The UK Growers Thread!

deffo mate sounds like a move would be for the best, and when you no its the only option left thats making any sense get it done before all this ag around your grows etc gets you in the shit.

did you have a good crimbo then geezer?
Yeah not bad thanks kids was happy so I was lol u know how it is man haha skinted me tho was pissed last night n give mi peg a black ear threw a soft teddy but it had hard thing init fuk me a laughed when I seen it this morn highlight of year lol
You do out m8 or take it easy with the family?
Yeah not bad thanks kids was happy so I was lol u know how it is man haha skinted me tho was pissed last night n give mi peg a black ear threw a soft teddy but it had hard thing init fuk me a laughed when I seen it this morn highlight of year lol
You do out m8 or take it easy with the family?

lolol you evil git ''highlight of year''

my crimbo wasnt too bad mate was me 1st ive not spent with me kids so was abit strange i was down at me mums n sisters tho so was still a nice enough time just abit weird not seeing the kid on xmas day, see them on the 27th tho got me lil boy a 10'' tablet and me girl a xbox 360 with that kinect thingy they loved there presents so that was nice n the ex let me stay over n slip her one so wasnt too sad lolol
shes only 5 mate barely nos how to use a controller lol i got it more for the kinect cause shes into her dancing n gos to a few dancing clubs etc i had a go, fucking thing almost killed me lol
Lol u had goodun then man I'm glad n the kids love that just dance on kinect it's a killer tho keep inhaler handy me lol
My little 5 year old girl plays on my ps4 on gta no sound ofc she just likes getting in and out of cRs driven about

you carnt buy a 360 with kinect new nowdays too old ending up getting it from ebay 160 but was all boxed n looked good as new was happy with it anyways, came with a load of game gta 5 included my ex would fucking kill me tho if i let her play it lolol
My 9 year old boy loves gta he's got 4 and 5 for his 360. I don't believe this shit that games fuck with kids so I let him play whatever he wants, he's old enough to know it's just a game and not to say or do that shit in real life.
My 9 year old boy loves gta he's got 4 and 5 for his 360. I don't believe this shit that games fuck with kids so I let him play whatever he wants, he's old enough to know it's just a game and not to say or do that shit in real life.

i agree hulk but in the next breath theres a big difference in understanding from age 5 to age 9, i personally wouldnt want my 5yr old playing it aint just the its a game not real life thing but them cut scenes when they sniffing etc i dunno mate think they abit young for that.
Yeh that's true like I said she only runs about getting on out cars it eyes putting her on drive club the crew project cars ect but because u can't get out car she don't wanna know she started off just playing FIFA on the trainning ground
why all yous play that fucking filth?!? aka fifa!

pro evo is whats its about when talking footy games, got me a ps4 finally loving pro again reminds me of me youth lol fuck i been playing that game before it was even called pro evo and was winning soccer eleven lol
Ye Lil dots screen lol was the shit tho at the time
I just got a xbox 1 been playing that evil within shits scary for real had me jumping at 1st