Obama's executive order

I want people to have self determination and control of their property.

they already have that though. they can open a private store or a public store, or not open one at all.

what you want is a return to times when it was legal to deny service to someone based on their skin color. that makes you a racist and a racial segregationist.

and apparently, you are also unwilling to say pedophilia should be illegal. yikes.
they already have that though. they can open a private store or a public store, or not open one at all.

what you want is a return to times when it was legal to deny service to someone based on their skin color. that makes you a racist and a racial segregationist.

and apparently, you are also unwilling to say pedophilia should be illegal. yikes.

Can an individual delegate a right that he/she doesn't possess ?

Your whole ideology is neutered if you answer the question above honestly.
Can an individual delegate a right that he/she doesn't possess ?

Your whole ideology is neutered if you answer the question above honestly.

that's the thing, you still have a list of questions from me that you haven't answered.

you did answer one, though. you told me that your idea of peacefully denying service to someone based on their skin color was by use of a sign stating that you would not serve them because of their skin color.

two left to go:

1) who has ever been forced to open a dstore that is open to the public?

2) did denial of service to blacks cause harm, and can you show me one historian who agrees with you?

thanks, dickless shitbag.
First of all if i was a store owner i have a right to allow or not allow whom ever on my property that being said either a women openly breast feeding and distracting my business or some black guy listening to his jute box some rap tune in the corner ... again disrupting my business, so call it raciest call it what you want no matter what on my property you abid by my rules or get the fuck out plain and simple
And i am sure any cop that arrives would throw both of them on the street in a heart beat, so you could call them raciest as well lol but is it ??? raciest or not as a business owner its your obligation to protect and serve everyone with respect an dignity but anyone gets out of line no need for respect maybe some paid bouncers are n order to bounce anyone out
that's the thing, you still have a list of questions from me that you haven't answered.

you did answer one, though. you told me that your idea of peacefully denying service to someone based on their skin color was by use of a sign stating that you would not serve them because of their skin color.

two left to go:

1) who has ever been forced to open a dstore that is open to the public?

2) did denial of service to blacks cause harm, and can you show me one historian who agrees with you?

thanks, dickless shitbag.

You asked the most peaceful way for a person to notify somebody of their racist policy. I suggested notification of that be made clear. You then erroneously extrapolated that into my endorsing the ACTIONS of the property owner, their racism, which I don't.
I do endorse property owners determining the use of their own property, you don't.

1) The answer to this question is, the force is not in what or how you asked, it is already placed there by government by virtue of how they say property that is ALREADY private needs to be further defined. Which then makes the property less than private property and wrests control of it from the ostensible owner, by using threats for failure to comply.

2) The answer to the second question is laws which disallowed people to integrate certainly were wrong. Nobody should be forcibly threatened for associating with a person of a different race. Nobody should be forcibly made to associate with a person of a different race. Human interactions should be decided by the people involved on a mutual basis. not by third parties. Especially not by a third party (the federal thugs) that at one time SANCTIFIED slavery and segregation.

Okay Poopy Pants....now it's your turn.

Can a person delegate a right they do not possess?
1) The answer to this question is, the force is not in what or how you asked, it is already placed there by government by virtue of how they say property that is ALREADY private needs to be further defined. Which then makes the property less than private property and wrests control of it from the ostensible owner, by using threats for failure to comply.

in other words, you cannot name one single store that wad forced to be open to the public?

Nobody should be forcibly made to associate with a person of a different race.

in other words, you cannot name a single historian who shares your twisted, history-denying opinion that blacks were not harmed by denial of service, which you want to make legal again?
The answer is yes, they do it all the time. The question is should they be allowed to?

I think some people will not want to answer that question because to do so, it would expose they are believing in two opposing things at the same time.

It is a fundamental argument for proving government derives it's power from illegitimate means. I'm not surprised most people I asked run from the question. Thanks for playing along.
Hey Rob i think you got uncle buck stuttering looks good on him see Wake up call buck there is a difference between raciest and discrimination ?? See for instance and i am sure there are many stores public places you walk into that has a note usually by the till say something like “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.” is this raciest >???
And its legal
in other words, you cannot name one single store that wad forced to be open to the public?

in other words, you cannot name a single historian who shares your twisted, history-denying opinion that blacks were not harmed by denial of service, which you want to make legal again?


in other words, you cannot name one single store that wad forced to be open to the public?

in other words, you cannot name a single historian who shares your twisted, history-denying opinion that blacks were not harmed by denial of service, which you want to make legal again?
Normally me neither. I have no respect for this obsessive-compulsive race baiting POS.

It's OK for a black to call themselves or another black a "nigger", eh, but it's politically incorrect to correct them for their hypocrisy and sideways anger targeted at "the man".

Nah sah, can't have it both ways.

I appreciate your explanation. It's good to judge people on their deeds, not their race.
is Ground hog day the day jesus woke up and went outside and if he saw his shadow there be 6 more weeks of winter left ???

It's a reference to Uncle Bucks incessant requiring of answers for things that I've answered for him numerous times already. Sometimes I toss up a Bill Murray ground hog day meme , but this time I mixed it up.
you've yet to name one store that was ever forced to be open to the public, or one historian who agrees with your warped history denial.

Do you have the right to demand an association with a person willing to leave you alone? I don't.