Texas, the new haven for terrorists

Is Texas a new haven for terrorists?

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Well-Known Member
For the record, months ago our governor told Obama to shove the refugees with their embedded terrorists up his ass.
just days ago, he went begging obama for federal funds after your state got ripped a new asshole with tornados.

what's the matter, can't heal your own wounds and need to fed gov to do it for ya?



Well-Known Member
This coming from a retard that defoliates thinking buds just happen and are not made.

For the record, months ago our governor told Obama to shove the refugees with their embedded terrorists up his ass.
Your gov spoke out as the first voice of grovelling slime balls. All of them as bottom feeding and laughably misguided as trump.

"Embedded terrorists"...lol an idiot is hardly qualified to make an intelligence assessment. The radical right is more toxic to the USA than iany nflux of immigrants.


Well-Known Member
Your gov spoke out as the first voice of grovelling slime balls. All of them as bottom feeding and laughably misguided as trump.

"Embedded terrorists"...lol an idiot is hardly qualified to make an intelligence assessment. The radical right is more toxic to the USA than iany nflux of immigrants.
Because the radical right is against abortion? Seriously? Is the radical right bent on killing as many innocent Americans as possible?

I have an idea... Lets focus on who is actually trying to kill us...


Well-Known Member
Because the radical right is against abortion? Seriously? Is the radical right bent on killing as many innocent Americans as possible?

I have an idea... Lets focus on who is actually trying to kill us...


fucking republicans.


Well-Known Member
It never ceases to amaze me how liberals always ascribe superhuman speed and infallible accuracy to terrorist yo-yos, but seem to think highly trained U.S. citizens who have been using firearms since they were children, can't end the threat. In this case, the smart money is on the Texans.

Texas is now one of the safest states in regards to a terrorist attack. The terrorists will stick to blue states where they know they can rack up a good body count before they encounter anything more lethal than whimpers and liberals begging for their lives.
Isn't it always the right though that thinks that these Daesh will somehow sneak into the US, undetected, immediately amisdt a sea of refugees without having to wait two years, then immediately blend in with the Muslim community, and radicalize at least 50 of them, have them go into sleeper cells all around the US and commit 9/11 all over again?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Because the radical right is against abortion? Seriously? Is the radical right bent on killing as many innocent Americans as possible?

I have an idea... Lets focus on who is actually trying to kill us...
Some get very upset if you talk about taking away their abortions. It is not about compassion for a suffering woman.
The majority of abortions are oops pregnancies that would interfere with the woman's desired lifestyle. In a word, selfish.

Rape, incest, and medical emergencies should be the only reason for an abortion.

While the left says the right clings to their guns, the left clings to their abortions.

It's OK tho. Abortions don't cause death because fetuses aren't alive. *rolls eyes*

If each abortion was a murder in the eyes of liberals, they wouldn't be crying about the 11k gun homicides a year..


Well-Known Member
Isn't it always the right though that thinks that these Daesh will somehow sneak into the US, undetected, immediately amisdt a sea of refugees without having to wait two years, then immediately blend in with the Muslim community, and radicalize at least 50 of them, have them go into sleeper cells all around the US and commit 9/11 all over again?
I don't know about the "50 of them" and I've actually heard quite a few Democrats publicly voice similar concerns, but is there any part of your scenario, other than the "50", that is inplausible? Everything you described has either already happened or has been proven possible.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the "50 of them" and I've actually heard quite a few Democrats publicly voice similar concerns, but is there any part of your scenario, other than the "50", that is inplausible? Everything you described has either already happened or has been proven possible.
I just think it's funny that you say that liberals attribute all these super sneaky abilities to terrorists, when it's the guys on the right that are screaming and pulling their (not your my bad) hair out, pointing at anyone who remotely looks Arabic thinking, "It's a terrorist! They're here! They're hiding among all the Muslims!"
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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I just think it's funny that you say that liberals attribute all these super sneaky abilities to terrorists, when it's the guys on the right that are screaming and pulling your hair out, pointing at anyone who remotely looks Arabic thinking, "It's a terrorist! They're here! They're hiding among all the Muslims!"
I have a couple liberal friends. They are concerned too. It only takes 2-3 people and a drive to do harm to cause casualties. If they manage to make, plant, and detonate bombs they could cause a lot of death and destruction.

When the FBI has made so many terrorism related investigations and arrests this year do you ever think, maybe,there might be something to this?

Do you not believe reports? Don't listen to one source. Go to the official sources. The CIA, the FBI, And th CBO have reported and Obama has said something different from their reports.

If they say there is a problem and Obama/hillary says there is no problem.. who do you believe?


Well-Known Member
I have a couple liberal friends. They are concerned too. It only takes 2-3 people and a drive to do harm to cause casualties. If they manage to make, plant, and detonate bombs they could cause a lot of death and destruction.

When the FBI has made so many terrorism related investigations and arrests this year do you ever think, maybe,there might be something to this?

Do you not believe reports? Don't listen to one source. Go to the official sources. The CIA, the FBI, And th CBO have reported and Obama has said something different from their reports.

If they say there is a problem and Obama/hillary says there is no problem.. who do you believe?
I don't think it's correct to vilify and entire sector of our population for the actions of a few. US citizens have killed far more other citizens than terrorists have.


Well-Known Member
The majority of abortions are oops pregnancies that would interfere with the woman's desired lifestyle. In a word, selfish.
i would love to see a citation for that heap of horse shit.

the left clings to their abortions.
considering a third of all women get an abortion at some point in their lives, i'd be willing to wager that there are a ton of right wingers getting them too.

it's a statistical guarantee.

It's OK tho. Abortions don't cause death because fetuses aren't alive. *rolls eyes*
yep, we just love killing babies.

but unlike @Red1966 , we at least do it before the child is born.



Well-Known Member
If they manage to make, plant, and detonate bombs they could cause a lot of death and destruction.
or they can just get a semi automatic assault rifle and a drum of ammo and go shoot up a movie theater.

or they can take their momma's unlocked gun collection and go shoot up a classroom full of kindergarteners.

or they can take their dad's handgun with 33 round magazine and shoot up a safeway parking lot, only to be stopped once they go to change magazines.

wooooops, those were all white males.


Well-Known Member
so you are calling women selfish because they would not be able to care for dependents if they went through with their pregnancy?

kinda seems like the opposite of selfish to me.

ditto the second biggest reason, inability to afford a child. why are they selfish for not saddling the taxpayer with their child's costs, like you did?

i don't mind helping out medicaid families like yours, but why is it selfish of them not to saddle us taxpayers with that?