What has happen to all OMMP people?

Wow a few years ago OMMP was all over the internet? Now even on FB groups there are very few left? Where did every one go? I remember some one saying internet OMMP people are hustlers and they will be gone
soon because how they treat people and there fake two face ways….LOOKS LIKE THAT GUY WAS RIGHT!
I'm here and there since the legalization of recreational marijuana I have not renewed my card due to the fact if every house can grow four plants and not have to pay a fee then why should I as a patient with no income and can't work due to needing a total hip and knee replacement why should I have to pay and not everyone else
I'm here and there since the legalization of recreational marijuana I have not renewed my card due to the fact if every house can grow four plants and not have to pay a fee then why should I as a patient with no income and can't work due to needing a total hip and knee replacement why should I have to pay and not everyone else
You are a Mod on a Medical board and not even in the program any more?…lol….Medical will be gone in less then two years. The cost of the card is just to high in Oregon to keep the program going.
FWIW, I'm staying medical as 72 lbs of protection beats the hell out of 8 ounces of protection (though I can't imagine I'll ever hit 72#) Also medical gives me a bit more protection in my chosen growing spot as it can be argued it's in "plain view", toss in if the white house switches there's a chance there will still be medical even if recreational goes away... so, I'll pay the yearly protection tax ;) Not sure if I'd feel differently if I weren't a grower in a place where I couldn't buy legally if I wanted to though...
FWIW, I'm staying medical as 72 lbs of protection beats the hell out of 8 ounces of protection (though I can't imagine I'll ever hit 72#) Also medical gives me a bit more protection in my chosen growing spot as it can be argued it's in "plain view", toss in if the white house switches there's a chance there will still be medical even if recreational goes away... so, I'll pay the yearly protection tax ;) Not sure if I'd feel differently if I weren't a grower in a place where I couldn't buy legally if I wanted to though...
This is the very reason Medical is going to be gone soon, the only ones that will stay in it are the ones working it. The average guy that just wants to buy pot wont go threw all that shit to get a card, he will just go get his at a legal club. SSI & Welfare people who only pay $20 for a card may stay in it, but what do those people do for any thing but take? As soon as most of the people that pay the $200 plus to get a card are out, the program will be shut down by the government. Wait and see.
Medical will be gone in less then two years. The cost of the card is just to high in Oregon to keep the program going.

I've heard that before from others, but I'm not sure that prediction is what's actually happening. I was in a dispensary last week picking up clones, and that dispensary is going back to only selling to med patients. They said that the number of people applying for cards keeps growing every year, and they prefer that client base, so they are dropping rec sales.

I'm staying on the med side for a bunch of reasons. We do an outdoor in the summer... the difference between being able to have 8oz and 24oz on hand is huge when you do an outdoor. A summer harvest can carry us through the year, if want to go that route. Can't pull that off with rec numbers. Also, if you want to have a perpetual and/or sprout from seeds, the med system (up to 18 plants under 12") works better.

We're just legitimate OMMP -- one patient/one grower, very simple. For us, the flexibility is way more reasonable. It's definitely worth the price of admission.
I've heard that before from others, but I'm not sure that prediction is what's actually happening. I was in a dispensary last week picking up clones, and that dispensary is going back to only selling to med patients. They said that the number of people applying for cards keeps growing every year, and they prefer that client base, so they are dropping rec sales.

I'm staying on the med side for a bunch of reasons. We do an outdoor in the summer... the difference between being able to have 8oz and 24oz on hand is huge when you do an outdoor. A summer harvest can carry us through the year, if want to go that route. Can't pull that off with rec numbers. Also, if you want to have a perpetual and/or sprout from seeds, the med system (up to 18 plants under 12") works better.

We're just legitimate OMMP -- one patient/one grower, very simple. For us, the flexibility is way more reasonable. It's definitely worth the price of admission.

FWIW If you're doing outdoor as a patient AND a grower, you're actually allowed to have 72 POUNDS on hand vs 8 ounces (12 pounds per outdoor plant, 8 pounds for indoor plant, or 48 pounds if you only grow indoor) Note that's for people that are their own growers, else patients are just allowed the 24Oz mentioned.
FWIW If you're doing outdoor as a patient AND a grower, you're actually allowed to have 72 POUNDS on hand vs 8 ounces (12 pounds per outdoor plant, 8 pounds for indoor plant, or 48 pounds if you only grow indoor) Note that's for people that are their own growers, else patients are just allowed the 24Oz mentioned.


I've read every piece of information that the OMM system provides either on paper or on their website, but I have NEVER seen that before. Can you refer me to something... anything... from the state that says that?

It happens that my wife is both the patient and the grower. I am a "caregiver" and assist with the growing. We have no need for 72 lbs, but believing our limit was 24oz, last fall we were making butter and tincture as fast as we could, and doing partial harvests to make sure we only had what we believed to be our limit in dried flower on hand at any given time.

I would seriously like to see something from the State that gives those numbers, so thanks in advance for providing that.

I thought I read it all, but apparently by page 42 I was skimming at best. Or maybe "Effective 1 Mar 2016 per section 179" implies this was not part of the original law? I guess I haven't been keeping up.

