Hindu Kush (Nirvana) Germinated 7-31-08


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone.
I'm new here. I've been poking around the forums learning what i can. This will be my first Hydroponic grow, but I've grown outdoors many times.

so heres the setup. I've ordered a Hydroponic kit (Killer Green) that came with a T5 fluorescent light. you can check it out here. T5 FLUORESCENT GROW LIGHT & 8 PLANT HYDROPONICS KIT hps - eBay (item 190240704183 end time Aug-05-08 13:20:06 PDT)
(Anyone ever use this before???)

I also got some seni bloom and sensi grow nutes.

And i will be buying a 400w hps for flowering.

OK. I germinated 4 Hindu Kush seeds from Nirvana (took 9 days usps) today. I used the germination kit from Germinationkit.com. All went well i believe.

I hope to get at least 2 females to clone from as i will be doing a SOG grow. I will be planting the seeds in pots of soil, then make clones from them to put in my Hydro system. I will be needing 1 more 8 plant hydro kit, to get a harvest every 4 weeks.

I've also never cloned before, but i've been doing A LOT of reading on the subject, so any help when it comes time, would be very much appreciated.

I'm posting some pictures of my grow area, and the germinating seeds.

What do you guys think??



Well-Known Member
I have one of those dwc but different. mine uses four 5'' pots, bought from same store. My first hydro as well! check out my journal and feel free to ask me questions, I'm going to try cloning also but I got an aerocloner for that.:peace:


Well-Known Member
2 seeds didn't germinate yet. The two that did are looking pretty good. I put them in cups today. I used some organic potting soil. the ingredients are; forest products, peat moss, vermiculite, pumice, bone meal, blood meal, cottonseed meal, alfalfa meal, and worm casings. The bottom of the cups have 4 holes each, and i put in about 3cm of vermiculite before i put in any soil.

I also bought a 100 watt grow CFL that puts out like 1,100 lumins, or thats what the packaging says anyway.....who knows. but it seems to be working good.

My goal here is to get at least 1 female for cloning, and keep it vegging for as long as possible. I guess i have a 50% chance for each plant, but thats not enough, i wish my other seeds would germinate. I hear it sometimes takes up to 14 days. I know i wont be using the germination kit from Nirvana again. I've had much better success using paper towel.

Haven't gotten my hydro system yet, should be here early next week. I'll post pictures when i get it.



Well-Known Member
I have one of those dwc but different. mine uses four 5'' pots, bought from same store. My first hydro as well! check out my journal and feel free to ask me questions, I'm going to try cloning also but I got an aerocloner for that.:peace:
Hey Caddy.
Thanks for the comment. I read your journal, and your plants look great. I'm a little concerned about the p.h. level problems you were having. It was because of algae right? I saw that you put some black plastic over your unused pots. I plan on doing something similar because i wont be using all 8 pots at the same time, since I'm a MM patient as well, and I can only have 6.

I have been thinking about buying an Aerocloner. But I'm a little low on cash right now, maybe in a month or so....


Well-Known Member
here's an update..

the stems on these HK plants are super skinny. I put the CFL down pretty close to the plants, and they seem to like it. hopefully that helps fatten up the stem, and stop them from stretching so much.

still nothing at all on the 2 other seeds i put into the germ kit that i got from nirvana. Im about ready to dig em up. i'll wait just a few more days.

I've also decided that the res in the hydro system that i have is way to small for 6 or more plants. So im building one with at least a 30 gal res.



Well-Known Member
13 days old...

You can see my problem pretty good in the pictures. Yellowing leaves, and burnt tips. I havent been using any ferts, just watering with tap water.

I finally got a P.H. Meter today. The water I was using was at like 8.8 P.H.. I lowered the P.H. to 6.3, and added some nutes called Schultz plant food plus. It's 10-15-10. I watered with it today. hopefully it helps.

is there anything else i can do???



Well-Known Member
ya switch, i wouldnt be using nutes just yet, take a look at my journal .... my clones are all 3 weeks old and i dont plan on using nutes till there 1 month old. id wait until they get a bit stronger. and since your using CFLs put them real close to the plants ... id say a few inches away. the only way the leaves will burn is if they CFL is like a hair or two away from the leaf. when i first started i used CFL's but ive switched now and have noticed better results.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah and also, you mentioned you were going to buy a HPS for flowering .. if you only by the HPS .. i think youd probably be better of using it for both cycles rather then starting with CFLs.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys.

Yeah i havent been using nutes at all untill yesterday when i noticed the prob with the plants. it must have been the high PH of the water i was using. I'll stop using nutes.

These CFL's are just temp. I have a t5 that i ordered about a month ago from KGhydro and its finally coming in the mail monday. I hope it helps.

those pics were right after i watered. I let them go usually for 3 days without watering.


Well-Known Member
yeh no more nutes let it air out, maybe a flush?
if that doesen't work u may wanna stop using tap water even if ph'ed cuz of the chlorine it could mess up ur soil just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
just watered for the first time in 4 days today. normally its every 3 days. still not looking very good, although i did get my t5 on them. i've been watering with water around 6.1 ph. and 18 hours of light. i put a fan in there today for a little breeze. there is new growth on them, and the stems are turning from purple to green.



Well-Known Member
anyone know any cheap ways to raise the humidity of my room??? I thought back to my mycology days, and i remember using perlite for humidity, so i filled a yogurt tub with water and put some perlite in. will this help??


Well-Known Member
sorry i havent updated in a while. I left town for a few weeks. I had a friend watching the plants, I came back to them horribly root bound about a month ago. since then I have transplanted. they are doing great (other than a little nute burn) 2 1/2 months old now. i've taken 16 cuttings from them so far. im posting a pic of 8 of cuttings in a cooler. temps stay between 75 and 85 mostly around 80 though. humidity stays at 91%. The cooler works better than i could have imagined.

If these clones do well i may just bud the moms:eyesmoke:

watcha think??????



Well-Known Member
Hmmm I would clone em and start over with some fresh seeds. More light will give you more bushier plants. Mine are somewhere near 21 days and there pretty bush (Snow white). Just a thought...


Well-Known Member
damn the clones are rockin'!!

Put em in my home made DWC and they are loving it. root growth seems to double every day! crazy.

my p.h. is at 5.8-6.1
and my ppm is at 617
im gonna change the res in about a week and i will raise the ppm to like 700-800

the moms are getting ridiculous, they are like 40 inches tall, and one has 4 top cola's, because i snipped the top and used it for a clone. they are looking great.