Obama is coming for your guns

If you were POTUS which car would you drive to take away peoples guns

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CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
The President of the United States has had enough of people shooting other people they don't know. He has decided to take direct Executive action to curb this insane kill fest that has taken over.

He has not publicly released his plans but I have insider info regarding what he is going to do.

1. He had Vice President Joe Biden fix up his '69 Camero and put in a new stereo.

2. He is going to use this car to visit every gun owner in the country to see if they are qualified to own their guns. There will be a written test, a gun cleaning test, an ammo knowledge test, and a target shooting test. If the citizen fails any of these tests then the President will take your gun and ammo away and sell it on Ebay.

3 Any citizens who still have guns after the Presidents visit will be required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and sign a loyalty oath or two.

Fair warning has been given.
My sister had a 1970s Datsun B-210 .

It's too late. There are already more guns than can possibly be found and destroyed. I don't have the stats so just guessing but, there may be enough for everyone to have a few. And if she breaks out they will be laying around all over the place along with the fallout. Hell its just a gun. Damn. Like that's a big deal.

Anyway, even if they did in today's technological times people will collectively figure out how to make their own weapons in private. It is a bit harder to cause mayhem with a homemade bow. You could put food on the table with it tho.

I say lets all embrace the peace and love. Be gentle and friendly to our neighbors and use our tiny light collectively to brighten up the world and cure each other of this disease that causes such horrid violence.

I'm voting for Peace and Love in 2016.
Embrace peace and love? But it's more fun to make shit up and spread mindless fear.

Remember Y2k? Who amongst you idiots buried weapons and ammo back then for fear the govt would come knocking whilst you tried re-booting your computer ?

Do us all a favor and stay in your bunker
Embrace peace and love? But it's more fun to make shit up and spread mindless fear.

Remember Y2k? Who amongst you idiots buried weapons and ammo back then for fear the govt would come knocking whilst you tried re-booting your computer ?

Do us all a favor and stay in your bunker
I remember Y2K. My boss told me she was going to the bank and take out a gawd awful amount of cash. Just in case. I told her I was gonna buy lots of beer and smokes. And I did. :bigjoint:

I love u bro. Peace and love in 2016.
Nice cartoons to express your basal fears. You have a whole collection I see. Fearful little man

I detect some grumpiness. Please be nicer and try not to project so much.

Friends of mine had their parents executed in front of them, by "government" which had disarmed the populace. It's a little close to home for me.

Also, I'm not a little man.