leaves look funky?


Well-Known Member
well he edited so my post looks a little out of place.

and no, i prefer to veg and flower under hps

research, learn to read your plants.
i gave you a hint with metal
Oops...i didnt mean to quote anybody except the OP and somehow i did...so tried to edit and failed...

Or did i? RIU was broken so...maybe me and my bong had no part in that fail...lol


Well-Known Member
Rising pH indicates the plants are using the nutes. It's OK to let it range up to 7.0 without adjusting it. If you start trying to lower it I will bet you get rebound rise. When do you change your res out?

Connoisseurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Rising pH indicates the plants are using the nutes. It's OK to let it range up to 7.0 without adjusting it. If you start trying to lower it I will bet you get rebound rise. When do you change your res out?
You don't think it could be a deficiency that started earlier and is getting worse with the rising ph... Lockout?

Other than that, my guess is a fucked up mutation.


Active Member
are the roots nice and white just looks like monster leaves to me hard to see anything in pic.
Roots are nice. I'm starting to assume they are monster leaves. I've grown Italian peppers that grew so well, the leaves had a similar funky look as well. But I maybe wrong. Lol


Well-Known Member
Looks like it's lacking calcium to me every leaf has rusty veins near enough the reason for lacking ca are many lockout improper ph drift not enough ca too much mg the list goes on but I think ca is the problem here

Connoisseurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Looks like it's lacking calcium to me every leaf has rusty veins near enough the reason for lacking ca are many lockout improper ph drift not enough ca too much mg the list goes on but I think ca is the problem here
That's what I was thinking earlier, but it doesn't look like a lockout. Granted, if calcium gets locked out it will lock out other micro nutrients as well, but it looks to be the entire plant and not just newer growth.

Maybe a flush is in order in case there's a salt buildup wreaking havoc, but it still seems like genetics to me.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think too much N locks out Ca which would explain the cabbage look and the ca Def and in dwc the nutes are a lot more available to the plant I've had a few plants look like yours and it was to high of an ec causing it everything

I would resume feeding at reduced levels and wait for new growth to be nice before bumping again


Well-Known Member
yes too much n will lock out ca. this ca in solition will bind with p, forming insoluble calciumphosphate. n tox can cause ca and p def.

but thats not really whats happening here

before i go further you need more light fpr starters...
now notice the tye shaped narrow bases, edges of leaves arent fully formed and distorted, growth is rosetting and you have "little leaf" along with banding cupping and veinal chlorosis.

i can promise its not genetic.

also when a plant is feeding, ec or ppm drops, ph isnt a good indicator

should atleast get you on the right track

also pay attention to ph swings, if it rises just a bit you lock out metals which need an acidic environment to stay in solution.....ok now im helping too much

good luck
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
yes too much n will lock out ca. this ca in solition will bind with p, forming insoluble calciumphosphate. n tox can cause ca and p def.

but thats not whats happening here

before i go further you need more light fpr starters...
now notice the tye shaped narrow bases, edges of leaves arent fully formed and distorted, growth is rosetting and you have "little leaf" along with banding cupping and veinal chlorosis.

i can promise its not genetic.

also when a plant is feeding, ec or ppm drops, ph isnt a good indicator

should atleast get you on the right track
It's like a quiz lol what do i get if I win?
Healthy plants in the future

Al have another stab qwizo lol

The only other thing I can think of to cause this is over water but he's dwc maybe high res temps and lacking oxygen? I want to know what u think it is qwizo lol

Connoisseurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Phosphorus deficiencies usually manifest as a generalized under-performance of the plant. Leaves may develop a bluish tint. Phosphorus assists in nitrogen uptake, so symptoms of phosphorus deficiency are often similar to a nitrogen deficiency. An overdose of phosphorus may cause iron and zinc deficiencies.

- See more at: http://www.cannabis.info/us/abc/10006880-cannabis-nutrition-macro--and-micronutrients#sthash.X7BIymoC.dpuf

A few of those leaves look like they could be a bluish/darker tint.


Active Member
Here's a few more photos. Training these ladies to be fat bushy bitches young. I think I've come to a conclusion. Might be a salt build and excess nutes. Saw some dried up water from over filling the buckets and boy were they salty lookin. All white stains. And also, I remember at a full blown stage of bloom, these girls couldn't even handle 1000 ppm without burning up. The leaves right now are actually super dark green, which i dont think is a good sign either. Leaves are really shinny too for some reason. The smell is pretty incredible for these little guys though.

