

Well-Known Member
someone will come along and explain it. But as long as you have good ventalation, you should NOT have to add co2. from what ive been told. i still give them a shot with a mini propane burner i have once in a while.


Well-Known Member
When using co2, how exactly does this work and how is it beneficial??
CO2 when used properly will increase the amount of foliage growth. CO2 just depending on your intake only provides a small amount of CO2 ppm's. If you decide to use co2 enrichment with your grow remember the lights need to be on for at lest an hour so the stomata (pores) under the leaves are able to process it. Also if you are using a intake and exhaust system. Use Co2 when your intake is on and not your exhaust on.


Well-Known Member
CO2 when used properly will increase the amount of foliage growth. CO2 just depending on your intake only provides a small amount of CO2 ppm's. If you decide to use co2 enrichment with your grow remember the lights need to be on for at lest an hour so the stomata (pores) under the leaves are able to process it. Also if you are using a intake and exhaust system. Use Co2 when your intake is on and not your exhaust on.
How much co2 does it take and at what periods?
Yeah, so the intake would need to be on and not the exhaust when using it?


Well-Known Member
just so you know growers in amsterdam do not use co2. i think soma said that in this months high times. i figure we should do what they do since thats our mecca and all.... they said it had to do with overall taste or something


Well-Known Member
Well the ideal range for a 10 by 10 space would be roughly 2,200 ppm. Periods were you referring to the time of day. I do not have a set schedule I just use it when I know that my lights have been on for at least an hour because the pores of the leaves are already open. Intake being on will supplement co2 enrichment alot of methods that do not use the propane method seem to generate 1,600 ppm and if you add it to your intake then your co2 will fall under the ideal range of 2,200 pm without using a co2 meter. If you use co2 when the exhaust is on it will expell the co2 you are trying to generate faster than the plant can utilize it. I use excellofizz tabs really expensive but it does wonders for my plants. Has a nice eucalyptic smell to it and it deters spider mite growth.


Well-Known Member
Well the ideal range for a 10 by 10 space would be roughly 2,200 ppm. Periods were you referring to the time of day. I do not have a set schedule I just use it when I know that my lights have been on for at least an hour because the pores of the leaves are already open. Intake being on will supplement co2 enrichment alot of methods that do not use the propane method seem to generate 1,600 ppm and if you add it to your intake then your co2 will fall under the ideal range of 2,200 pm without using a co2 meter. If you use co2 when the exhaust is on it will expell the co2 you are trying to generate faster than the plant can utilize it. I use excellofizz tabs really expensive but it does wonders for my plants. Has a nice eucalyptic smell to it and it deters spider mite growth.
How long do you leave it on for? Or do you just give it a breather?


Well-Known Member
If you are referring to my intake and exhaust set up. I leave the intake on 12 hours while the exhaust is off for 12 hours. When my exhaust sytem goes on for 12 hours my intake is off 12 hours. If you are referring to the excellofizz tablets then I wait till the next day before cleaning out my cup and then placing a new puck portion again.


Well-Known Member
If you are referring to my intake and exhaust set up. I leave the intake on 12 hours while the exhaust is off for 12 hours. When my exhaust sytem goes on for 12 hours my intake is off 12 hours. If you are referring to the excellofizz tablets then I wait till the next day before cleaning out my cup and then placing a new puck portion again.
How is the outcome?