get us out of the Middle East and focus on securing our own borders and put an end to the war mongering. One of many reasons I support Bernie.
I love people who have shown respect not only for business but the people. I used to be a democrat BUT after almost 43 yrs I've learned that Politicians lie, all of them. Businessmen prove themselves by sinking or swimming. Trump is a PROVEN successful businessman and that's what his country needs. Not talkers, doers.
It makes me sad to see everything made in China or Japan. Let's make this country great again. I hate being anything but the best.

Kush is My Cologne
So I guess your gonna be one of the democrats that if sanders doesn't get the nod your just gonna help flush the toilet? How sad. I really think you should rethink that. An old man or a woman who doesn't care about nothing just like Obama. Take your hand off the flusher and help our country get back to greatness

Kush is My Cologne
Sorry, but I really hope to offend every Puerto rican & asian & Japanese or maybe a few cubans too, maybe some hillbillies and rednecks will hang their hoods up after this. Lmfao. Wow . stereotypes.
What do you call someone who buys into another governments way of being & thinking.? Something different or someone led and a follower. Ok I've had a few bud light platinum, judge me now Biotches. Lol luuu yaaa

Kush is My Cologne
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Didn't put us in the toilet? A homosexual man now has more rights than you & if your a white man it's racist to say nigga. Hands up don't shoot, hmmm, never happened, so with black lives matters you now have the new black KKK. And all this was allowed to happen for his agenda. Still think our country isn't in the toilet. George bush taking the world trade centers down and the other building you don't hear about. Hmmm all because his vp made the biggest profit from invading Iraq "Halliburton". Still haven't found weapons of mass destruction. No wonder they wanna bomb us every chance they get. We pillage and loot their countries for oil, And give all our money to China & get raped by Japan. & to make it worse we sell body parts of fetuses for "research purposes"
If that's not the low of the low then I don't know what is.

Kush is My Cologne
