Odour control.


Well-Known Member
Hello all i live in england and my room temp with light and fan on is around 20 - 28 degrees celcius. Its a very small cupboard 2 foot by 3foot and 6 foot tall. So im only going to have 1 plant.

My friend grows and he had 2 plants flowering and i couldnt even smell them unless in the grow cupboard, his was bigger. He never had any odour control.

I am worried about odour though as i live in a high rise flat with a lot of human traffic on my floor my plants are currently in veg but i would like to deal with this issue before it becomes a problem.

I have very little money so the cheapest options possible please also noise is an issue as closet is in the room i sleep in.
Ive seen diy acrivated charcoal filters which i think i could make but its the inline fan part im confused at how to make.
U know u could prob get a fan and filter for around 100£ if u have money problem and ur not that far into flower just wait and get the smallsst fan/filter its worth it. If you dont have 100£ wow dude i dont even know what to say :) good luck bro
U know u could prob get a fan and filter for around 100£ if u have money problem and ur not that far into flower just wait and get the smallsst fan/filter its worth it. If you dont have 100£ wow dude i dont even know what to say :) good luck bro

100 pounds is a lot of money, i think ill go the diy route you can build the whole thing for around 10 pounds. Ive seen a few tutorials which explain the inline fan issue i was unsure about.
100 pounds is a lot of money, i think ill go the diy route you can build the whole thing for around 10 pounds. Ive seen a few tutorials which explain the inline fan issue i was unsure about.
Well if that works better and is cheaper go right for it! :) good luck friend
Hopefully someone can point you in the right direction, my direction is straight to the store heh thats just me
I am worried about odour though as i live in a high rise flat with a lot of human traffic on my floor .

OnaGel works surprisingly well. If you can get a quart/liter jar of that (gel chunks sitting in liquid), you can leave the cap partially covered. Rehydrate occasionally with distilled water. At some point, you have pour more concentrated Ona Liquid in.

I use Ona when I open the tent during flower. Otherwise, just a carbon filter.

If you leave it partially capped all the time, be aware that it can impart some flavor to your buds if kept too close. I see it more as an additional layer of security, not a primary. But, if you can't afford carbon, it's better than nothing.
Hopefully someone can point you in the right direction, my direction is straight to the store heh thats just me

Yes i completely understand, i love diy, partly the fact it is generally a lot cheaper but also to admire something you made which serves its purpose.
OnaGel works surprisingly well. If you can get a quart/liter jar of that (gel chunks sitting in liquid), you can leave the cap partially covered. Rehydrate occasionally with distilled water. At some point, you have pour more concentrated Ona Liquid in.

I use Ona when I open the tent during flower. Otherwise, just a carbon filter.

If you leave it partially capped all the time, be aware that it can impart some flavor to your buds if kept too close. I see it more as an additional layer of security, not a primary. But, if you can't afford carbon, it's better than nothing.
ive never heard of ona gel, i shall look that up also, i was thinking what controls the odour when you open the grow cupboard up?? I was just going to douse my hallway with air freshener before i entered my grow cupboard lol.
This is one thing not to cheap out on.
Yes i understand but there are many who use diy versions who say the "odour is completely gone" after building and installing, id hate to spend a lot of money if a small amount can acheive the same result.
Nose blindness and underestimating a single plant smell are a no no. Odor control is not an area to skimp on do it yourself. A 4" inline fan carbon filter combo is well worth $125 especially in close proximity to other apartments. Try to vent it completely outside for optimal performance.
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You can get those little booster fans for heating ducts for pretty dirt cheap, I think 20 bucks here in Canada but I'm not sure what you guys have for stores in the UK that sell that stuff.I have seen a few home build vids on the net, guys are making em cheap and claim they work, just fire through some net videos and see what guys are doing.
To the OP: I would recommend dropping by the Indoor->LED forum before buying inexpensive epi-whatever fixtures.

T5HO tends to be a better investment. For example, the one mentioned probably draws 130w actual. For $90 you can get 95w of T5HO, a serviceable fixture which will last a lifetime, producing full-spectrum light, less heat.

One thing to inquire about with eBay and Amazon sellers is whether you can return the light to the shipper, or if it has to be returned to China. Some sellers are actually in China, but using a drop-ship service out of a port city like Los Angeles or San Diego. If you need to take advantage of the warranty, you'll be told to ship it to China -- which isn't feasible for a $75 product. Then they'll make an offer: you keep the light and they give you $10 back.

Just know what your options are. A lot of people end up regretting these lights. For example, MarsHydro is a popular brand. But, when you look at the better grows they run 60-90w/sq ft. That's more than T5HO or CMH (both of which will run cooler).

On the other hand, $75 isn't a lot to lose. As long as you know the options, the risks.
Ozium ordor neutralizer works pretty good. But for a dirt cheap way ( depending on your setup ) i clip Dryer Sheets at the exhaust ends of my tents. It kills the outside issue of odor. And have used ozium for interior if people are coming over. But NEVER add anything ( smells that your crop will absorb ) like frebreeze. I also have done odor cans ( disposable ) that you use in musty basements , just pop open lid and place in tent . Odor is greatly diminished.

Heavy cheese / Skunky strains are the hardest for me to rope in.

Good luck.