Club 600

New 6er in the making! Way to go Mrs. WHodats brother (does that make any sense lol).

Have fun on night shift D. Little Hannah has been having a blast on her first real christmas she can get excited for. Her big present is a drum !!! I may be absolutely insane soon from all the banging. I'm sure in a month I'll be ready to beat the idiot who bought it for her.... me. :)

Merry Christmas 600. :) 6 years of good time and good buds. This bowl's for you.... even has a little scissor hash on the top.
Good luck to whodats family on the CS.

Merry Xmas to all the 600 Family.

Saying that. I am on night shift so I may be popping in like a stoned Santa.
Merry Christmas

The time will soon arrive when you're the stoned santa staying up all night trying to put the presents together.....particularly when the toy has bolt holes in the wrong places.......after an hour or two of frustration, I finally figured out the problem and drilled new holes. I think I finished about 4 am.........he wore it out and I got him another one this year. The retailer said they had many returns because of the error.
I'm re-arranging the living room to accomodate his Christmas toys-a skee ball table and a two hoop basketball set....which will be put together after he is asleep.

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Hey Amber, Thanks. It's just 4 pineapple express been vegging for near 2 months
What light are those babes under? Looks like you could swap them to bloom very soon and easily fill out your scrog

Never underestimate the stretch....

My last bitches stretched over 2 feet.. You train those "2 feet" under a scrog and you fill out your net