DWC - no roots still


Lisa (The long struggling seedling) (Water temps are from 21C to 23C - ROOM TEMP)

Day 1 : Pure Tap Water (no nutes & no ph adjust) (no leaves yet)
Day 2 : Pure Tap Water (no nutes & no ph adjust) (little tiny leaves 2)

(18 - 20 Liter Water in rez) - 1 week begin

Day 3 : 4x 1,5ml Micro, Bloom , Grow - PH adjusted to 5.5 - 6
Day 4 : (Cloudy water with smell in water level corners brown line) (refilled fresh water without 24h waiting so basically with chlore inside)
Day 5 : (clear water pure)

im handwatering the hydroton from top 2 times a day but i dont see any roots yet come out my water level is an inch below the net pot

the growth seems like stunned nothing happens i see 4 leaves the same size 3 days now
im in 18:6 schedule im so dissapointed from dwc i dont know what i'm doing wrong by the way for people i plant my seedlings direct in hydroton as the roots are long enough to not fall in bottom of my rezervoir since i read somewhere it can be directly planted without any rockwools or other pre mediums ...
Lisa (The long struggling seedling) (Water temps are from 21C to 23C - ROOM TEMP)

Day 1 : Pure Tap Water (no nutes & no ph adjust) (no leaves yet)
Day 2 : Pure Tap Water (no nutes & no ph adjust) (little tiny leaves 2)

(18 - 20 Liter Water in rez) - 1 week begin

Day 3 : 4x 1,5ml Micro, Bloom , Grow - PH adjusted to 5.5 - 6
Day 4 : (Cloudy water with smell in water level corners brown line) (refilled fresh water without 24h waiting so basically with chlore inside)
Day 5 : (clear water pure)

im handwatering the hydroton from top 2 times a day but i dont see any roots yet come out my water level is an inch below the net pot

the growth seems like stunned nothing happens i see 4 leaves the same size 3 days now
im in 18:6 schedule im so dissapointed from dwc i dont know what i'm doing wrong by the way for people i plant my seedlings direct in hydroton as the roots are long enough to not fall in bottom of my rezervoir since i read somewhere it can be directly planted without any rockwools or other pre mediums ...
if your water is 'smelly' and you are not using a sterilizer like h2o2, or a beneficial, then I can guarantee your water has bad bacteria in it, and it's stalling growth. You need to put something in there to kill the bad bacteria (bleach, h2o2, etc.) Personally I've had great success with using h2o2 to kill everything, then adding hydroguard after the h2o2 evaporates to keep the bad bacteria at bay. This is the most common problem in dwc. The water must be chilled, sterilized, or tea/beneficial added to keep it in check. It will always come back unless you constantly treat the water.
if your water is 'smelly' and you are not using a sterilizer like h2o2, or a beneficial, then I can guarantee your water has bad bacteria in it, and it's stalling growth. You need to put something in there to kill the bad bacteria (bleach, h2o2, etc.) Personally I've had great success with using h2o2 to kill everything, then adding hydroguard after the h2o2 evaporates to keep the bad bacteria at bay. This is the most common problem in dwc. The water must be chilled, sterilized, or tea/beneficial added to keep it in check. It will always come back unless you constantly treat the water.
any kind of h2o2 ? and is this added directly to the water ? how mutch do you add ?
i mean the % of h2o2 can it be any % ? or do i need specific for plants
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any kind of h2o2 ? and is this added directly to the water ? how mutch do you add ?
i mean the % of h2o2 can it be any % ? or do i need specific for plants
The kind I get at the hydro store is 29% and it calls for 3ml/gal. The kind I get is designed for plants so to speak, but you can use store bought h2o2, you just have to make sure you are adding the right ml/gal depending on the concentration of the h2o2 you buy. Yes, I just add it directly to the water. You have to keep adding every 2 days or so because it evaporates quickly.
The kind I get at the hydro store is 29% and it calls for 3ml/gal. The kind I get is designed for plants so to speak, but you can use store bought h2o2, you just have to make sure you are adding the right ml/gal depending on the concentration of the h2o2 you buy. Yes, I just add it directly to the water. You have to keep adding every 2 days or so because it evaporates quickly.
alright thanks !

can i ask you how long does it takes for you when the roots start touch the water level ? when you start your seedling in dwc

because i'm waiting now 5 days and its really like freezed in time my plant however looks healthy and has a pretty decent stem

is it worth wait 1 - 2 weeks more for the roots touch the water, or should i start a new seed
i dont know i need a system to speed up that root waiting for water level guys i mean the plant still looks same and no roots from net pot

dwc is considered as a fast growing method but that root waiting from net pot makes it again equal if not slower then soil

in soil i saw everyday an improvement in the plant
To start with, you can drown the bottom of your netpot in water. 1" under is totally fine. Growth seemed to come on faster (in the beginning plant stages) for me when I started doing that. Hopefully there is an airstone in the bucket.

