Well-Known Member
When I was a kid, my dad always had 2 dogs outside and usually 2 in the house as well. Throughout my life living with my parents it was like that. Dogs are much better companions than humans. Always happy to see you and they certainly understand feelings. Any time in the past, when I had a dog, and was feeling like shit, that dog always knew. Fucking love dogs. Six years ago when my 1st was born my wife started tripping about dog hair so she gave my dog away to her friend, but instead of telling me that, she said someone picked her up when she was outside. I put the fear into this whole family when I sat them all down and said, that dog means more to me than any of you here, if I feel shitty that dog knows, you cant even pick that up!! Told me then she gave her away. I was fucked for months, just because of a sweet little smart dog.....
Man I am sorry for the rant. Could have used a dog to calm my ass down these last few months thats for fucking sure.....
You're a good man for staying with her after that. I do believe that after completely flipping out and getting my dog back I would've given away all of my girls belongings. Boots, coats, whatever. Probably would've just set them on fire. It would break my heart to think about my dog being sad and confused at a strangers house. Over some dog hair...pshhh. Sorry, that's not meant to be insulting, I just care for dogs the same way you do. There is no kind of love/connection like that of a dog.