Good you ask then!

You need an
amount of light as well as the
proper light quality - and the regular light isn't giving you the right quality, no matter the amount.
For the growth phase, of which sprouting is the beginning, you need a light that is more in the blue spectrum than a regular light is.
Look for 6500K on CFLs, and if you go LED, you need good coverage of the 420-480 nanometer range (someone who knows more about LED please correct me here!).
Or you could put them straight under your veg light but keep the light around 30cm away in the first days. If you see the stem beginning to stretch, then move the light closer.
As to amount, if you want a smaller lighting for these first days, that'S something I haven't figured out for myself yet so can't say what will be enough but not overkill.
So passing this one on - what do you guys say?