Exactly, originally we (combination of the patient, the grower, and the caregiver) were allowed "only" 24 ounces in total (of either flower or hash/extract). With the other changes this year came the recognition that outdoor grows of marijuana produce much more than indoor, and that even indoor *could* in theory produce tons (8 pounds might require herculean efforts though.) They tightened the strings on people who garden for others to cut down on the grey market cannabis which... well, each person has an opinion on if that's a good thing or not. Possibly due to their involvement in said market... I'm pretty much ok with it IF patients were either guaranteed to be allowed to garden themselves / have their caregivers garden in their house (e.g landlords didn't have the right to evict patients for legally gardening in a safe manner) but shockingly, I wasn't consulted. I will admit after reading that section I had two different lawyers give me their take on things, as.... 72 POUNDS??!?!?! On the bright side, this means you don't HAVE to garden yearly. (For two years running I've been telling myself that this is my last year doing it mind you ;) )
That is great news, it will surely make the harvest much more relaxed. I expect over the next few years the laws will keep being modified and amended, hopefully it all gets better.

I wonder if the powers that be openly acknowledging how much an outdoor plant can produce, will in any way make its way to rec users. They can have four outdoor plants... but only 8 ounces at home? Those be some really, really small plants. Serious Bonsai work there. Oh well, maybe not a topic for this section of the forum.
That is great news, it will surely make the harvest much more relaxed. I expect over the next few years the laws will keep being modified and amended, hopefully it all gets better.

I wonder if the powers that be openly acknowledging how much an outdoor plant can produce, will in any way make its way to rec users. They can have four outdoor plants... but only 8 ounces at home? Those be some really, really small plants. Serious Bonsai work there. Oh well, maybe not a topic for this section of the forum.

It depends, there's a valid argument to be made that raising the recreational limits would effectively kill medical (though us medical self growing patients have far less restrictions on us than recreational home growers). However, my money is on yes, the rec limits will be raised in the next few years. I'm personally hoping for something along Colorado's route of not limiting "home grown" except for how many plants one can grow (which I'll note hasn't appeared to hurt their retail sales.) Still, early days as long as next occupant of the white house isn't anti pot we're in for a fun ride.
With the next set of politicians and what not its either legalized and most of us go broke....or back to a few with balls making a shit ton of cash with the fear of prison in the back of thier minds. Either one way or the other. I think the former is it. Our time is soon finished.
Specifically not an OMMP question... but I'm not sure where else to ask and find Oregonians who might know the answer...

There was a Recreational law that you can't grow pot within 1000 feet of a school -- a left-over parameter apparently because they used the existing MJ laws as a starting point for the new legal rec laws (and there was a stipulation that dealing in a "school zone" had a higher penalty than dealing elsewhere). I read somewhere that this was supposed to be changed/eliminated with subsequent revisions of the law - my question is -

Does anyone know of the school proximity clause has been eliminated yet?
Specifically not an OMMP question... but I'm not sure where else to ask and find Oregonians who might know the answer...

Does anyone know of the school proximity clause has been eliminated yet?

The 1k ft from a school was for recreational suppliers not recreational home grows (at least after the round up bill went through) for home grows recreational it just needs to be out of public view (not the case with medical grows). Note that there are at least 2 bills making their way through our congress (mostly to tweak recreational bits, but also one segment of one bill is set to allow people on probation and what not to use medical cannabis just like any other perscription drug.) So, for now, if you're asking for home grown recreational, there is no such limitation if you're asking for signing up to grow recreational, you'll need to ask the liquor people (though be warned whatever they say MIGHT change depending on how this shortened session of the legislature goes.)
@stsin -- thanks again for being so informed and sharing your knowledge! The summary of the original laws that appeared on OregonLive for instance, did not differentiate, they just said that no one (other than med growers) can grow within 1000 feet of a school.

Actually, my reason for asking is that gray area that maybe isn't gray anymore.... maybe that's another question...

In the first draft of rec laws, it was established that a "household" could grow four plants regardless of the number of legal adults living there. But, as I understood it, if one adult was a medical grower there was nothing that specifically stated that another adult of the household could not also have a recreational grow on the same property. The consensus interpretation of this unaddressed situation was that as long as you labeled what was med and what was rec and kept them separate, there is nothing for them to prosecute on since it is not explicitly stated that you can't do both.

Are you aware of any subsequent clarification on that?
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No worries, there's no official clarification on that yet. Officially the OLCC has no information on MMJ and the OMMP has no information on recreational. HOWEVER, the lawyers I've spoken to and all of the legal opinions I've heard on OPB say that if a MMJ patient who grows for themselves (or a standalone grower who has a patient) can grow the 6 "adult" plants from their med card, AND the 4 household plants. Ideally not in the same place, but I'm more than reasonably sure that even if you did it in the same place you'd be fine. Heck, even in my super anti marijuana community when I called in a report of the jacked medicine I wasn't asked to show my card because "it's legal now, so it doesn't matter". (But don't try to grow more than 10 unless you want to risk the side effects, if you need more types of cannabis try grafting :) )

I'll put it to you this way. I'm more cautious/paranoid than most and I plan on growing 10 plants to maturity outside this year. Oh, do note, even as a MMJ grower you're only allowed an additional 8 ounces of recreational cannabis not 12 pounds per plant (outside). But somehow, I think you'll cope ;)