Energy up in Smoke: The Carbon Footprint of Indoor Cannabis Production


Well-Known Member

Okay first these howls are from the far right of our societies. Assholes all who cry about anything and everything that would interfere with them making a single penny. They hate nature, hate the EPA and capitalism rules. So long as you can pay you can play here, eh? Amazing the abilities pot gives people without ever using it. Now they are all concerned about the environment. And some on here growing the shit turn around and vote for chickenshits spewing this crap.
The last time I checked I pay my own electric bill so fuck anybody that doesn't like my "power consumption" right in his/hers ass. I use more power heating my house with a very small portion that goes to growing. I can hardly tell by my bill that I'm even growing. Yeah, small grow, 630 -1040W 12 hours a day. Why is it okay to run industrial equipment and light billions of useless lights? Because they pay they're fucking bills. Also if LE wasn't flying around checking for outdoor grows we'd all be a lot happier. How about their power use wasting gas and tax money searching for a plant that doesn't do anything wrong? That's the real waste.
My city runs hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) of hid watts every night just to make sure people don't do drugs around certain buildings and schools.

Plus, it's not illegal to grow indoors. Even if they knew you're doing it, they don't know what you're growing. If you pay your bill, it's none of their business.
how much you pullin?
is that one harvest per year?
i need about 800lbs a year but i cant do something like that, i wish it wS legal here... i think were all jealous lol...
but you know this ;)
lol. i knew someone would say something about that, i shouldve left that out my comment.

i deliver 20lbs every 2 weeks to san marcus. then like 5-10 every 2 weeks in atx