HB's 2nd Run: COB LED + Kessil w/ Grape Stomper OG

A depressing note: It seems as if one of the plants is just not ripening. It is the plant that I SUSPECT had my super soil mix in it. I don't think the soil had much life in it when I put it in (Hadn't tended to it in a bit, no turning, no new carbs for over a month). I'm not certain, as the marker I tied around the handle of the pot somehow fell off when moving it to the other room. However, the plant that had a mixed Ocean Forest/my soil layer seems to be pretty good. It's funny, because the only plant that didn't start yellowing at all, and had oily, shiny leaves, that was getting the benefit of a lot of light, is the one to give me this problem. I'll post pics of the growth rate comparisons tonight.

Also, I'm now thinking that it may have been a little cal/mag, but more than anything, it could have been a zinc deficiency. I use RO water, and it's possible I didn't have enough trace in my soil mix, which would lead to that. My new soil mix is cooking now and has generous amounts of azomite and GRD mixed in.
Yo man, that's a copper deficiency you're fighting, and buds won't fill out unless it's corrected. It's super weird, you almost never see a copper deficiency, must have been someone's last week at Fox Farms. I would suggest some azomite as a topdressing to get some of those missing micro nutrients without any risk of burning. I'm almost 100% sure you can turn this around if you act fast and give them an extra week.
Yo man, that's a copper deficiency you're fighting, and buds won't fill out unless it's corrected. It's super weird, you almost never see a copper deficiency, must have been someone's last week at Fox Farms. I would suggest some azomite as a topdressing to get some of those missing micro nutrients without any risk of burning. I'm almost 100% sure you can turn this around if you act fast and give them an extra week.

I knew it was a trace element! I had actually suspected copper as well, but without much reference, it was all speculation. Today is a watering day, so in it goes!
And there's a product called "rock dust" you should see if you can locate, really good source of micros and the porous rock is like a bacteria condo. I always pair the two in super soil blends for better composting.
I use a GRD/Neem mix at 3:1 in my base soil, but like I said, I was lazy with the SS (had planned on using 100% FFOF this run because I hadn't tended to, and ran out on the last 1.5 pots.).... I'll up the concentration in my mix.
Yo man I'm going to let you in on a huge secret handshake with super soil. Here's how to cook it in two weeks: septic tank pellets. Before you gag, look at what is in a bacterial treatment pellet (list of cultures on the back of the package) and then cross reference that with a commercial myco like Great White. Absolutely identical products, so what you do, get a coffee mill at a second hand store (they always have them), powderize like 8 fat pellets, and really mix the shit into your soil blend. Leave it in the sun covered, two weeks and you're shit is supercharged. Careful though, use one of those Oscar the Grouch tin trashcans to mix and store in, this shit gets hot in a hurry. Never be without SS again!
Oh, and mix up a healthy amount of molasses in with your water to feed the little creeps, turn once at the end of week one, let it sit for a week, and you're cookin with grease baby.
Fuck yeah, that's golden info. I'm in Michigan, so I'm not getting a hell of a lot of sun right now, but honestly, it makes sense to me, with the pellets. Think it would matter much if it was around 40deg outside? Figure the tin can would keep some heat in... Once a week carb feeding? Done. Making an ACE run tomorrow!

So, you're saying I don't want to use the coffee grinder I shred my every day beans with?! :eyesmoke:
Well, I guess you could if you wanted to blast liquid shit ready for waste treatment fresh from the tap. Honestly man, you could leave it inside if you have a tile floor or something that won't warp with heat and pressure. Like an unfinished basement floor or something, you really don't need the sun, the small nation of bacteria will produce plenty of oompf and you should still be done in two weeks, maybe just tack a day or two on.
Well, I guess you could if you wanted to blast liquid shit ready for waste treatment fresh from the tap. Honestly man, you could leave it inside if you have a tile floor or something that won't warp with heat and pressure. Like an unfinished basement floor or something, you really don't need the sun, the small nation of bacteria will produce plenty of oompf and you should still be done in two weeks, maybe just tack a day or two on.

Yeah, right now it's on a tarp in my back furnace room, mostly covered, on tile/cement. Thanks for the info, that's super valuable.
It really is man, I found that little pearl of wisdom on an overgrow thread probably 10+ years ago. Never seen mention of septic tank pellets since. You can cop some at any Tractor Supply Co. if you're wondering where to get the good ones. Don't just buy any old brand, they should all list the cultures on the back and have an old Great White or similar myco label handy to double check. I've never seen anything nefarious personally, but I can't tell you in total confidence that you won't.
Those are the funniest looking tops I've ever seen

I know, right? I've never seen anything like it. I have to assume it's a negative response to my 14/10 with 730nm at lights out experiment. Those seem to be the ones with the most saturation from the flood. I'm going to try putting it a little higher in the room, and not going to go past 13/11 next run...
I still think that the one plant in the back suffered due to lack of trace elements in my super soil, though. The two plants showed the same things, and they were the only ones that had that soil. I've got a fresh batch of soil I'm amending with another recipe. That'll be ready for the when I transplant my current veg plants (white fire OG and Headband on deck), thanks to Queece's tip.
Last update was a long one, but hey, it's a journal, right?

I'll have a lot of variables reduced next run, but at the same time, I'll be adding some. Since I only have 4 plants I'm vegging right now, I'm going to try the Octopot that my friend is using. He kind of modified it for a 10gal pot, not sure if I'll do the same. He loves them, and I think very highly of his opinion.

Anyhow, I'm thinking of bringing my mother tent into the filtered room and placing the two that don't seem as finished as the others (possible mineral def. - copper?) in for another week or so while I let the rest of the room sit in darkness for 24 hours. Will use the 2 COB rails to provide light in the tent, but I need to really figure out how I'm going to ventilate it.

Next run is 2 White fire OG and 2 Headband. They really like to bush... They're under some T5 right now, until I get the funds to build a COB lamp for the veg tent.