The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I m signing off, cba
I'm goina get my rdwc system out next run and give it a go, I'll deal with the noisey pump somehow, probly just hook up 8 of the 12 pots under the 3 lights....need a change from these Wilma's, everything is cramped to fuck again
thank fuk... a real grower imo


Well-Known Member
That's the only reason I ain't got them was the fact u can't move them apart so think I'm going to try the auto pots just cos I have to be home at 7 every other day and it's. Killer my life gets planed out around my plants ffs lol


Well-Known Member
I m signing off, cba

thank fuk... a real grower, lol
Lol, I've grew a good few in single DWC buckets before so may as well give this a whack, one of the main problems is the water temp in pots, I'll have my main res outside the main room so should be able to work with it


Well-Known Member
That's the only reason I ain't got them was the fact u can't move them apart so think I'm going to try the auto pots just cos I have to be home at 7 every other day and it's. Killer my life gets planed out around my plants ffs lol
Don't get me wrong pomps, I've been growing in them for probly 6 yr, had good grows outta them but need a change and I reckon DWC is the way to go


Well-Known Member
u r the man re absent high yielding grows, ffs I cant wait to here what u can get if u pay them some attention
Haven't been away too much lately m8 and hopefully won't be so I'll have a bit more time, 8 big trained bushes. Won't be till after this crop and will probly be 8 gg


Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong pomps, I've been growing in them for probly 6 yr, had good grows outta them but need a change and I reckon DWC is the way to go
The way I was thinking was in my tent I can get 5 I. There nicely but with the Wilma v2 it just seem I'll have 4squashed together maybe I'm just over thinking it lol I'm still learning and wants to try every fucking think lol


Well-Known Member
N zeddd dex lab has been at it for ages..I'd to give up correcting n a few other randomers were trying to convince him that ripping off all the fan leafs wasn't a good idea as well as another load of crap.we all eventually gave up since he literally refuses to acknowledge any advice.since he's started here his given nothing but horrible advice...truly horrific dribble
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Well-Known Member
Yeh a lot of ppl out there given shut advice I used to read loads of shit for hours and be more confused after reading every thing then I was b4 I started


Well-Known Member
Same as myself man but this tit takes it to a whole new level. If you try to explain it to him why it doesnt work he turna around n says it works for me...ehat do u expect hes a sick plant as his avvi lol


self taught me, learn as you go.most time ppl give you advice on just wot they,ve read and not put into practice themselves, i take most advice wi a pinch O salt.


Well-Known Member
Fuckin escapades last night me lads our Kid got locked on a bike he bought and his mate flew round to telle so quickly got to grow house were he's staying and moved everything into the attic plus 16 cuts by time I finished and walking out the house the police turn up to search!
I thought fuk fuk fuk lol they searched and missed the attic thank god! I've been having some really close calls lately I'm not liking it one bit! Already wasted years of my life in them shitholes never again if o can help it lol


Well-Known Member
I know mg things are getting to close for comfort and the grows there cause I've no choice in the matter some jealous family member has already snitched me and that was only like 6 week ago or something but got lucky they didn't have a warrant so fucked them off and moved everything I think it was bad luck m8 this time he bought a push rod off some kid and police stopped him on it and nicked him and I can't stop dead I got bills man lol think I need to move town tbh too many jealous snakes where I am and I wouldn't mind but I never say boo to a goose any more always help everyone out if the stuck I never flash out off its ridiculous man