Idk why you wouldn't pH your water from the start, you should. Then adding nutrients after a few days? Your plant may have been experiencing a bit of shock from the transplant, and the continual changes may be contributing to the stunted growth. Depending on the size of the plant and your tap water quality, your ppm may be higher than is necessary for a seedling.
Relax, and let the plant to it's thing in it's own time. Sometimes it can take weeks before roots drop from the pot so they are visible, other times it only takes days.

A good example is I take rooted cuttings from my cloner and basket them and depending on the strain it could take a week or two before the roots decide to drop.
Yeah you won't see roots anywhere from a week to two weeks, no worries. My last plants only took 8 days to show roots but my most current took almost 2 weeks, just depends

Always PH ur water... And get some hydroguard and clean ur res
I've had dirty hydroton that left the brown line, also root rot but you could just have some dirty hydroton that u shoulda cleaned up prior
i read somewhere that a top fed water pump can short this initial waitings by 1 - 2 weeks is this really a big difference when i water my hydroton 2 or 3 times a day by hand or the water pump 24/7

anyone tested the differences between 2-3 times by hand vs a water pump from top fed
i read somewhere that a top fed water pump can short this initial waitings by 1 - 2 weeks is this really a big difference when i water my hydroton 2 or 3 times a day by hand or the water pump 24/7

anyone tested the differences between 2-3 times by hand vs a water pump from top fed
i read somewhere that a top fed water pump can short this initial waitings by 1 - 2 weeks is this really a big difference when i water my hydroton 2 or 3 times a day by hand or the water pump 24/7

anyone tested the differences between 2-3 times by hand vs a water pump from top fed
i read somewhere that a top fed water pump can short this initial waitings by 1 - 2 weeks is this really a big difference when i water my hydroton 2 or 3 times a day by hand or the water pump 24/7

anyone tested the differences between 2-3 times by hand vs a water pump from top fed
Yeah you won't see roots anywhere from a week to two weeks, no worries. My last plants only took 8 days to show roots but my most current took almost 2 weeks, just depends

Always PH ur water... And get some hydroguard and clean ur res
I've had dirty hydroton that left the brown line, also root rot but you could just have some dirty hydroton that u shoulda cleaned up prior
i read somewhere that a top fed water pump can short this initial waitings by 1 - 2 weeks is this really a big difference when i water my hydroton 2 or 3 times a day by hand or the water pump 24/7

anyone tested the differences between 2-3 times by hand vs a water pump from top fedd
i read somewhere that a top fed water pump can short this initial waitings by 1 - 2 weeks is this really a big difference when i water my hydroton 2 or 3 times a day by hand or the water pump 24/7

anyone tested the differences between 2-3 times by hand vs a water pump from top fedd

I started with a water pump and dropped it because I saw no benefit, it was just more of a hassle because it was something else to deal with. Just water by hand, thats what I do when roots are taking awhile and I feel that I should moisten the rapid rooter.
okey, cool so i have to be patient but if i remember correctly soil was faster in early stage then dwc ....

Too bad you didn't have anther seed to do a side by side grow. I was a stubborn old school Pro Mix grower for many years until I did a side by side. No mo luggin' Pro mix fo me.
To the OP, I bet you have roots already, but it's going to take some time for the roots to go through the hydrotons rocks.

I received 3 clones in RW, had no roots at the bottom of the rw. I was told I had no chance in getting them to root.

I placed two in hydroton, and one alone without rocks or in a net pot.

Took me 1 week to get them to root, just top feed, once a day. The one without without hydroton rocks end up rooting faster..

Btw I used 1l of water mixed with great white powder..
So this might be a newbie question, but how exactly do you hand/top feed without a pump? Do you just pour water over the hydroton at the top three times a day that's it?
So this might be a newbie question, but how exactly do you hand/top feed without a pump? Do you just pour water over the hydroton at the top three times a day that's it?
That's correct.
I've never been one for those halo rings (look gnarly but call me frugal) so I just grab a pitcher of water and saturate the rocks, while paying particular attention to get water near the root crown but not directly on it. In theory, this is to further encourage those budding roots to look outward in their search for water.
Whether its actually what happens is unbeknownst to me; but I have noted consistently faster rooting in my clones.